Status: Hi, I was born in North Korea and I defected NK twice when I was 14 and 17.

My Life And Survival In North Korea

Message to my North Korean friends.

“Hi guys. How was your day? I can’t say that you have been good. Because I know you guys have to be worried about meals of the next days ever night and fight for survival every hours. I have lots of new friends in Seoul and today one of my friends got married.

Sometimes I got dreams one of you got married then I couldn’t still be at your wedding ceremony even if I tried to be there. Guys, it’s too hard for me to say the feelings of what I’m living in a different life from yours.

I always regret when I have such a good night. I should have brought you all when I escaped North Korea, even if I tricked you guys.

Please just stay alive and be safe. Someday when we meet again, I’ll show you my friend I made.