‹ Prequel: Masterpiece



It was never supposed to be like this at all. She was supposed to be out living life, and following her dreams like she always wanted to. So how did it get to the point where she was in an abusive relationship and not allowed to do anything?

Being 18 years old, Bria thought she knew it all. She had a great job doing what she loved, had the best friends a girl could ever ask for. But the day she met him was the day everything changed. Bria had never met anyone who was as sweet as him. But as the days turned into months, she began to find out the truth about him.

He had managed to convince her that she didn’t need to have any friends when he was around. He had also managed to convince her that she didn’t need to work anymore. Why bother working when he could take care of her? But as the months turned into a year, she saw a side of him that she had wished she never saw. But it was too late to escape the relationship now, so she was stuck doing something that she didn’t want to do. No one could save her, not even herself.
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it's a bit short, but this is the start of the back story. there is a lot that will come out sooner or later. i'm looking forward to writing this!

Bria is a mess.