End of the Line


It was my second week as a Freshman in high school and the sun was still blazing in the city of Philadelphia. With my Pokemon backpack strapped to my back, I quickly made my way down the subway stairs.

It was muggy and humid in the subway, a few strays of trash were blowing across the concrete platform. I stood in front of one of the industrial fans to keep cool, so my makeup didn't smear. As the fan gently blew on me, strands of my curly brown hair blew across my face. Anxiously waiting for the train to arrive, I pulled out my cell phone to pass the time.

There were a group of boys from the upper class a few feet to my left, I did my best to not make eye contact with any of them because they were honestly quite rude and obnoxious. They continued their banter and horse play as I scrolled through my social media, sending a few messages to fellow classmates

Hearing the train making its way down the tracks, I put my phone away and stepped in closer to the yellow line that signaled you to not cross waiting for the train.

"I said shut the fuck up man," One of the taller boys snarled as he shoved his friend roughly.

"Dude, quit being a pussy," The other boy cackled, "It was just a fucking joke man."

"Well you're not funny, you know that?"

The argument was the last thing I vividly remembered that day, within a blink of an eye a fight broke out between the boys. Punches were swung, shoving, and severe cursing occurred as one of the boys was pushed into my direction. Slamming into me, I fell off the platform and into the tracks screaming.