Status: Yay Michael is a favorite character of mine

Growing Pains


A breathless moan left his throat when I began to bounce up and down on his shaft. I set a slow, sensual, pace, one that had his nails biting into the tender skin of my sides.

His hands went to my breasts as I used his thighs to support my careful strokes. He felt so good and so deep, he fit so deliciously, like we were made for each other.

I mewled when he plucked and rolled my nipples between his long fingers, “Michael.”

He looked so fucked out a sensual smile gracing his lips, his hips bucking up to meet my rhythm. Just looking at him enjoying his pleasure made the coil in my stomach turn more tightly.

Michael sat up, his arm holding his weight as his mouth suckled on whatever skin he could find. My collarbones, my cheeks, when he reached my neck he nibbled and bit. His hips jutted particularly quick as his teeth sunk in and his tongue soothed over the pain.

I gasped out; fingers seeking refuge in his short wavy blonde hair. His lips searching for more skin, more love bites to give.

Yanking his head back I smashed his lips to mine. Nipping on his bottom lip he groaned, allowing me to slide my tongue against his. Our lips meeting in a passionate sync.

His hands found my hips again as he began to get impatient. He flipped us over so quickly I let out a squeal followed by a chuckle.

With one hand on my waist and the other near my head. His hips rocked against mine, his sighs melding with mine. The lewd sounds of lips parting and skin meeting skin filled the quiet room.

“Faster baby,” I managed to gasp out, my legs locking around his waist, hands in his hair once more.

His hand wandered between us finding my clit, quickly rubbing pleasurable figure eights against me. My high was quickly approaching, just on the precipice I leaned up and nibbled on his ear.

I felt him shudder as he leaned down to kiss me once more, “I love you Emma.”

“I love you too,” I yelped our as he reached a new depth within me. Pinning my hands down with his, our fingers interlocked, his rhythm began to pick up, changing from passionate to rough and fast.

God he felt so good, the heat of his body, the scent of his cologne and sex had my mind on a constant hum. Being this close to him made all of the impending changes ahead of us fade away into nothing. It was just us and our love.

He slowed as he bottomed out, “Where are you?”

I chuckled wrapping my arms around his neck, “I’m here.”

Michael’s clear blue eyes searched through mine, lust filled but curious, he always knew when my mind wandered away to something taxing. I kissed the corner of his mouth, taking the worries away.

Michael was so breathtakingly beautiful, his golden skin shined in the dim light from the sheen of sweat, he looked so incredibly sinful. So unholy I would come from just the sight of him.

His fingers circled my clit even faster as he felt me tighten around his cock, “Cum for me Em…”

Keening at the softness of his whisper against my ear, my toes curled and I was falling. Shaking and spasming against his well toned body.

He rode out my orgasm in search of his own. It wasn’t too much longer when he came. Hot ropes of his seed spurting inside me until he had none left.

He collapsed on top of me, his breathing heavy trying to calm down. I kissed his shoulder and his neck sucking my own mark on to the sensitive skin right beneath his ear.


He hummed dozing off.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do without you…”

He nudged his head between my breasts only to place a tender kiss between them.

“This distance is going to be nothing to us my love. We’ll be together longer than we’ll be apart.”

My fingers caressed his scalp, playing with his hair. I don’t think I’d ever gain the courage to tell him the truth.

A week had passed since the initial conversation I had with both Mead and Michael. Not once had my schooling been brought up by him. Mead stuck to her word and kept out.

Out of sight out of mind it seemed. Everything had been so normal it was inciting my anxiety. I knew I had to tell him the truth.

The importance of a stress free transition was dire. Michael was going to be the hardest to handle, having me whenever he needed me spoiled him slightly. He didn’t know how to function without Mead or myself.

He was much like a child in that aspect. We sort of were regarded as toys, he could only have us. If someone so much as took us away from him for an hour he’d have a meltdown, no, a tantrum.

Breaking the codependency he had upon me was going to be no easy feat. With the summer nearly at its end, time was running out to confess that school was going to be elsewhere.

Fear kept me from telling him this long at this rate I might not ever gain the courage to tell him the truth.

As it was we barely had any time to sit down and discuss what was going on. He had so much going on just to get in to this school of warlocks, it seemed we only met in passing nowadays. Maybe the small trips would help make my job easier.

We were lucky enough to have met as he got home from doing something with Mead and his other followers. I was on my way out to buy some things for school.

