Status: Hang on to something, you're in for one heck of a ride!

Got to Get You Into My Life

Got to get you into my life

After lunch Emma took Paul for a tour of the farm, all the while trying to maintain a safe distance. Paul made sure all her efforts to avoid his touch failed.
They walked past animals Paul had already seen, as Paul made sure he avoided the goose.

"So, what happened, Emma?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean...was it Kelly, cause you don't have to worry about her."

Emma tried very hard to avoid looking into his eyes, as she searched for an answer.

"At first, but I got to thinking about stuff, and i think it wouldn't work."
"Wha...come on, would you stop walking around and stop and look at me?" He said as he gently grabbed her arm, to turn her around.

"Come on baby, talk to me.." Emma spun around, with tears streaming down her face. Paul immediately drew her to his chest, and kissed the top of her head.

Emma stood there, taking in the wonderful smell of him. It smelled like a cross between cigarettes, and cologne. It seemed to settle her down, as the tears slowed.

"Now, can we please sit down and talk about this?"

Emma sighed....... "ok."

They walked over to a couple of chairs sitting by a small pond. Emma sat down, as Paul pulled up a chair so that he could sit in front of her.

"Now, talk to me.."
"Well, I didn't want to leave my mom. I'm all she's got since Grandma died...and I....."
"Go on..."
"I thought that sooner or later someone better will come along, and you'll decide you don't want me anymore.. I mean, you have a've been with a lot of girls. Eventually I'll end up just another notch in your belt."
"Is that it?"

Emma thought for a minute...

"Yeah, pretty much."
"Ok, first of all, I'm in love with you Emma.. I mean, look where I am.... I came all the way from my time to the future because I can't live without you."
"What if you can't get back?" Emma interjected.
"Well then, that's the chance I had to take. But, living without you....I just can't do it."

Emma sat silent, as Paul continued.

"And second of all, as far as those other girls go....." Paul stopped and sighed.
"Yes, there have been a lot of girls, but there's one one thing that separates you from them. You wanna know what that is?" Emma nodded.
"They are girls. You are a woman."
"But nothing Emma, I don't want those other girls. You're the one I want, and that is not going to change. As far as your mum is concerned, I completely understand. But, know this.... I'm not leaving here without you. Is that understood?" Emma only nodded.
"Good... by the way... that goose is coming awfully close!"