Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...

Dirty Little 14 Year Old Mind!

"What are you doing?" i ask Tyshawntia who was standing on top of the jungle gym.
"I wanna see if i can fly!!!!" She shouted down to me. "I'm gonna jump!"
"People cant fly-"
"Unless they're in planes." Bill finished Tom's sentence.

This sort of thing happens all the time with us. Ty eating to much candy and getting hyper then trying to prove that she can do what others cant. In this case, flying. There she was standing at the top of the jungle gym with her arm stretched wide ready to jump. She had been talking about it all day, she wanted to fly like the birds in the skies. RETARD!

"Just get down, Ty. You might break your leg or something jumping from there!" i said while putting my hands on my hips.
"I'm not clumsy like you!"
"Hey I'm not clumsy!!" i pouted.
"Just come down and I'll by you more candy." Tom persuaded and it worked.

She gets off the railing and runs down to them with a smile on her face.

"I want ice cream."
Bill laughs while shaking his head, "I don't think you need anymore sugar."
"But Tomi promised!!!" she whines and kicks a rock.
"Tom still owes me ice cream from that bet he lost." i cut my eyes at him.
"Hey. If none of you get Saturday detention, i will buy you all ice cream. Well Ambee and Ty." Bill said with a little smirk on his lips.
"Yay!" Ty jumps up and down like a 5 year old while clapping her hands. "Well i gotta go before my mom has a heart attack. I told her i would be home at 3 and its," she looks at her sparkly pink wrist watch Tom gave her for her birthday "Damn it's 6! Gotta go." gets onto her hot pink bike. "See you guys in the morning!" peddles away.

"Is it seriously 6?" i look at my cell phone cell.

The time reads 6:21 pm. I look up at the sky thats slowly getting darker and darker. The street lights come on. Then i noticed how cold it was getting. Duh Amber! It's the middle of October, what did you expect? But me being the slow person i am didn't bother wearing a jacket since it was warmer earlier.

"Ambee did you hear me? Bill waved a hand in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Wha- no. What happened?"
"I said we should get going. It getting colder and you have no sweater." he told me throwing his arm around my shoulder.

The 3 of us leave the park and make our way down the street to home. We didn't ride our bikes one because we don't have bikes and two we live right down the street from the park. I love going to that park. Not only because its by a lake and its a great place to just sit and think. But because its the where i met Tom and Bill. Well my mom says we've all known each other since we were in diapers but i cant remember that far back. My earliest memory was when we were little, about 5. I couldn't tell them apart. Until one of them called me Ambee and the other kept trying to hold Ty's hand. I knew after that. Only Bill calls me Ambee.

We reached home. Well my front yard.
"I'll see you in the morning!" i hug them both.
"No dancing on the tables." Tom warned with a laugh.
"I will try my best not to." i smirk. "Guten Nacht."
"Guten Nacht!" the both replied and started to their house, which is right next door.

I giggle. It so cute how that say things at the same time and finish each other's sentences. After 5 minutes i realize I'm still standing on my porch and i walk into my front door to be greeted by my younger sister, Olyvia.

"Were you with Tom and Bill again?"
"I'm always with them retard!"
I go upstairs with her following me, as usual, into my room.
"You know. Tom is getting really cute." she says with a perverted smirk on her face.
"Oh stop! Ew. Stop making that face!"

My little sister Olyvia. Only 14 years old, just starting high school and already she has made a name for herself. It called 'School Slut'. I know that look. That little smirk. That looks she gets when shes thinking about shagging someone. Right now its disgusting! He's one of my best friends. Olyvia's only known him for about 3 years. You see she is my half sister and she lives with my dad. She comes on the weekends to visit me and sometimes my mom. She likes my mom more than her own.

"Bill, too. Mm mm. He's smexy. Yumm-"
"Stop! Get out of my room!"
I push her out the door. She stands there leaning against the door frame.
"I know you've noticed it. If you haven't you are seriously blind!" And with that she leaves.

They are cute but Tom is not my type at all. He's too much of a player and has did how many girls? I don't know but i will not be added on the list. And Bill. Well he is...uh...unique? We are really close. If we ever get together and end up breaking up, it would make things between us awkward. Not just for me and him but for all 4 of us.

I kick off my slip on vans and walk over to my desk where my computer is located. I log onto my yahoo messenger to see that Tom and Ty is logged on. I know they are talking. Always! So i just decide to get on myspace. NEW MESSAGES! 3 actually. 1st one was a comment on a picture of me and Bill from a girl i met on myspace.

"Ooh who is that? He sexy. Me like!"
I laugh, and click to accept comment. Next is a message from my cousin who lives in America. Keiara.

