Till The End Of The Line

Chapter 15

Bucky stared at the marvel of a floating car in front of him, his date standing in awe next to him. Howard Stark introduced his new technology. With a loud sputter, the car came crashing down back to the stage. Howard made a comment and Bucky laughed.

"Let's go Steve, let's take the girls dancing" He smiled at the brunette standing close to him. He turned, noticing Steve was gone.

Sighing, he knew exactly where he was heading. Walking towards the recruitment area, he saw Steve standing on the mirror, making him up in a uniform. As usual, the conversation of Steve and signing up ended in an argument. Bucky knew he wouldn't be able to talk him out of it, felony or not.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back!' Bucky yelled at him, slowly walking away. He hoped his long time best friend would be following him.

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you!" Steve told him. Bucky chuckled, turning on his heels to walk back up to his best friend. He hugged him tightly.

"Punk" Bucky mumbled under his breathe, Steve replying with jerk. Smiling, he headed back towards the girls.

For the rest of the night, though trying his best, he just couldn't have fun or stop thinking about Steve. What would he do while he was gone? Was he going to be alright? Was he going to get caught and put in jail for falsifying his recruitment papers?

The whole squad had gotten captured. While some of the guys were lucky to be in cages, Bucky was one of the few that were chosen for an experiment. After being injected against his will, he lay on a metal table. Unaware of where he was or if he'd live, he began mumbling his name along with his numbers and rank. He was about to slip into oblivion when he heard a familiar voice call out his name.

"Bucky!" Steve chimed, happy to see his friend. "I thought you were dead!"

While struggling to get up and walk away from the explosions happening all around, he now had to stare up at the kid he used to look down too. "I thought you were smaller, what happened to you?"

"I joined the army" Steve smiled.

Zola was on the train that was moving at a very fast speed. Steve, Bucky and Gabe made it onto the train without a hitch. While Gabe headed towards the front, Steve and Bucky entered one of the cars. They were greeted by gunfire and a man in a metal suit. While fighting them off, Steve and Bucky were thrown to the floor. Grabbing the shield in front of him, Bucky stood up to protect Steve, shooting at the metal man. With a large blast, she was sent flying and grabbed onto a piece of metal. Hanging thousands of feet in the air, he watched Steve take the guy out as he struggled to hold on.

"Grab my hand!" Steve screamed out, reaching as far as he could. Within a second, Bucky lost his grip, slipping and falling.

Bucky woke up in his cabin screaming. The solider was out of his head, but he would still have nightmares.

Frankie walked next to Steve as they entered the compound. Wanda and Sam were helping Vision walk, Nat standing next to them. Roadie was talking to General Ross, who was giving him a speech about turning them all in. After hanging up, he welcomes us all back with open arms. Someone walked out of the back hallway, staring at everyone.

"Nat" he smiled, staring at her.

"Bruce" she breathed out in a response.

"This is awkward" Sam whispered. I looked at him.

Steve introduced me to Bruce. Who explained where he'd been. I saw it in Nat that she had a million questions.

He thought it would protect you.

She made a face at Frankie, nodding a bit. They all sat there as Bruce explained everything. How he escaped with Thor and a women named Valkerie. Making it back to Asgard, Thor and Loki's new sister and how the left Asgard in pieces; all to the point when they were attacked by Thanos.

"Loki is dead" Steve mumbled.

"They are after the stone. We need to protect it" Bruce told him.

"I know somewhere we can go" Steve said, looking over at Frankie. "They'll be able to help"

Everyone piled onto the quinjet. Steve sat in the pilot's seat next to Nat. They whispered back and forth to each other. Frankie knew he continually was asking if she was alright.

Leave her be Steve Frankie warned him, hearing Nat's thoughts of annoyance.

Leaning on Sam, Frankie tried her best to take a nap. Steve's obnoxious voice was in her head though. He never really told everyone where they were going. A knot formed in her stomach as she heard Steve tell Nat that they were going to Wakanda.

"You okay with that?" Sam whispered. Frankie looked up at him, knowing her emotions were written on her face. "If you don’t want to see him, you don't have too"

"I just don't know what I'd say to him"

It'd been awhile. Over two years. Within the two, she'd been captured and enhanced; he'd been framed for terrorism and murder, along with getting his arm blown off.

The back of the quinjet landed gently on the soul of the foreign country. Steve walked off and greeted the king. He hugged his oldest companion

"How have you been, Buck?" he asked, smiling.

"Not bad for the end of the world" Bucky joked.

He looked around, and it seemed as if everyone had gotten off the jet. Steve saw his smile dip a little bit.

I can't do it Frankie told Steve

"I have someone that wants to say hi" Steve smiled, looking over at Sam.

"Hey man" Sam laughed, watching as Bucky's face fell. Sam turned towards the jet, waiting.

Frankie slowly came off the jet, staring straight at him. His face lit up. He stared at her. She was a bit taller, the leather outfit she has one showed her curves differently then what she used to wear. Her hair was short and dark. She looked different to him, but even with the scars she was still perfect. She was wearing an old uniform shirt, the same ones himself and Steve had to wear.

"Frankie" he breathed, trying to ignore everyone standing and staring at them.

"Hey Buck" she smiled back at him.

On impulse, he just reached for her. He hugged her tight, the smile not leaving his face. He took hers between his, just to stare at her for what felt like forever. He leaned over the short distance now, letting his lips finally touch hers. It was only a few seconds, but it was all he needed.

"Okay" both Steve and Sam interrupted. Frankie just shook her head.

Bucky took her down to his little cabin while Steve explained the situation and set Vision up. They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before he looked up at her; apologizing again for allowing all of it to happen. He asked what had happened. She took his hand, allowing her memories to flow into his head. With a low exhale, he looked at her.

"I could never forgive myself Frank, I am so sorry"

"You know, Steve keeps saying the same thing when in reality, it wasn't either of your faults. I was the one not paying attention; I stopped on the side of the road. I should've kept up with you. It is my entire fault"

"I shouldn’t have left you, we should've just stayed in the cabin and none of this would've happened"

"It would've happened eventually, Buck"

Again, they sat in silence for a while. They began to walk back to the group. He took her hand in his, bringing her near the water before they began to protect the world they both knew and loved.

"If this goes sideways, I just need to tell you some things Frankie" he stopped and took her face between his hands once again. "I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me"

"Buck, you don’t need to" he cut her off by kissing her again. A little more force, a little more passion in this one.

"I love you, Francesca Dugan"

"I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes"