‹ Prequel: Year 3

Senior Year

Graduated (6.21.19)

I'm graduated. I ended up hanging out with my dance partner a few more times before she left for Europe. We went to a pasta place and got cupcakes after. We also walked around the campus and we showed each other our favorite spots and other spots we thought were cool. We ended up talking that same night also in almost total darkness in a super dark closet thing in a large conference room. I'm pretty convinced she doesn't like me. We had a talk about previous crushes and what love felt like and she said she wished that she had told people not to fall in love with her pre-emptively at the beginning of their friendship. She really values our friendship and knowing that, I won't ever put it in jeopardy. I'm content with how we are.

Graduation hit at my last ceremony. I was saying my thanks to people who supported me and I started crying while I was writing my speech. It was nice having people there to support me and actually being done hits me everytime I go out to do something. I'm actually out of school and I'm doing things as an adult, and no longer a student. There's a lot of things that I want to do now that I'm done. Train for a triathlon, train for a marathon, run half-marathons in national parks in the US, go travel, eat, go hiking, etc. There's so much out there.

I've never understood the term "the world is your oyster" until now. This is what it means. This is how it feels. I'm still coping with being done with my undergraduate experience. While fulfilling and fun, it's time to move on. It might take some time, but I know I'll make more memories and that I have a lifetime of things ahead of me to experience.