"Hey cuz. Whatcha been up to? Me nothing much at all. Its so hot here till it anit even funny! I know Thanksgiving anit until next month but i wanted to know it you guys are coming back to Florida. W/B when you find out. Peaces. Sexi Keke.
P.S: Tell TL-U-LT i said wuz up. *wink*

Keiara is in love/lust with that boy i tell ya. Oh and guess what? She's on the list! I'll reply later.

Just as i was fixing to click on the last message, i heard my mom yell my name saying that its dinnertime.

"Coming!" i shout back make my way down to the dining room to see my mom and sister sitting at the table. I take a seat beside Olyvia who has a big smile on her face.

"What you smiling for?" My mom asks.
"I have a date for Friday." smirk.
"And who's 14 year old virginity will you be taking this time?" i ask rolling my eyes.
"Don't talk like that at the table!" my mother nudges me with a smile. She knows about Olyvia's little sex obsession.

"Well...He's not 14. He's older than me. 2 years." she looks at me with the nasty smirk and thats when i realized just who it was. I bet my eyes looked like they were going to pop out of my head.
"You are not serious! When did you possibly have time-"
"Right after i left you room i went outside. He was pulling the trash cans out front. He was all like 'Aren't your legs cold?' and i was like no. After that we went to talking about just random retarded stuff and he asked me out" she finished taking a bite of her potatoes.
"Tom did not care if your legs was cold. He wanted to know how fast you would spend them and i guess you must of gave him a hint cuz he asked ya out." i said while grabbing a role out of the basket.
My mom burst out laughing. I love my mom. Shes just like a teenager. She understands everything we go through. She understands Olyvia's craving for every boy in Germany.

"And i wanted to know if what people say about him is true."
"Yes he is a whore." i say with a snicker.
"No i already know that! I heard that he has a big-"
I slap my hands on my ears quickly "Oh! I'm eating, I'm eating!!!" I take them away.
"Lets just say i heard he was 'blessed'." she added with a smirk.
"What the hell did your mom listen to when you were inside of her?" my mom asked with a serious expression but i could tell she was kidding.
"I think I'm pretty normal." she stated matter-o-factly.

My sister was far from normal. She lost her virginity when she was 12 and after that, she went wild. The things she wears leaves nothing to the imagination. She is an early bloomer just i like i was but i didn't let the complements boys gave me go to my head. Like she did. She has wavy brown-blondish hair thats down her back, hazel eyes, and almost carmel colored skin. She's tall and skinny but curvy, something i wasn't. And could hardly speak German even though shes been living here for 3 years.

I'm 5'2 and and just curvy, hips and ass. Something allot of guys like and it sometimes causes problems for me. My hair is dark brown and a little bit longer than hers and i always had a bandanna on matching whatever color i was wearing that day. My I'm dark skinned, some call it chocolate, and hazel/brown eyes. I mostly wear jeans or capri pants and i wear shirts that keep my boobs hidden cause they seem to distract 'some people'. Some people meaning Tom. As much as i tried it was hard to hide those things. 32 C they were.
I don't consider myself normal but not weird either. And I'm still a virgin and speak perfect German.

Olyvia pushed her chair back and stood up."I shall see you guys in the morning! Ich liebe dich or however you say it." she runs off.
"That girl needs help, seriously." i say pushing my chair back. "Do you need help clearing the table?"
"No its okay. Go ahead up and chat online or whatever you do." she said beginning to clear the table.

I give her a kiss on the cheek and make my way upstairs and into my room. And who do i see sitting on my bed, flipping through one of my magazines? Bill.

"What's up?" i flop onto the bed next to him.
He look from the zine to me. "Tom has a date...with your sister?"
I lay on my back. "Yep. It's so weird. She's only 14."
"But she has just as much experience as he does. Ew."
I laugh. "I have no idea how many guys she's slept with and i don't think i wanna. I have a feeling its allot." I sigh. "Thats why I'm waiting for the right guy."
"Me, too. Well not the right guy-you know what i mean."
"Hehe. I got ya."
"Aw looky here." Olyvia coos posing at the door. "Just do each other already!"
I glare at her and throw one of my furry black pillows at her but it hits the door. "Get out!"
"Oh yall was just fixing to? My bad, I'll leave you two alone. Guten Nacht Bill." she does her nasty smirk and closes the door.
"I swear one of those dirty old men lives in her mind."
Me and Bill laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay that was chapter 1. Please let me know what you think. If you look at my others stories you'll see a different writing style. I'm not used to writing in first person. So i would really like to know if its good.