

The rest of the night drug on as slow as possible for Joanna. While the party continued on downstairs, she was in her bedroom away from her actual bedroom. Alone.
So damn bored.
The bedroom hadn't really changed over the years, expect for a few boxes now taking up a former empty corner and Mest related things strung out all over the walls.

She sighed while she looked at the various magazine article clippings scattered across the wall beside the doorframe. She recognized a couple of the earlier pictures, but wasn't familiar with the rest. She stopped reading anything involving bands about a year after moving away with her mom.

Joanna realized she had been staring at a black and white photograph where the guys were dressed in black pinstriped shirts. Tony was wearing a pinstriped tie and it was loosely tied around his neck. His hands were holding onto each half of the tie. She remembered this picture in color once in a music shop.

She had to force herself to look away from her former best friend with a long sigh. She threw herself down on the bed and pulled the pillows up over her head. If she was getting any sleep tonight, she was going to have to force herself to sleep.


Some time later in the night, party guests were either passing out or leaving on foot to go home. Matt, Nick and Jeremiah were passed out in the living room. Tony couldn't find a spot to sleep on so he stumbled his way towards the staircase. After a few failed attempts to get up the steps, Tony finally succeeded. Smiling to himself, he headed for Matt's room.



Everyone who was sleeping peacefully in the livingroom jumped to their feet quick. They could hear shouting above their heads and groaned. The three guys were still out of it and very slowly processing anything happening.

Upstairs though, Joanna was fully awake and wondering why Tony was in bed with her. She had waken up in his arms, one of his hands on her upper thigh.

"How fucking dare you!"

"What the fuck are you going on about?" Tony asked tiredly through his arm.

"Why are you in bed with me!"

"More like why're you in Matt's bed?" Again, he mumbled.

"This is his guest room moron!"

"Explains why this bed smells like weed and perfume," he chuckled.

She watched him roll on his stomach to inhale the smells better. She rolled her eyes, remembering him doing that back in the day too.

"That scent man. Where have I smelled it before?" He asked himself. He continued to take in the smell. His foggy mind searched his memories, trying to pinpoint the scent.

Joanna watched him sit straight up as if someone else were controlling his every move. She mentally slapped herself in the face, knowing he at least remembered her perfume. Slowly the two made eye contact.

Matt flung the bedroom door open before either could say a word.

"The hell is going on?" Matt mumbled.

"Your....cousin wound up in bed with me, " Joanna muttered, pushing herself off the bed. "Sorry I woke everyone up. I just panicked 'cause know," she finished with a shrug.

"You were supposed to go home last night Tone," Matt sighed.

Tony merely shrugged at his cousin. He didn't really care what the problem was. Instead he was wrapped up in Joanna and why she smells like his Jo.

"Would you please stop staring at me like that?" She muttered.

"Who the hell are you really?" Tony asked, ignoring her request.

She sighed deeply and went to move from the bed, "Don't worry about it."

"I don't think so," he challenged, "Who the fuck are you?" grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving, he felt a spark jolt between the two of them.

"Don't fucking worry about it!" She shouted while yanking her arm from his grip. "Grow the fuck up already Lovato!"

Tony watched her storm out of the guest room.

"Dude, you can't be that way to her," Matt groaned, dragging his hands down his face.

"I can be any way I wanna be towards any bitch," Tony shot back with a glare. "Why're you sticking up for this bitch so much anyways? You got a hard on for her?"

"Fuck you dude," Matt said.

"I mean come on Matt. Why are you kissing this bitches ass so damn much?"

"You haven't figured it out yet?" Matt asked, scoffing at the look on Tony's face.

"Come on man, " Tony sighed, "Who is she?"

"Think about it," Matt lifted his shoulder to shrug at his cousin. With that he left his cousin alone with his thoughts.