Walk Through Hell


"Shit, Sam, quick, turn left here," I yelled from the back seat.

"What? Wh--"

"JUST TURN" I shouted.

She quickly shifted across two lanes into the turning lane and flew onto a street.

"Is there a reason I just did that?"

"I have band practice today at Mike's. I totally forgot."

She just kept following my directions.

When we finally got there, [15 minutes late] I thanked Sam for the ride.

Her and Ricky really wanted to go see some movie that was out, so me and Jake let them go.

I walked over to the garage and opened it.

"Nice of you to show up, Lex!"

"I'm here, aren't I? My car broke down." What, it was legit.

"Alright. We already set up."

So Jake sat on our couch next to Mike's girlfriend.

We practiced for about two hours before Mike said him and Sally [real name?] had to leave.

We all went inside and crashed on the couch.

I picked myself up and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and found some Coke. I grabbed four and a bag of chips. I saw some popcorn bags next to the microwave, so I made one of them, too.

By the time I got back, they were all sitting around the PS3. Playing rock band.

I rolled my eyes. "We just played for two hours. You have to come in here and play fake guitar and fake drums?"

They paused the game and looked at me. Jake and Chris were playing and Austin was watching.

"Jake wasn't playing," Austin finally said.

I sat next to him on the couch and handed him a Coke.

I rolled the other two in between the pair up front and unrolled the top to the chips.

I reached in for a potato chip and pulled out a cheetoh.

I raised an eyebrow, but ate it anyways.

"This is boring," I said. They were playing some lame hair metal song. Lame.

"What do you propose we do, then?" Austin said. He was really the only one paying attention to me.

"Wanna go mess with stuff?" I asked him.

"Sure," he replied boredly.

First we hit the kitchen. All we did was switch all the drawers around. Then we went up to Mike's room.

Mike still listens to tapes. It's the funniest thing. He's so stuck in the 90's.

We took apart all his tapes and flipped the little rolls inside. Not all of them, just the gay ones he'd be pissed when he knew we'd found. Now, whenever they play, they'll play backwards!

We messed around with more stuff in his room.

"Wanna play a prank on them?"

"Sure," I said.

We started planning.

We started rummaging through Mike's stuff.

"Cool! A cap gun!"

"Don't shoot it!" I told him.

We kept on looking while he clutched the cap gun.

We found a disposable camera, too.

"I have an idea. It's not great, but it'll have to do."

Jake's POV

"HA! I win again! Feel my wrath!" I yelled, jumping up and screaming.

My back cracked. I stretched.

"Dude, your girlfriend totally ditched you for Aus," Chris joked.

I just laughed. "Where did they go man?"

We heard a loud bang.

"Think we should check it out?" I asked, looking up the stairs.

"Yeah," he said, and shut off the TV.

The room went pitch black. We started groping around to find our way.

The front door slammed open.

A shot went off with a flash of light.

"DOWN ON THE GROUND!" A deep voice shouted.

We both jumped down on the ground.

The two robbers came over to us.

I couldn't see their faces.

Obviously, one was a man.

I couldn't tell about the other one. I couldn't see them well enough.

"Alright, pussies, look straight ahead. Where's the safe, here?"

"Dude, we don't know. We don't even live here," Chris said.

"Probably in the basement," I said, thinking I'd heard them go upstairs.

"Check up stairs," he said to his partner.

They started going up the stairs. I could make out their silhouette going up the stairs. Wait-- I knew that body.

I smirked.

I hadn't heard a bullet go through anything. It didn't smell like gun powder enough for it to have been a real gun shot. And it usually was never that bright.

I stood up.

"HEY!" Austin screamed at me.

Ha! Try to trick me. I ran over and tackled Lex. She fell down right before the stairs.

She grabbed my arm, and tried to disguise her voice. She shoved the barrel of the gun into my head. I heard a swishing sound. A water gun? With the water still in it? I thought better of you, Lex.

"I'll take him up with me. I think he saw my face. I'll go take care of him," she said, obviously convincing Chris, by the look on his face.

She pulled me upstairs.

"How did you know?" she asked, defeated.

"I'd recognize that body anywhere," I said with a smirk.

She tried to hide her smile and hit me.

"Nice water gun. Next time," I said, grabbing it from her with ease, "empty it." I squirted her neck.

She rolled her eyes.

"So what do I get for figuring out your evil prank?" I asked her, jumping up and sitting on his desk.

"Nothing. You ruined my fun."

I leaned my head down and whispered something into her ear.

She reeled back and hit my arm. "Jake, we're not having sex in Mike's room."

I smiled sheepishly. "It was worth a shot."

"Let's go back down stairs," she said.

"How 'bout a kiss first?" I asked her.

She turned back to me.

"Alright," she gave in.

She leaned in and kissed me.

It was light, but I started deepening it. She gave in, and we forgot about our surroundings.

She leaned in more towards me, putting her hands on my chest. I pulled her closer. I slipped my fingers into her belt loops.

The door burst open and we broke apart.

"Man, fuck you guys," Chris said, a little shakey. He ran over and hit both of us lightly on the arm, meaning he wasn't too pissed. "I was down there thinking you were getting brutally murdered up here, and you're getting laid!"

We laughed.

"He wasn't getting laid," Lex said. "And we were just about to go down and stop it."

We laughed, and Chris vented some more on how pissed he was that everyone tricked him.

"I'm hungry," he finally said.

We all looked up at him and laughed some more.

"Hey guys, wanna play a prank on the pizza guy?" Lexie asked, walking down the stairs behind us.

We all simultaneously stopped and looked at her.

"Only kidding, jeeze."