Status: Hey look ma! I made it!

Pretty Odd Romance


I was living every parent’s dream, even if not where they would have wished. I was born and raised in Florida to two parents who are sickeningly still in love after 36 years. Now, I’m not complaining, but there is something about parents kissing that sends a chill of horror down your spine. Anyways, I excelled in school without ever really trying. I think the teachers kinda hated me for coasting like that but look who made it out and even a year early! Now my parents would have preferred me to live my entire life in the same place I was born as they did, but that wasn’t how I saw my life going. So, putting myself into major debt I accepted a scholarship to UCLA. Now whoever said that a scholarship means you have no debt LIED. The cost of living as a student in California is crazy. I complain but the day I was accepted into the Med Program was one of the highlights of my life. Now it just happened to be luck that one of my advisors became head of Pediatrics at one of the top hospitals in Vegas around the time I started residency. Though as every good Whovian knows there are never coincidences. So, it must have been fate that made me run over Brendon that day. Now no matter how dramatic his reenactment gets it was with a cart guys! And it was just his foot. I think back to that day now with a mixture of sadness and awe. It was the worst day of my residency that brought me the best part of my world. Let me tell you my side since Brendon can’t be trusted with this story. So it was like this:

It was my first real loss. Working in a hospital you know the realities of life and death. For every death you hear a cry in the Maternity ward that makes the day a bit more bearable. I chose Peds with the dream of making all the babies healthy. It was a sad truth that not all can be saved. But I wanted this one to make it. I wanted it with everything in my being. This girl had fought hard since the day she was born and deserved to see outside of those horrible white walls. Yet, my wish was not to be. Life was an unfair bitch. That’s one of the first things you realize working with sick kids. I never imagined a day where the parent would be the one comforting me. She knew what I had yet to learn though. That no matter how unfair life is it’s also a chaotic wonderful. She was just happy to have had her child for as long as she did. She knew they were ready to stop fighting and finally rest. I know this story took a bit of a serious turn, but so is life. It was after that shift that my life changed even more. In dirty scrubs, hair piled on my head and surely looking like a racoon from all the crying (I’ve never been a pretty crier) I was ready to grab a frozen meal, some ice cream, and spend the rest of the night letting The Doctor take me away from this fucked up world. Throwing a few dinners in the cart I had just turned aisles still rubbing my eyes when I heard him. “OW! What the fuck!” startled I looked up in shock. The first thing I noticed was eyeliner. Now living in Vegas this wasn’t as big of a deal as it would be in Florida so I didn’t think much of it. Then I took in the rest of him. Hair, lots of hair. Skinny so skinny, maybe I should ask how he does that? He was hopping so it took a moment to realize the reality off what I had done. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean…” He stopped hopping to spin and face me “It’s fine but watch where…are you ok?!? You didn’t hurt me that bad, there’s no reason to cry, honey.” His honest concern for a stranger took my breath away. I hadn’t seen that in a long time. It brought a fresh round of tears. “Hey! No, no, no don’t cry it’s ok!” his obvious distress brought up a watery chuckle. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm him “No, it’s not that. I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking. Is your foot ok? I’m a doctor, well kind of, well I’m going to be and I …” He blinked rapidly. Ok maybe I had said that a bit fast. He had a smile forming on his face. Taking another breath, I tried again. “Are you ok?” He slowly nodded his head. “Ya, I’m fine no worries. Are you ok though? If I didn’t make you cry that means something else did.” I nodded with a sniffle. “Ya, thanks for asking but it was just a horrible day. Nothing The Doctor can’t fix.” He tilted his head “The Doctor? You?” matching his pose “No, The Doctor, Doctor Who.” His eyes lit with recognition “Oh that old show with the guy and the box.” Now I don’t know if any of you are Whovians but I can’t imagine a worse affront to my fandom. “The old…box…I can’t...Sir, whatever your name is” “Brendon” “I’m going to assume that it is out of ignorance that you have said such a statement.” “Thank you?” “You’re welcome, however I would appreciate if in my presence you show the Doctor all due difference.” He was full on chuckling at this point. “Well, Madam, I’m very sorry and I humbly beg your pardon as I meant no offence.” It was his bow that made me laugh for the first time that day. “Well Brendon I accept your apology. If you’re sure your foot is ok, then I’ll be on my way.” He stood there staring at me. It was odd normally something like that would have been uncomfortable but somehow it wasn’t. He seemed to shake off whatever had been running threw his mind and blurted “Eat with me.” He blushed and I can’t tell you the butterflies that small gesture gave me. How in the world was this stranger giving me butterflies?? “I mean I see that you have plans” he said holding one of my frozen dinners “but if you might be able to change them I would like to take you to dinner.” I was frozen, I didn’t know this man from Adam and he was asking me out? “Why would you want to go to dinner with me? I know who you are Mr. Urie, it might have taken me a moment, but I know that it can’t be my looks or crying that are attracting you to me. So, what is it? Give me a reason.” He gave a heart stopping grin. “You’re weird, I love weird.” He couldn’t have given a better answer.

And there you have it the beginning to our very weird and perfectly us romanace.