Status: I can be you, you can be all.

In the Heart of Night's Sleep


This was the night everyone has in life. The sleep before our Board Examination result day is an interesting one. We dream, where get a chance to correct all the mistakes in every subject to get best grades. The dream to get gifts after fruitful success from your parents, the choice of college, courses, hostel make fight with each other in that dream. The happiness from it will never touch anything else as some dreams are fitted only in night's sleep.

The pattern of sleep remained same to be in one route though I had to pay a price for this habit. The desire not to sleep until it came naturally lasted only a few months. The playlists in the music library was reduced as I was trying to never search you again. Instead how to spend my night was decided in the morning itself. I woke up at dawn to make me feeling sleepy early at night. Escape with question and answer sessions, the tired eyes finally wanted to sleep. And like every other day I slept to pass the heart of night.