‹ Prequel: Beta



Savannah rushed into the restaurant to meet her best friends. She had stayed for the first period of the game before having Tyler drop her off at the restaurant. “Sorry, Tyler was not in a very fast driving mood tonight,” she explained.

Alex shrugged. “I thought I was going to be late. I got here two minutes before you.”

“Yeah, Mrs. Benn over here almost stood us up,” Shea jerked her finger in Alex’s direction.

Savannah’s eyes widened. “Mrs. Benn!? Did Jamie propose!?” she asked excitedly, reaching over and grabbing Alex’s left hand, disappointed when she didn’t see a ring.

Alex snatched her hand back. “No! He didn’t propose!” she told them.

“He basically did,” Shea outed her.

“Okay. I need to hear everything now,” she said, just as the waiter made his way over. She ordered her normal Jack and Diet Coke and then skimmed over the menu to order whatever popped out at her first. After taking the orders, the waiter left them to their conversation. “Spill, Alex.”

“There was no proposal,” Alex stated. Shea gave her a look, and Savannah wondered what her sister knew. She stared at Alex, waiting on her to clarify. “He just said he wants to propose...someday,” she finally said.

Savannah yelped in excitement. “Alex! Oh my God! That’s huge!” she exclaimed.

Alex smiled sincerely. “We’ll see what happens, but I am happy to be back with him. It seems longer than a week we were apart,” she admitted.

“Well by the looks of this morning, you made up for that week apart,” Savannah teased.

“Tell us about Chicago and the Sonny case,” Alex tried changing subjects.

Savannah gave a brief rundown of what had transpired in Chicago, as well as Tyler’s slightly jealous side that came through with the mention of Jonathan Toews.

Shea laughed at Tyler’s jealousy. “That man is madly in love with you, he can’t help it,” she defended him.

Savannah rolled her eyes. “He has women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. He can’t get mad when I talk to another guy,” she argued.

Savannah waited on her sister to defend Tyler again, but she noticed she was on her phone. She’d been on it the majority of the night, and she wondered what she was doing on it. “Okay Shea, what’s so interesting on your phone?” she questioned.

Shea sat her phone on the table. She looked at her friends. “I guess it’s time to tell you guys,” she began. Savannah looked at her curiously, wondering what she was keeping from them. “Audrey and I are looking into having kids.”

“Really!?” Alex asked excitedly.

Shea gave a soft smile. “Yeah. We’re not sure if it’ll happen, but we’d kinda like to try a surrogate or in vitro or something. Both of us would love to have a baby that’s actually ours,” she said. “Well they’d be one of ours biologically. Not really able to get both of our DNA into a baby. Damn being a lesbian,” she joked.

“Well any child would be both of yours,” Alex pointed out. “I mean, my parents are my biological parents, but your parents raised me. Blood doesn’t always equate to parents.”

Savannah smiled. She knew Alex really appreciated Dan and Mae, and Savannah loved that her parents had taken Alex in as their own. “No matter what, he or she will be yours and Audrey’s. What can we do to help?”

“Well, we have an appointment to talk about in vitro on Wednesday. Jamie kinda expedited the process,” Shea admitted.

Savannah saw the look on Alex’s face and knew this was a surprise to her as well. “Jamie?”

Shea nodded her head. “Yeah, don’t be mad that he knew before you two did. It was kinda an accident. But he made a few calls to help speed everything up. Otherwise pretty sure Audrey and I would still be waiting another year to even talk to doctors. Apparently it’s getting more popular, and there aren’t a ton of doctors or clinics around that do it. At least not that live up to our expectations.”

Savannah looked at Alex. “Better thank that future husband of yours...more than you already were planning on,” she joked with a wink.

Alex opened her mouth to reply, but their food was brought out, silencing their conversation briefly. Savannah hadn’t realized how hungry she was until the food was placed in front of her. She forgot all about their conversation for the time being and instead focused on her dinner.

Before she knew it, they had gone through another round of drinks and dessert, and Shea was the first one to call it quits, ready to go home to her wife.

“Go,” Savannah told Alex after Savannah had grabbed the tab for the three of them. “I know you can’t wait to get back to Jamie.”

Alex blushed slightly. “You’re not looking forward to going back to Segs?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“I’ve got some work to do first,” Savannah admitted. She really had a lot to catch up on since returning to Dallas.

“Well, make sure to take care of yourself,” Alex said in her motherly way. “We don’t need your concussion stuff getting worse.”

“I will,” Savannah assured her with a smile. She said goodnight to Alex before getting an Uber herself to take her back to the DEA office.

She wasn’t surprised to find no one on her team around. Liam had left a folder with some notes on her desk so she went through that. She glanced at her phone to see a missed call from Maren from earlier that evening. She looked at the clock, debating whether it was too late to call her back. She decided to take the chance, knowing Maren liked to bury herself in work so there was a good chance she was still awake.

“Hi Savannah,” she greeted her.

“Sorry to call you back so late.”

“No, it’s fine. I was just finishing up here. I called earlier because I have some new information. Toews got the name from Brophy. Named Jimmy Nelson specifically.”

