Status: Hang on to something, you're in for one heck of a ride!

Got to Get You Into My Life

Got to get you into my life

Emma woke up at around 4:00am, yawned, stretched, and reached for Paul.
"It's time to get up, it's 4:00."
" do you know it's 4:00 Emma? To my knowledge you don't have any clock up here.." said a half asleep Paul.
"I have an internal clock.."
"After living like this all my life, i just know, so come on, we gotta get started."
"Ok.." Paul yawned and stretched, just like Emma had done a few minetes prior.
"If you want, I can give you a change of clothes to work in... I need a shower myself."
"Ok luv." With that they put on the clothes they had on the night before, except Emma's bra, she couldn't find that.
"Paul, where's my bra? I can't find it.."
"I dunno luv, you really don't need it do you?"
"What! Of course I need it!"
"Alright, I'll help you find it."

They looked all over, under the blanket, under the hay, but the bra was nowhere to be found.
"Oh well, we'll have to look somemore later.. Mom will be getting up soon."

Before long the two climbed down from the loft, and silently walked into the house, and up the stairs to her room. They showered, and as Paul was finishing up, Emma went out to find him some clothes. She returned in no time with some clothes draped over her arm.
"Here Paul," she said handing them to him.
"Who's clothes were these?"
"They were my Dad's."

The sound of her mother stiring told them both that she was awake, and would be calling them soon....

Sure enough...

"Emma, y'all up?" Her mother called from down the hall.
"Yeah mom, we're up..."
"Ok, I'll get the coffee started."
"Ok, we'll be down in a minute...Come on Paul, we gotta go.."
"I'm coming," Paul called from the bathroom.

Mona was in the kitchen when they emerged.
"Coffee's almost ready... y'all drink up, so we can get started."

Soon they were out in the yard..
"Ok, first things first, the animals need to be fed, and given water. Then we gotta get all the eggs, and clean out the horses stalls.. by the way, do you know how to milk a cow?"
"No luv, I don't."
"Ok, well you'll learn today... By the way..."
"We have a bull out in the pasture..."
"Don't milk a bull Paul..."
"'re very funny Emma...hilariously funny!" Emma snickered at Paul's remark.

Soon Paul was up to his ears in hay, and horse crap, as he shoveled out the nights leftovers from the horses supper.
True to Emma's word, she taught him how to milk a cow, and he had to admit, it wasn't hard. As he worked he smiled at the cat, who lapped up the milk that had spilled out onto the ground, as he missed the bucket a time or two.
"Yeah Emma.."
"You missed some.." Paul returned to shovel up more horse crap, filling a wheel barrel, carried it out, and returned for more, as Emma watched over him, making sure he got it all this time.
Mona had gone into the hay barn for something, when she made a discovery.
"Yeah mom.."
"Why is your bra hanging from that nail up there?"
" that's where it got to... I wonder how it got there.."
"Paul...." She called out into the yard.
"World you come here please?"

Paul walked into the barn to find them both starring up at the loft.
"Oh... so that's where it got to.." Paul quickly walked back out, smiling, leaving Emma and Mona, still starring up at the bra, hanging on a nail.
"Emma," Mona said, as she came up and draped her arm over her shoulder.
"I know you have needs, and I appreciate you keeping it out of the house. Just don't get pregnant, ok?"
"Ok mom, we're very careful."
"Fair enough... well, I've got to get breakfast started." With that said, she disappeared into the house.

Emma then turned to Paul who was standing right outside.
"Did you hang my bra up there?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about Emma, for all i know, in the heat of the moment, it got tossed up there."
"Yeah, with a little help.."
"Wha....I'm shocked! I'm innocent!"
"Paul, I was up there in that loft with you last night... you're not innocent!"
"Nor are you my dear... whatdaya say I give you a big hug.."
"What.... heck no, not till you get that horse crap off your hands!"
"Come here you..." Laughed Paul, as he reached for her. She screamed, and laughed as she ran up to the house, followed by Paul.

A hungry Paul ate every bite on his plate. He had never worked so hard in his entire life, but it was all worth it, as the woman he loved sat beside him. He was confident that both of them would soon walk back through the wall of rain, back into 1964. There she would stay, by his side, where she belonged.