

Three months had passed since Joanna officially moved back to her hometown. Three months had passed since she had heard from Tony. At first she was a bit hurt, but that soon passed. After almost bailing on her first date with Trent, Rachael came in and saved the day. Joanna's date with him turned out pretty fun and after a few more random dates, she and Trent officially hooked up.

The gang welcomed the new guy in with open arms. Well the gang minus Tony. Although he had cut all ties with Joanna, he still made it known he disliked Trent with a passion. It didn't bother Joanna one bit though; she was pretty happy with her choice and Tony's for leaving her the hell alone.

Currently everyone minus Tony was chilling out back at Joanna's house, having a good time. The guys were discussing their upcoming tour to promote the album they had finally completed. Rachael was trying her hardest to get Joanna to tag along so she wasn't the only female surrounded by the guys.

"You're crazy, you know that right?" Joanna asked between hits off a joint. "Like really really crazy."

Rachael rolled her eyes, "Dipshit's opinion doesn't matter on this babe. I need another girl with me please. Merch and passing shit out is a more than one person job. Please help me."

"But it's been such a nice break away from Tony," Joanna sighed deeply.

"Please Jo?" Rachael begged yet again, "I know it's fucking everything up but please help me."

Joanna rolled her eyes, "Fucking fine damn it."


Rachael watched Joanna stand and make her way over to Trent. She bent down to whisper something in his ears; no doubt the touring for a couple months with the guys. Glancing towards Trent's face, Rachael could tell he was the slightest bit annoyed but went along with it anyways.

Joanna returned back to her and took her seat back, "When?"

"Sooner than you're ready for," Rachael smiled sheepishly.

Joanna groaned out loud, "You owe me big time for this bitch."

"What's up ladies?" Nick asked while taking the seat across from Joanna.

"Oh you know, getting suckered into tagging along with you guys to help this jackass out," Joanna muttered, jabbing her thumb towards Rachael.

Nick chuckled, "I was wondering who she was gonna get to help her out. I'm sorry she targeted you though. I know your life has been nice without Tony around."

"You guys could at least wait 'til I'm not around to talk shit," Rachael muttered.

"Yeah well..." Joanna trailed off.

"How's lover boy taking the news?" Nick questioned while sliding a joint from his cigarette pack.

Joanna shrugged, "How would you take it if you knew your girlfriend was hitting the road for a few months with an ex and history?"

Nick frowned, "Sorry."

"It's whatever, I told him he had nothing to worry about. Besides he's supposed to be traveling to his home state soon anyways. One of his relatives is on the dying verge and being at home with nobody to talk to wasn't sounding too appealing."


Joanna scanned over her room one last time, triple checking to make sure she had everything she needed for the road. Nodding to herself, she dragged her bags down to the front door. Not paying attention, she flung the door open and unknowingly ran right into Tony.

"Crap," she muttered when she hit her ass and saw who she had ran into.

Tony quickly pulled her back on her feet, "You ok?"

He had recently dyed his hair black she noticed. Shaking her head, she nodded, "Peachy."

"Rach said to come get you and your stuff. She wasn't sure how long you'd be," he said and looked past her into the doorway, "but apparently you packed quicker than anyone was expecting."

Joanna nodded, "Yeah I wasn't sure when to be ready so I assumed get it done quickly."

"You have everything you need? If not, we can stop along the way."

"I think I'm good."

Tony nodded and stepped past her.

She turned and watched him grab her stuff with ease, "You didn't have to do that."

"I know but I did anyways," he shrugged.

She followed him out to his car after locking the house up. Once her stuff was in the back seat, he turned and faced her. His blue eyes pierced into her own. Her heart sped up and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

"We're stopping for breakfast first. Nobody else is quite ready yet."

"O-okay," she studdered out. He chuckled and went around to the driver's side. Mentally slapping herself in the face, Joanna threw herself into the passenger seat.

"You ok over there?" He asked once they were driving.

She nodded but stayed silent, too afraid to say anything. Instead she busied her mouth with a cigarette and focused out the window.

"So, uh, how's things with Trent?" Tony had asked once they were almost at their destination.

Joanna raised an eyebrow, "Really good."

Tony nodded, "That's good."

"Though he's not too into the idea of me being away from home for so long," she added.

"You'll be back home before he knows it, " Tony shrugged, pulling into the diner and parking.

"It's not that, it's.. he knows about our..."


Jo nodded, "Not that he's got anything to worry about, but it still bothers him slightly," she shrugged.

"I get it," he shrugged, "Wanna come in with me or just eat out here?"

"You allow people to eat in your car now?" She questioned with a smirk.

"Only special people so feel lucky, " he chuckled and headed inside.


After eating, the two made their way to Matt's house. Joanna found it nice to actually joke around with him and be able to have actual conversations with him without fighting constantly. She knew it wouldn't last too long though, but she'd enjoy it while it did.

As they pulled in, Rachael ran out to the car.

"Relax Rach, everything is just fine," Tony reassured her.

Rachael rolled her eyes, "Thanks but that's not why I came out. I wanted to make sure Jo had plenty of both cool and warm stuff packed since we'll be where it's hot and cold."

"I think I do and if not-"

"We'll stop along the way between shows," Tony finished for her.

"Right ok then we're all ready to hit the road," Rachael smiled just as a car pulled up at the curb.

Everyone watched Joanna run down to the car. Trent emerged from the driver's side and met her at the front of it. He picked her up and planted a kiss on her lips before spinning her around a couple times. Tony watched the lovey dovey interactions with a frown on his face.

"Thought you were done with her?" Rachael's voice broke his concentration.

He looked down at his feet with a deep sigh, "Guess I have to be huh?" He stole one last glance at Joanna before he looked away again. He began making sure everything was loaded for the road before climbing into the driver's seat.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm not sure if mibba is fixed or not so here goes nothing.

I know how this ends, I actually can complete the final chapter/epilogue right this second and it fit nomatter what comes about up to it; but I've got to work up to that final/epilogue.. I'm just trying to figure out how much more exactly I need to focus on building up to that final moment. I've got a couple updates for this and my other two stories as well :)

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter!