Status: Hang on to something, you're in for one heck of a ride!

Got to Get You Into My Life

Got to get you into my life

As all their problems had been aired out, and worked out, they continued their night time romps to the loft, in the hay barn.. Though not as frequently, as the long days made them both too tired.

Emma also began to notice that her mother was beginning to act weird. She was taking a lot of naps...something she rarely did. She also had heard her throwing up during the night, something that alarmed Emma very much.

She even asked her about it, but Mona being the type of person she was, dismissed it, saying, "must have been something I ate.."

Still Emma couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong with her mother. Then came the morning that changed everything.

Mona lay in her bed, unable to get up, throwing up into a trash bag, as Emma walked in...

"Momma...what's wrong?"

Mona stopped throwing up, wiped at her mouth, and glanced at Emma.
"Honey, get me some water please?" Wordlessly Emma ran downstairs, bumping into Paul as she went.
"What's wrong luv?"
"Mom's sick.." she said in passing.

She quickly got the water, then returned to her mother's room.
"Here mom.."
"Thanks sweety.." Emma had to help her hold the glass, as Mona was too weak to hold it by herself.

Mona motioned that she was satisfied, so Emma sat the glass down next to the bed.

"What in the world have you caught?" Asked Emma.
"I haven't caught anything.."
"What do you mean?"
"Honey, I've been sick for a while, but stuff had to be done around here, so i did my best to hide it"
"Hide it! Hide what?"
"Wha...what kinda cancer?" Emma asked, as Paul appeared at the door.
"Pancreatic cancer sweety.."
"What?! We need to get you to the hospital!"
Emma rose, as Mona reached for her hand.
"No...It's too late for that.. It's in it's final stages."
"No, Momma, you can't die....I need you!"
Emma threw herself across Mona and cried, as Paul rushed to the bedside.

"Paul, take care of her, and please forgive her shortcomings... she got it honest, I'm afraid.."
"I will, i promise...but are you sure you don't need to go to hospital? Maybe we should call an ambulance.."

Emma popped her head up... "yes, an ambulance.." she jumped up, and Mona reached for her once more.
"Emma No...I don't want to die in a hospital.. i wanna die at home, with my family... Paul, I have come to think of you as family.. I just know you and her meeting was meant to be."
"I believe that as well Mona..."


Days passed, and Mona became sicker, to the point where she refused to drink or eat.
Emma tried to get her to take a few mouth fulls of soup, but to no avail.

She had lost a considerable amount of weight, and looked like she had jaundice, as her skin took on a yellowish hue.

Paul and Emma had been taking turns tending to her, then came the moment that they both had dreaded.

Mona's breathing became shallow, as she fought for each and every breath..
Paul, who had been sitting with her, sprang from his chair, and shouted down the stairs. "Emma....Get up here!"

It was a sound Emma did not want to hear, as the urgency in his voice told her this was it.

They both sat along side Mona, holding her hands... The end came quietly, as Mona peacefully slipped away. No words were spoken as both Paul and Emma bowed their heads and cried.