Status: Let me know what it made you feel. Your feedback is very valuable for me.

As It Happens

part one of the story

She was in her early teens. Starting to get thick around her bottom and front. She kept her hand in her crotch and there was a dark and pungent smoke around her head. She used to stay in a littered room. Sometimes she would go over to a guy who would curl up next to her and enter her from back.

But then she got sick and had to stay home. So she sat down played some tunes. Music blasting in her head she separated the reality and started wrapping it with lies, feel good made up facts and she did it slow and good but it just kept falling apart. Her list of sexual and emotional conquests was growing. And growing. And growing.

She stood there. Then she buckled and threw up. Then she fell down and stayed there and passed out. When she got up with swollen eyes she had sour smelling fluids in her hair and on her face. Half her body was numb.

She got up and went to get washed up. Cold water ran down her anorexic body. She shivered and her teeths rattled.

She wrapped around a piece of cloth and looking needy went out. There was an old guy sitting in a room. She thought of going in. She stood there staring at the decorations on the wall, the calligraphy and the rugs on the floor. Her feet pointed ahead so she tore her gaze and went into the next store.

This store was not well lit but she enjoyed the darkness. The guy behind the counter served her food and let her stay there for a while. He himself stayed behind the counter and looked busy. After a while he came to her saying 'you need a proper bath' poker faced and went back.

She got up from her seat and went back to her home. In the next few days she visited and re-visited that store. But the sign said "closed". through the glass she could see him working but he never looked up.

She spent days and weeks and years there outside that store. Sun went up Sun went down and she just stood there. and stood there. and stood there. One day he let her in. She went in, went to a wall and lowered herself down to the floor, curled into a ball and started crying till there was a pool of tears around her.
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i am trying to find my writing style. if you guys can help me make it more engaging for the readers i'll be thankful