Michael spotted me by the door and buried himself into my neck. Inhaling my scent like a man starved.

Then we ended up here in his bed tangled in his sheets and me late for my errands.

He was close to falling asleep, his breathing had become even and he was slightly curled against me.


He mumbled something in response.

“Can I tell you something?”


“It’s about school—“

A sharp knock abruptly interrupted my confession. I cursed as Mead’s voice came muffled through the door.


Her voice was authoritative and not happy. I knew in that instant what had happened.


I replied loud enough for her to hear. I gently scooted out from under Michael’s body weight. Gathering my clothing from random parts of the room. I redressed in to my dark attire and kissed his cheek, putting one knee on the bed.

He grabbed my hand when I retreated pulling me down to his lips, “See you tonight.”

With one more peck I told him I’d see him tonight. I looked over him with one hand on the door knob. My heart swelled, for being the son of Satan my love certainly gave the impression of an innocent angel.

Perhaps he would become accustomed to not always being right next to each other. I exited the room softly. It was wishful thinking at best and I knew it.

Michael needed stability to thrive and I knew this would knock him off balance but I wanted to live too, have something I could say I did on my own.

“Emma,” Mead said from the bottom of the stairs, “You know that boy can’t just show up here.”

“I’m sorry Ms.Mead I was supposed to meet him a half hour ago,” I explained as I looked my reflection over in the mirror. ‘I just had sex’ should’ve been written on my forehead. I tied up my long black hair in to a bun and adjusted my shirt to cover the hickies.

“Michael doesn’t like him,” she stated, “If he knew you were going shopping with Jeremy he’d be rather angry…”

Of course Michael and he never got off on the right foot. Jeremy never minded my boyfriend as much as my boyfriend minded him. Michael’s fear of losing me just consumed him every time my friend came around. I’d do my best to relax him, and at the time it would work but it started all over again whenever he would see Jeremy again.

I cringed at the memory of last time Jeremy came around. I had promised my friend we would see the new horror movie and true to myself I was running extremely late. Michael had an incident with a human who had been nasty to Ms.Mead and ended up in jail. Someone ended up getting him out but by the time we had gotten home. I was an hour late and Jeremy had been waiting in Ms.Mead’s driveway.

Michael blew a gasket just seeing the boy there. Accusing me of being like the others, leaving him all alone. There was a lot of fire and broken car windows. Needless to say Jeremy wasn’t really a welcomed guest at home. So on days like these where I thought I had nothing to do for the family I made time for my best friend.

“I’m sorry,” I told Mead, “I don’t know when I’ll see him again after all this…”

She frowned, “I don’t get it kid you have the son of our dark lord as your mate and you still have the desire to talk to these nobodies…”

Out of frustration I lit a cigarette, “I guess I’m soft for human connection anyway I have to go.”

With that said I left and ran to my friend’s old Kia. Getting in the passenger’s seat I yelled a, “Hello loser!”

Jeremy offered excitement and happiness for me when Michael and Mead did not. He encouraged me to reach for the stars and do whatever it takes to grab one. In all this chaos my best friend offered peace.

My friend offered an escape from my reality. An opportunity to be an idiot kid and do stupid things everyday people did.

He was a breath of fresh air.

“So that’s why you’re late?”

“What?” I squeaked pulling down the mirror and low and behold the large hickey Michael had give me was on display since my shirt couldn’t stay in one place apparently. “Oh my God.”

“Getting your freak on with angel boy?”

I rolled my eyes, “He’s no angel.”

“I’ll say he can make someone spontaneously combust…”

“Please don’t talk about that with anyone.”

“Who would believe me?”

“No one,” I clapped back instantly, “But if Michael or his followers find out you know what he is I’m afraid they’ll hurt you.”

“I won’t say a word I value my life too much.”

“Good.” I declared triumphantly, “Let’s go buy some art supplies.”


All I knew was I had missed dinner and something wasn’t right in the environment. There was an aura of anger, fury even. My fingers twitched against the car door handle, my gaze shifted nervously over to my friend. I prayed that this was not Michael’s rage, his powers elevated to their most capable during such turbulent

I couldn’t risk bringing my dear friend near such unstable energy. Michael would kill him without a doubt just for being with me.

“Jeremy pull over here,” I advised instantly, “I can walk from here.”

“Why?” my friend quipped, “Is it because of Michael?”