Savannah smiled. “Good, we just need to figure out how to connect him to Sonny, and we’re golden.” They were closer to getting Sonny behind bars, and Savannah couldn’t be happier. She’d spent years trying to lock him up and now it might happen. “Tell Toews thank you,” she added.

“I will,” Maren replied. “Oh, and I looked into Tommy Conway a little more. Looks like he got his job as a scout from cousin Jimmy. He started out for the Hawks and then moved to Dallas about two years ago. He came from a poor family and lived with Nelson and his parents from the time he was twelve. Dad died from a drug overdose. Mom got thrown in jail for dealing.”

Savannah was impressed. She hadn’t gotten any hits on Conway’s own history, but clearly he didn’t come from a great gene pool. “So it’s in his blood,” Savannah muttered.

“Sure seems that way. He doesn’t have too interesting of a rap sheet. Doesn’t even have a speeding ticket,” Maren reported.

“So he’s either good at keeping things under wraps or he recently got sucked in,” Savannah thought aloud. “Thanks for digging into his past, Maren. And let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you from here.”

“I’m going back to talk to Brophy tomorrow about the drug. Toews wasn’t too keen on me keeping interrogating Brophy after the incident, but he’s all we got,” she defended herself. Savannah knew she’d do the same thing in that situation.

“We need all the info we can,” Savannah agreed. “And I’ll see what I can about Conway.”

“Maybe your boyfriend knows something about him?”

Savannah frowned. Tyler was already more involved than she wanted him to be. Maybe she could talk to Jamie for help. “Yeah, I’ll see,” Savannah responded. “I’ll talk to you later. Have a good night, Maren,” she said before they hung up.

As if Tyler knew he was being talked about, Savannah got a text from him. You coming home tonight or staying out with the girls?

Savannah: I’ll be home eventually. I’m at work right now.

Tyler: Work?? It’s almost 11 at night

Savannah: I’m playing catch up.

Tyler: You should play catch up with your boyfriend.

Savannah: Don’t act deprived.

Tyler: Text me when you’re on your way home.

Savannah: I will. I’ll probably be another hour or so.

She put her phone back on her desk and got back to reviewing some of the Dallas cases she’d been slacking on since traveling to Chicago.


Savannah headed home just after 2:00 am, a couple hours later than she had told Tyler. She didn’t even bother texting him, knowing he wouldn’t be awake.

So she was in for a surprise when she reached home and found the lights all on and Tyler in the living room, petting Gerry, who was asleep in his lap.

“You told me you’d text me when you were leaving,” he mumbled from the couch, not even glancing in her direction while he kept his eyes on the television that was showing highlights from the baseball games from the day.

She walked over and sat down on the couch, putting her feet in his lap. “Sorry, I thought you’d be asleep,” she admitted.

“I was.”

“What woke you up?”

He finally looked at her. “I don’t know, I had a bad feeling about something and I couldn’t shake it,” he tried explaining.

“I’m fine if that’s what you were worried about,” she stated the obvious.

He put a hand on her lower leg and started gently rubbing it. “I see that,” he replied. “Are you ever going to come home at a normal hour? At this point you should just sleep in your office,” he told her.

“Don’t tempt me,” she joked with a smile. Tyler frowned at her. “I’m just trying to catch up since I was gone,” she explained.

“Well you can’t stay late tomorrow. Either you’ve got to come home early or I’m picking you up at work and taking you to the magazine party,” he reminded her.

Savannah watched the tv showing the Cubs highlights. “I’m just going to go with Alex and Jamie,” she said without taking her eye off the television.

“Uh no you’re not,” Tyler stated. Savannah’s head spun around. Before she could start arguing, Tyler cut her off. “You’re coming with me.”

“C’mon, Tyler, no one wants to see you walk into that party with a girl on your arm,” she told him. “I’m still going to be there.”

“And you’re coming with me,” he repeated.

“Well where did Mr. Possessive come from?” she asked.

Tyler suddenly understood how he was coming off to her, and he immediately felt bad. He knew her ex-boyfriend had been possessive and abusive, and that just wasn’t him. “You can go with Alex and Jamie if you want,” he backed off.

Savannah put a hand on his arm, realizing she had offended him. “I just don’t want all your fan girls upset when you walk in with a girl,” she said.

“Well pretty sure everyone knows I’ve got a hot, sexy, badass girlfriend,” he said lowly.

“Don’t try to be all flirty. I’m too tired for sex,” she told him.

Tyler laughed. “Damn, my line isn’t working,” he said. “But seriously, I want you to come with me. But first, I want to go to bed. Come on,” he said, standing up and holding his hand out for her. She gladly took it and followed him back to the bedroom.

After changing into a T-shirt and shorts, she climbed under the sheets and snuggled into him. She put a hand under his T-shirt, resting it on his stomach. “Have I told you I’m happy to be your girlfriend?” she mumbled into his skin.

“Why are you sucking up to me?” he asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

Savannah didn’t move her head, too tired to do so. “I’m not. I’m just happy. It’s nice to be happy. All of us. Shea and Audrey. Alex and Jamie. You and me.”

“Don’t jinx us,” Tyler warned. He could tell she was already falling asleep on him. He wrapped his arm around her and gently rubbed her back. “Now go to bed,” he told her.

She didn’t need to be told twice. Within seconds, she’d already fallen asleep.