Status: Updated as much as possible!

Pushing Me Away

I've Opened Up These Scars

(Luna/Narrator's POV)

Luna stood there stunned in utter disbelief at what Brad had just done. He kissed her, he actually had kissed her. And to make matters worse she didn't exactly push him away either. No, she couldn't start to think that way. What he did was uncalled for and it wasn't like she even knew it was going to happen. "Fuck, why is this all happening now?" I threw my hands up in defeat, it was pointless to try and hide anything anymore. As badly as Chester wanted to keep their blossoming relationship a secret, Luna knew she had to let Brad know that he had zero chance with her. The sounds of the opening music and screaming fans began to roar through the arena, instantly tearing her away from her thoughts. She raced to the backstage area, showing her ID badge to security and taking her place at the side of the stage. Chester was so amped up as they started to play the song 'Lying From You'. "I can't believe this is all turning into such a huge mess! What the fuck am I thinking, I don't belong here." The conversation with herself had been dragging on that she hadn't even noticed that Mike was now staring at her from out of the corner of his eye while Chester had jumped down into the crowd to mingle with fans. His face seemed to know exactly what she was thinking and he instantly shot her a sympathetic smile. She returned it weakly, trying to just keep her attention focused on the show. She didn't want to cause anymore drama between anyone, she simply wanted to just enjoy the rest of the tour with the guys in peace. The time seemed to linger on and on as the next few songs came and went without much thought. She decided to head out to the front and take over for the merch booth from one of the other crew. Technically she was supposed to get to watch the entire thing, but Luna didn't feel much up to it anymore and it was pretty much almost over anyway. Without much hesitation she jumped right in, pushing and selling more than half the the nights inventory in a mere twenty minutes.

Once the crowds started to become larger I knew that it meant the show was finally done with. Which also meant that at any moment now Chester was going to come looking for me like he usually did so we could head off after he signed a few autographs and took some pictures. "Luna, Brad is looking for you." I look towards the bands manager Jim and let out an exhausted sigh. He insists that he'll finish up from here and that I should get a move on before it gets too overly crowded. I do as he says and rush through over to the waiting area where I knew more than likely all the guys would be. Chester eyes me suspiciously as I walk right by him and over to Brad. "What's up? Jim said you were looking for me?" He doesn't say anything, instead he grabs me by my arm and pulls me off into the direction opposite of everyone else. He lets me go once we're out of earshot and I can tell he has a lot weighing on his mind. "What's wrong Brad? Is it about what happened earlier?" He shakes his head rather sadly. Fuck, this is exactly what I was afraid of happening. This is exactly why I knew it was a bad idea that I even came in the first place. Luna sighs, putting a hand to his shoulder. She had to make things right and set the record straight, she was seeing Chester and wasn't interested in Brad in that way. "I'm sorry, Brad. But I'm not sure it would be something I could get on board with. You're a great guy but we hardly know one another. Also, I'm already sort of feeling for someone else. Please don't take this the wrong way, I want to be friends with you. If you'll let me, that is." His face drops but soon perks up as she mentions the idea of being friendly. The two hug for a brief second until Chester and Mike soon appear into view. "It's time to go guys, is everything alright out here?" They both nod and start to follow alongside the others back to the bus.

Luna can feel Chester burning holes into her with his eyes but she shrugged it off. She would explain everything to him in time and make things better between the two just like she did for Brad. One by one they all filed on the bus, getting ready to ascend into the next state for the next round of shows in Texas. I eagerly raced for the bathroom to change out of my clothes into something more comfortable before I sat at the table outside of the bunk rooms while the others got ready for bed. "Can we talk, please?" I look up, seeing Chester standing there with the most distant look on his face. I agree and follow him to the back lounge area. He sits on the sofa bed and instinctively I go to him. Thankfully he still wraps an arm around my shoulder, so that must mean that he wasn't that mad at me, right? I don't make the first move and let him speak up first. "What was that with you and Brad earlier? Did you tell him what we talked about? Or did you have a sudden change of heart?" I shake my head vigorously, slightly offended by what he said. "Of course I did. I told him that I wasn't interested and that I wanted to just be friends, because I was already having those types of feelings for someone else. He didn't push it after that so I didn't even mention that it was you. Is that alright with you? Or you don't believe me?" He stays quiet but suddenly grabs onto my face and plants a hard kiss to my lips. Obviously that was what he wanted to hear and was so worried about. I kiss him back just as hard, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as we start to get more worked up. "I'm so sorry, Luna. Please don't be upset with me, I had no right to say what I did. Forgive me?" I kiss him again. Of course I forgave him, I had never been in this type of situation before and neither had he. It was a learning experience for the both of us.

Although to be quite honest, it felt good to be the one in control for once in my lifetime. I never had anyone apologize to me for me, I was always the one doing the apologizing. As badly as I wanted to keep going with him, as badly as I wanted things to develop into more, I knew we had to be more careful. "Fuck, you drive me insane. Let's stay here please? I want you all to myself." His eyes were begging me and I was growing weaker in the knees by the second. It was hard not to give into him, he had that much effect on me already. His voice sent me over the edge as he began to say my name with a hint of want and need all wrapped into one. I couldn't say no to him, he made me absolutely powerless. "Fine, only because you make it so easy to love me, Chester Bennington."

