Status: I'm turning my MCR fan fiction into an actual book. To see which does better i guess.

Dear Insanity.

Chapter One.


I sit in Dr.Glenn's, Stale, Office. Arms crossed with a frown etched onto my face. We've been sitting here a total of Twenty minutes and forty-five seconds. The only thing saving me from what would be deafening silence is her small analog clock that sat atop her old, chipping, wooden desk.

She hasn't said a word since she called me in for my session. Which I found to be particularly strange since every other time she's come at me with a barrage of questions. The squeak of her old desk chair caused my eyes to snap up from her clock to her tired eyes. But, there was another emotion hidden in there, that I couldn't quite read.

Fear? Worry? Caution? For what reason would she have any of those emotions? Had I done something I don't remember. I have a habit of doing that so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason.

I had no clue. But we kept eye contact. For Thirty-six seconds. Until she looked down at the folder she had sitting on her desk in front of her. It wasn't my folder. No, no one in this place has let me near my folder... so why was there a folder on her desk?

I stared at her expectantly, eyebrows raised and mouth pressed into a thin line. She opened her mouth and I sat up a little straighter, awaiting the first words in what would now be Twenty-nine minutes and Ten seconds.

But she quickly closed it again and I slouched back in my seat. Wishing this would now be over because if we're not talking about why I'm in here, I have no reason to be in this baby-puke-green room.

I sighed loudly, averting my gaze to outside. It was dull and gray, much like my life inside this institution. This place lacked serious amounts of color. Everything was either an off-white, gray, or a stale blue color.

"Do... You know why I called you in here?" Her voice startled me, Coming out scratchy from its lack of use for the past Thirty-Two minutes and Four seconds. "Finally she talks" I announce, throwing my arms up, A small smirk played around the corner of her mouth, and for a split second you could see her eyes crinkle in happiness.

But it soon dissolved back into her bored, tired, unemotional look. And that worried me... I didn't even get a giggle. "What did I unknowingly do this time?" I mumbled looking down.

""You probably blacked out and punched a nurse or orderly or doctor again. you psycho.""

I frowned deeper at his comment.

Dr.Glenn gasped "Nothing, Sydney. Why would you think that?" Her voice now held concern and was slightly strained. I shrugged and met her gaze again "I assumed by your lack of communication and the unreadable expression and emotion you are possessing I had done something wrong like I usually do." She went to reply but I beat her to it "Who's file is that. I know it's not mine. You nor anyone else let me anywhere in its vicinity." I pondered.

"That's what I called you down here for, Sydney." She averted her gaze back to the file. I uncrossed my arms fully now. Swallowing hard because my mouth ran dry from the sudden change of her aura. The tension in the room was thicker than it had been forty-five minutes ago exactly. My heart thudded heavily in my chest, making it feel tighter than normal.

I sat there quietly. Awaiting her to continue speaking. Still wearing that damn inexplicable emotion. She looked at me like I was a wounded animal who was about to die. Which certainly didn't settle the feeling bubbling in my chest at all.

She took a sharp inhale of a breath through her nose and picked up the file. The silence was back, and my ears were ringing with the voice of him nothing, comprehensible, but, never the less, still there. I think he was laughing.

With a deep shaking breath, I willed myself to look at the file name. But I was instantly confused... Not because I didn't see my name. I knew that wouldn't happen. But because there was a name of a patient that wasn't even listed here. I've been here long enough and snooped around enough to learn everyone's name. and that... that wasn't anyone who was here.

What confused me more was the fact she was about to read another patients file to me. "Who's file is that? I mean their name is bold across the front but... who are they?"

"This will be our new patient." She spoke nonchalantly. Not looking up. Her eyes were wide with that damn emotion I'm not able to pick up on. "Why. Am. I. Here." I demanded. She placed the file down.

"Were out of vacant rooms, Sydney." She sighed. How is that my problem? What does she want me to do about it? I looked at her waiting for her to carry on. When she didn't speak I sighed "Usually a lack of response initiates the thought that the other person doesn't know what you're implying. Just for future reference."

"Sydney. Your room is the only room that has an extra bed. You are the only patient that doesn't room with someone." I nodded "Wasn't there a reason for that? Just like there is a reason you guys have never told me why I'm here, or what's wrong with me, and why you won't ever let me near my file." I questioned bitterly. "Initially, yes. But you have improved. So The new boy will be rooming with you." She said cautiously.

I choked on my spit "What?!"

""they did this on purpose. he's here to kill you Sydney! you are too much work, a lost cause. hell, they won't even tell you why you're in here. they want you dead.""

I faintly heard my name being repeated. In a worried tone. Soon my vision cleared and ears stopped ringing, I was able to see Dr.Glenn clearly again. "Are you okay?" I sighed with a nod. "I have no choice. And I've been here forty-seven seconds too long. I have to go."

She offered a sad smile and nodded. Watching me leave.

This couldn't be happening.
♠ ♠ ♠
So. I'm going to leave this here. Once again I only had an idea for the first chapter. I have no clue where this is going but oh well. Feedback is ALWAYS welcome and is definitely encouraged.