‹ Prequel: Dear God
Status: ACTIVE

Almost Easy

I'm letting these demons too far I can't even stop

Zacks POV

“I don’t think we’re going to survive any of them as teenagers,” Michelle replies to my comment about Liddy being difficult, “Just look at Ethan and Tomtom…”

“Yeah we’re in for it with Tom. He’s an absolute terror. Ethan’s at least normal.” Jimmy groaned and slid his hand down his face, “It’s going to get tough in another five years.”

“Ten and thirteen.” Jacky took a sip of her wine, “That should be fun.”

“I don’t even want to think about her at thirteen if she’s this logical at eight.” I shook my head, Matt had left earlier after the conversation with Liddy, even though Jacky had tried to talk him in to staying, we all knew he would be out of commission for a few days, “She was rough as hell earlier.”

“The only girl who’s ever made Matt cry before…”

“Was Liz.” Brian finishes Jimmy’s sentence as we all nodded, “How lucky are you to have gotten a daughter who’s the exact same person as your sister?”

“We would have been fucked.” Michelle giggled, “We’re fucked enough we got twins.”

“Isn’t that supposed to skip generations or something?” I asked, “At least you know how to handle them.”

“No, I don’t. I grew up with a twin sister not brother.” Michelle looked over to the play area we had set up on the other side of the yard where Penny was trying to follow Tom on to the slide, “I seriously can’t believe a few years ago we were all sitting here planning Ethan’s baby shower..”

“And Colton’s.” Jacky piped up, “Every time I look at Eth I can’t help but wonder who Colton looks more like. If he has the Baker eyes, or Matt’s. If his hair looks like Ethan’s or not…”

“Yeah, me too some times.” Leana wrung her hands together, “At least if she stayed here they could have all grown up together. I don’t even know if they’ll ever know or not, that’s the thing that gets me most of the times when it crosses my mind. Their Uncle Matt has his own little hellion that none of us got to meet.”

“Right? None of us. Not even a picture or anything.” Jacky sighed, “I still check her social media for any type of updates and there’s nothing. And no new ones with her name.”

We all shared a look before Jimmy decided to speak up, “Who’s to say she’s even a Baker any more?”

We all got silent, leave it to Jimmy to speak what we were all thinking but didn’t want to say. It had crossed my mind a few times when I would find Jacky’s searches for Liz online, what if we typed in a different last name and found her suddenly? I shook my head silently, “It’s been five years not a lifetime.”

“It shouldn’t be so hard to find her, I just don’t get it.” Michelle put her drink down on the edge of the fire pit, “I need to pee. Make sure the kids don’t kill themselves,” she pushed Brian’s shoulder, “Or anyone else.”

“You act like they’re capable of that.” He laughed but moments after she entered the house he was in the sandbox picking up a crying Penny after she fell trying to push Ethan off of the riding tractor, “Yep I was wrong, again. How did you make two survive, Zack, and one for eight years!?”

“Kind of crossed my fingers and let Jacky do most of it.” I laughed as Jacky rolled her eyes, “It just works after a while, they figure out what shouldn’t happen and manage to survive.”

“I found the more Zack intervened with them, even Eth, they were like ten times more likely to get hurt.” Jacky laughed a little, “You’ll get the hang of it.”

“So are we open to discussing work at this family night or is that off limits?” Jimmy piped up, “Because I have a really good idea for some stage props.”


Lizs POV

I clicked on the small blue button next to the internet browser on my laptop, quietly transmitting my request to log in. Log in to an account I hadn’t touched in years. More than five, almost six. I felt a lump in my throat as I was prompted with questions, Danny said it was weird I didn’t have social media, I needed a way to communicate with other parents at the school. I needed to be part of their Facebook groups, events, and random chatter about drop off crossing guards.

I hadn’t been on social media since before Colton was born and the thought of having my name out there again gave me chills, there was so much I didn’t want to see again, so much I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. My fingers hesitated at the final button to complete my profile.

Welcome, Elizabeth Heely! Start connecting!

I exhaled heavily, I had hidden my birth date, and address. No one needed to know that, and the less information that was public the less chances any unwanted requests would find their way in to my inbox.


Instantly my friend request icon blew up with parents from Colton’s school, first was Meridiths parents, the Newcombs. I accepted each of them, then Danny appeared and I smirked as I shot a look down the hallway towards our room. I had snuck myself in to the living room after he fell asleep, with another glass of wine, to decide if I wanted to do this.

“Finally huh?”

I turned a little as Danny hoisted himself over the back of the couch and settled beside me, taking my wine and taking a small sip.

“Yeah, I guess. It could be fine, right?” I smiled a little, watching more school related names pop up beside a bright blue, very intriguing, accept button.

“Listen, Liz. I get why you’re nervous babe, but I doubt any one will find you.” Danny rubbed my arm gently, “There’s always a block button if they do.”

“They wouldn’t be able to, right? None of them would think of Heely, right? And I don’t have anything linked to California here so..”

“Breathe.” Danny smiled reassuringly, “I doubt your brother is going to run through an entire dictionary of last names beside yours just to find you on social media.”

“He might not, but his wife might.” I chuckled under my breath, “Thank you.. for being so helpful.”

“I love you, that’s what I’m here for. Now let’s add all my family and start getting you RSVP’d to the barrage of Heely activities this winter holds for us. Oh and you can like the office page and dad can finally add you as an admin.”

“I’d rather not..” I mumbled, “The office thing. I don’t want to be on too many public pages if I can.”

“Ok ok, I won’t push. But let’s accept some of these requests and go to bed. Then we can make our marriage official.” He winked and kissed my cheek as I began filtering through the requests. Each name my heart growing less anxious, how bad could this be?