(Chester/ Narrator's POV)

Later that night, more like earlier into the next morning, I couldn't help but to admire Luna's beauty as she slept soundly next to me. Her face had mostly healed and her scars were starting to fade. But none of that mattered to me anyway, I thought she was beautiful no matter what she looked like. It was her gracious soul and her gorgeous personality that kept me drawn to her. The way she radiated joy and adventure every time we were near each other, it kept a smile constantly glued to my face. I still can't actually fathom sometimes that I'm even in this situation with her by my side. It hadn't been very long since that whole ordeal happened or that we've even known each other but it didn't matter, we were in love. The way she silenced my demons put my whole life at ease. She stirred suddenly, mumbling about something someone trying to get her. She must be having a nightmare. Thinking on his feet, Chester immediately took Luna into his arms and began to soothe her. "Fuck." Her eyes shot open, tears running down her chin. "Shh, I'm here, you're ok babe." His voice was barely above a whisper as to not wake the others and draw attention. Luna gripped onto him tight, burying her face into his chest. "I'm sorry." She said, clearly defeated. I just continued to hold her to try and get her to calm down. "Don't be sorry Luna, it's alright babe."

His attempts at comforting her seemed to be working as she placed a soft kiss to his lips a few minutes later. "I had a terrible dream, I don't know why, but I thought-I thought he got you." She must mean Adam. "Baby, no one is ever going to take you from me or me from you. I promise you that. Especially not Adam." She lets out a small sigh before laying back down beside him. He runs a hand through her soft hair, before placing a gentle kiss to the side of her face. "We've got the day off today, we'll be in some random town in Texas. So me and you can enjoy our time together without anything to worry about. The guys are gonna go off and do their own thing and we'll have our own fun. Sound like a plan?" She nods her head, a smile soon appearing. "Well considering it's already maybe six in the morning, I guess I should get ready before the others wake up." She starts to get up from the spot beside me and I can't help but to pull her back down. I didn't want her to leave, I wanted her to stay here so I could continue to gaze at her beauty. Her eyes seem to be reading my every thought and she's smirking wickedly now. "Oh no you don't. Babe, we'll have most of the day to ourselves. I just don't want the others to catch on right now." I reluctantly let her hand fall, a pout soon forming on my face. "Please don't be like that Chester. It's only for a couple of hours and then I'll be with you all over again." She leans over and kisses my cheek which I can't help but to smile at. "Fine. But you owe me." She lets out the cutest giggle I had ever heard and agrees as she starts to head for the door. "Trust me, I can't forget."

Once Luna is out of sight, Chester finds himself gripping on to the pillow beside him. It smelt just like her and it sent chills down his spine. It had been so long since he had felt these type of feelings for a woman, he wasn't so sure he could control himself much longer. The sound of low humming can be heard from the table next to him, signaling his phone was ringing. "Hello?" He asks unsure and completely puzzled as to who it could at this time of day. "Chester? It's me, Emily. I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't be calling you like this but I had no one else to turn to." My heart pounds heavy in my chest as the familiar voice comes through my ears. Emily was a friend of Ava's for lack of a better word. They weren't exactly best friends or anything but she was one of the bridesmaids in our wedding. Now, I may or may not have slept with her one drunken night when Ava had her bachelorette party but it was a simple mistake. I only did it because I was desperate for something different before I got married. Ava was my first serious relationship and I was terrified of taking that plunge so soon. Needless to say, I had no idea why she was calling me over a year later. "Um, what's the matter? Is everything ok?" She's crying on the other end, clearly it wasn't. My head is starting to spin as I try to make sense of everything going on around me. "I'm sorry-I just can't hide this secret from you anymore. I got pregnant, Chester. After we slept together, I found out a couple months after the wedding. I never told you because I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Ava. But now that I hear she's in jail, I figured this would be the right time to tell you. You have a daughter, she's two years old. She looks just like you, I want you to meet her."

Chester suddenly feels his chest tighten as he cannot believe what the hell he was hearing. This had to be some sick sort of joke. He used protection that night, there was no way that it was his baby. But being the person that he was, he knew he had to get to the truth. "What? Emily I-I don't know what to even say right now. I'm on tour, I'm in Texas. Look, I'll call you later on and figure this out. I gotta go." Without waiting for an answer he quickly hangs up the phone, practically throwing it harshly across the room. There was no way this could happening to him, not right now. Not after he just went through all this traumatic whirlwind with Luna. Luna, oh God. What would she think? Surely after hearing that sort of news she would run for the hills and never look back. No, Chester couldn't lose her. He loved her with his whole heart and soul, it would absolutely kill him. He had to keep this secret just between them, otherwise he would risk everything he had worked so hard to mend.
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Been forever since I had updated this one!! Hope whoever reads this enjoys!! I wasn't too hot with the idea but alas, it seems like it just flowed. Thank you all for the support! Love to you all! xo