His Heart


"Well, are you going to drink it?" His husky voice asked from her left. Her brown eyes lit up, staring at the golden brown liquid in the can she held in her hands. Even in the dimness of the evening light, she could tell it was beer. "Well?" He asked again.

Denny felt shock ripple through her body at hearing his urging tone. Not wanting to turn down his offer, she placed the cup to her lips and took a gulp. The alcohol seemed to burn all the way down her throat as she swallowed and again, her body trembled from the shock of it all.

A chuckle escaped his lips at seeing her reaction. It was most likely her first taste of beer. And she claims to be running the old vineyard. Shane thought, feeling something akin to amusement in his soul. He wanted to laugh, but the heavy weight of his thoughts seemed to prevent any amount of happiness to creep in. At least for a moment he felt like laughing. Instead, the darkness of his mood, he allowed a simple smile to grace his lips as Denny handed him the beer can back, coughing and gasping for air, willing herself to regain her composure.

Hiding his smile, Shane took a sip of the beer, for once, feeling something piercing the darkness in his heart. As the two of them stood there in a new companionable silence, their gazes overlooking the lake before them, Shane couldn't help thinking something positive.

You're a girl after my own heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was going to be a lot longer but my mind can't seem to focus so i'll probably write a sequel or a "second" part with what I had intended later on. Anywho, thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it.