‹ Prequel: Feed the Fire
Sequel: Rekindle the Flame

Kiss the Flame

Wonders Never Cease

It was past midnight when Beth finally pulled into the driveway of Mike's home. “Our home,” she said correcting herself. As she turned off the engine she sighed and leaned back into the seat. “Who da thunk it but Armstrong actually has a clue.”

Beth opened the door and walked up the driveway hearing the gravel crunch under her feet. Pausing at the front door she took a deep breathe and turned the handle. When it rotated and the door swung open she was slightly surprised. “Would have thought he changed the locks after I left,” she muttered.

“I've been waiting for you to come home,” said a voice from inside the house.

Beth started with a shriek. “Dammit you scared me Mike,” she said when she finally caught her breath.

“Sorry but we gotta talk.”

“I know,” she sighed. Shifting restlessly from on foot to the other Beth took a deep breath and said quickly, “I'msorryforbeingabitch.”

A chuckle escaped the bassist's lips. “Ummm care to say that again? You said it so fast that I don't think I heard you right.”

Giving him an evil look Beth said, “You aren't going to make this easy on me are you?”

“Nope. I think I've made it too easy too long. I don't deserve to be treated like you me. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells and that's not healthy for a good relationship. I want more and I think you're not ready for it.”

Beth sighed “You're right. I'm not ready for it but not for the reason you think. Look I need to tell you about something and it will help you understand why I've been the way I've been. It doesn't excuse it but it will help you get it.”

The woman moved into the foyer finally and walked over to where Mike was sitting on the couch. She lowered herself with another sigh into the chair facing him. “Look my dad left me when I was a little girl. He actually walked out on us. I was playing in the orchard across the street and he came over to say goodbye like he always did but this time he didn't come back. I couldn't understand why he didn't come back.”


“Yea. I was 7 years old. When I was about 10 my mom finally told me the truth that he left us to go to Nashville to become a star. He released this song that went #1 but his career when no where so he came a one hit wonder with ' Holly Bethie'.”

Mike cocked his head as he thought about that song title. “I think I remember that song but I'm not sure.”

“Well that's why I hate male musicians; especially famous male musicians. It's easier to push you away and that wouldn't hurt as much if you leave me behind,” she admitted. Ducking her face down Mike was barely able to hear the next words; “And I don't want you to leave me behind.”

Mike quickly stood up and pulled Beth to his side. “Baby I don't want to leave you behind. I love you and I've been afraid to tell you. I can't predict the future but I know that I don't want to leave you behind; I want you beside me forever.”

With tears streaming down both their faces their lips found each other.

The weeks progressed on the CSI set. Sabrina was blending in well in her guest role and she was happy on how her relationship with George was going. They had been out on dates every night just sitting at this bar or that bar eating wings and talking. The woman still couldn't get over that he hadn't progressed pass the kissing point. He was a true southern gentleman and he treated he like gold; which was another thing she couldn't get over.

“I'd wish he go further,” she muttered as she walked back to her trailer. “I'm starting to get blue balls.”

“Blue balls? Woman I always thought you kept a set hidden somewhere,” laughed Toby as he held open the trailer door. “I knew it. I'm calling TMZ and giving a scoop.”

“Do that and die boy,” she replied back. “Geez I'm in the tabloids enough and I really don't need more drama in my life that I already have.”

“I'm just picking. I'd never do that... unless you told me to.” Just then a knock sounded on the door. “That must be George. When the hell are you two gonna get it on?” Toby asked as he went to open the door.

“Shut up.”

George peeked his head into the trailer with a smile. “Hey I was wondering if you want to take in dinner and a movie tonight instead of hitting up the bar.”

Giving Toby a pointed look before turning towards the Texan, “Yes I'd love that. So we're going to go on an actual date?”

“Yup. I think its about time I stop hiding you in a bar. You are much too beautiful to not be taken out to a real restaurant and treated like the lady you are.” George pulled his head back from the door opening, “I'll pick you up at 8pm and dress up.” With that said the door closed and he was gone before Sabrina could say anything.

The two people remaining looked at each other for a moment as the words sunk in. “You are soooo getting some...” Toby was unable to finish his sentence due to the pillow that was hurled across the room.
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Sorry t his short but I'm just getting back into the swing of this...