Do You Believe in Vampires

The Meeting

“Shannen hurry up”. Your Mom shouts from the car.

You come out of your old house and get into the car

“Shannen I know you don’t want to move but we have to and I’m sure you will make lot’s of new friend’s”. Your Mom says trying to make you feel better.

You just ignore her. It was a long drive to the new house and you didn’t say a word the whole way.

“Sweetie I think your going to like the house I bought”. Your Mom says breaking the silence .

Then she turned into a long dark drive way and pulled up to a big house.

“OH MY GOD”. You say looking at the house.

“Do you like it, because the only reason I bought it was for you, it creep’s me out”. Your Mom said.

“Yea I like it, It’s cool”. You said smiling.

Then you and your Mom get your suitcases from the car and bring them into the new house.

“You can go pick out what room you want.”

You walked upstairs. In one of the room’s the window was wide open and the curtains were blowing.

“This is definitely my room”. You say happily to yourself.

You unpack and you were looking around and you found a secret room in your wardrobe.

“This is so cool”.

You go back downstairs.

“Mom I’m going out”. You shout grabbing your coat.

“Where are you going”.

“Out to look around why”.

“Just be careful and don’t stay out to late” . Your Mom sighed.


You were walking past an old graveyard and decided to walk through it. You seen some guy’s hanging out by a tree in the graveyard.

“Hey are you lost”. some one said to you.

“No I’m just looking around”.

One guy was smoking and he said

“So you’re a new girl in town, Hi I’m Bert what’s your name”.

“I’m Shannen and yea I’m new”.

“Well hello Shannen”. Bert said in a sexy voice.

“So where do you live”. one of the other guy’s said. “and I’m Wil by the way.”

“I live in that big house around the corner from this graveyard.”

“No way you live in that house, I’m Quinn.”

“Hi Quinn Yea, why what’s wrong with that house”. You ask curiously.

Quinn laughed.

“That house is fucking haunted”. Wil laughed.

“Yea you’re a brave girl to live there”. Bert smirked.

“It’s haunted really that is so cool”. You smile.

“Yea cool”. Wil said laughing.

“So I’m going to go look around some more, so bye guy’s”. You wave.

“No don’t go stay with us, we can show you around tomorrow”. Bert said with pleading eye‘s.

“Ok sure I’ll stay if you want”. You shrug.

“Great take a seat”. Bert said patting the ground next to him.

You sit down beside him.

“Do you want some”. Bert handing you his cigarette.

“No thanks I’m good”.

“So where did you move from”. Quinn asked.


It was Dark out now and your phone rang.

“Hello” (You).

“What the hell Shannen, I told you to be home early” (Your Mom).

“Hi Mom” (You).

Then you walked away from the guy’s.
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