‹ Prequel: In Your Arms Again

The Hunt Is On


Arriving at the coroner’s office, Elle led the way inside and flashed her badge at the woman sitting behind the reception desk. Noticing the way, the woman immediately straightened in her seat, she knew that they would have no problem getting what they wanted and greeted the woman with a smile.

“Hi there, I’m Agent Sax and this is my partner Agent Dobson,” Elle introduced, “We’re here to see the coroner in charge of the O’Sullivan case.”

“Right this way,” the woman replied, opening a door and leading them down a long corridor to the lab, “Dr. Wright, these agents are here to see you.”

“Thank you, Hazel,” Dr. Wright said, offering the woman a smile and turning his attention to Elle, “How can I help you?”

“We just have a few questions regarding Karen O’Sullivan’s autopsy report and your findings,” Elle explained, pulling a notepad from her pocket and scanning the scribbled notes on the page, “Your report said that you found that the body was drained of blood, but were unable to find a cause for such dramatic blood loss, is that correct?”

“That is,” Dr. Wright confirmed, motioning for them to follow him and taking them through to the morgue.

“Did you find anything else strange during your examination?” Sam added as Dr. Wright opened one of the cold chambers, sliding out the body inside and pulling back the sheet.

“The body itself was in good condition and the organs were healthy, despite the body having been drained of blood,” Dr. Wright told them as Elle looked around the neck for puncher marks, “The only other thing I found a bit odd was that there weren’t any defensive wounds, no skin under her finger nails or marks on her wrists from being bound.”

“What’s your theory here then, Doc?” Elle asked as the body was put away.

“Usually I have a few, but with this case… I have no idea what happened.”

“Well, that’s all we needed to follow up on,” Sam stated, shaking the doctor’s hand, “Thank you for your time.”

Giving Hazel a smile as they left, Elle got into the Impala and removed her jacket. It was clear to her that Sam was right, they weren’t dealing with vampires or at least not the kind she had come up against before. Pulling out her phone, she dialled Dean’s number and placed it against her ear as it rang.


“Hey, Sam and I just finished at the coroner’s office,” Elle told him, placing the phone on loud speaker, “We’re definitely not dealing with vampires, the body was too clean and there were no marks on her neck or wrists that I could see.”

‘Did the doc give you any ideas?’

“He didn’t have any theories, but perhaps Cas could help or Crowley if we get desperate. Where are you?” Sam answered.

‘Back at the motel, I got us some food and asked the waitress a few questions.’

“Oh right, did she give you anything besides her number?” Elle inquired.

‘She did, but I’ll fill you in once you get here.’

Hanging up as Sam pulled into the motel parking lot, Elle headed inside and smiled as Dean handed her a chicken salad with a bottle of water.

“What did the waitress have to say then?” Sam said as he joined them, pulling his own salad towards him and looking over at Dean as he started eating.

“She didn’t know anything about the murders, but she did mention a new family that moved into town just before the murders started,” Dean told them, “They’re renting out one of the old farm houses on the edge of town.”

“The fact that they’re new to town doesn’t mean that they’re our blood suckers,” Elle argued.

“No, but it does give us a reason to go out there and check it out,” Sam added, “It can’t be a coincidence that the murders started just after they arrived in town.”

“I’m just saying that we need more information, before we storm in all guns blazing based on the word of a waitress,” Elle mumbled, “Let’s just go already.”

Pushing her lunch away, Elle waited for Dean to get ready and climbed into the back seat of the Impala. The plan was risky and could easily blow up in their faces, but it seemed as though reasoning with Dean wasn’t an option this time around. Oh well she thought to herself as the engine rumbled to life if you couldn’t beat them, you might as well join them.