Status: Starting...

The Life of 26

It began with a little boy of two years old, taken from his home in the middle of the night, kidnapped. What for? Experimentation and he would be the 26th child on their tables, under their knife, being poked with their needles. Tests on top of tests. They will all be changed into something else…

The children are taken at such a young age in hopes that they will forget their parents. If they forget then they can't miss them. If they don't miss what they don't remember, the more cooperative they will be. The more cooperative, well then, the more tests are run and progress is made. To what end? what is their goal? Oh, better yet... Who are they? The only clues we have are the logos on crates they receive, but even that doesn’t tell us much. Is it even theirs?
  1. Chapter 1?
    This sort of begins with 26 still growing as a child and his memories/flashbacks.