“I’m not sure,” I replied, “Just let me out here something isn’t right and I don’t want you to be involved.”

“Are you going to be okay?”

I nodded my head with a smile, “Of course.”

My friend pulled over to the curb and gave me a nervous smile, his eyes were swimming with uncertainty, I leaned over the console and hugged my friend tightly, doing my best to reassure him that I would be okay. It’s possible that this could’ve been the last time that I would ever see my friend.

I didn’t know what the future beheld, how long after I went to this school that society we knew as a whole would still be standing due to Michael’s destiny. If this was the last time seeing Jeremy then I wanted him to remember me as happy as he could.

“Text me,” he called as I slammed the door shut.

“I will.”

Taking my bags from the trunk I began the tredge back home. The little twinge of annoyance in my stomach began to grow, it had only been a couple of hours and he was already throwing a tantrum. Yes I understood his complex but after being with him for over two years, he should know my intentions were good and all for him.

I devoted one hundred percent of my time to Michael and his fate; a two hour time out shouldn’t be what tips his tank. I loved him more than anything, I was willing to do anything he asked me to but why couldn’t I enjoy some me time?
The dark energy on the property was suffocating and nearly toxic from the intensity of Michael’s anger. I hesitated at the edge of the sidewalk. This outburst was worse than before, a cacophony of objects smashing and breaking could be heard from where I stood.

I prayed that I wasn’t the one who caused this turbulent storm.

Mead’s voice was audible from the front porch, “Michael she’s coming back please, it’s alright.”

So it was me he was upset with. I sighed and shoved the door open with my bags. I barely got a glance of the debris his current fit had created when Michael came storming out of the kitchen. Mead quickly in tow.

“New York?” he bellowed, hot, angry tears running down his cheeks, “Why do you need to go that far away?”

I put my hand to my forehead it suddenly started to throb. I looked to Mead accusingly, and she shook her head at me in outrage.

“He found the letter on your desk Emma.”

Stupid, stupid, me.

“Michael it’s the best school for the arts,” I began gingerly trying to approach him, “And it’s only going to be why you’re away my love.”

“You’re going to leave me as soon as you find someone better!” he shouted his eyes wide and turbulent storms, “Why else would you sneak around behind my back? And with my Ms.Mead?”

Shaking my head profusely I began, “Michael I love you and I am not leaving you. I would never leave you, there’s no one in this world I’d rather be with. I didn’t tell you right away because I’d knew you’d be upset, I was ready to tell you this afternoon and got sidetracked I’m sorry for not being honest with you. I promise I’m not going anywhere, if you need me while I’m at school I’ll drop what I’m doing immediately. I will go wherever you are, whenever. This school is strictly school nothing more...okay?”

I whispered the last part afraid that he’d push me away with the proximity I had gained. My hands found his cheeks, I gently wiped away the tears and caressed his hot face. His eyes closed instinctively from the contact giving me the okay to lean up on my toes and press a kiss to his forehead. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in to my hair. He inhaled deeply, seemingly calm but he suddenly jumped back as if I had burnt im.

“Who were you with?”

Confusion contorted my features, “What do you mean Michael?”

“You smell like another man!” he roared his face warping into something rather frightening. His voice projected with such strength it caused all the glass around us to break. A dangerous spray of the rubble flew past my body, some of it leaving scratches that stung my face.

“It was only Jeremy,” I explained softly removing shards of glass from my hair, “He just gave me a small hug because I’m not going to see him anymore. That’s all no more no less.”

Mead exited the room with an angry huff, mumbling something about going to get the first aid kit and a fucking broom.

“Michael…why don’t you trust me?”

He sniffled quietly, “Everyone leaves me.”

With aggravation I surged forward and took hold of his larger hands, “I’m not everyone Michael, I’m still here. I have done everything you have ever asked me without question, I have helped you perform rituals, hidden bodies, done everything to prove to you my loyalty and you still doubt me?”

He rubbed his eye with our hands intertwined it was so pitiful and childlike, “It’s not you Emma, I just can’t bear to lose you. I know I don’t deserve you but I love you so much the thought of you being with someone else, I can’t stand it. Please don’t leave me.”

“I won’t my love,” I swore, “But if you could trust me more…”

His chin rested upon my head as he hugged me tightly, “I’ll try darling.”

I kissed his lips tenderly rubbing his cheek, “Good now let’s help Ms.Mead clean up shall we?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo just warming up here, so stick with me guys.