Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...

Chapter 11

""Hurry up!" we run up the stairs and into the house.

Keiara runs to the window. I can hear people screaming and running up the stairs next door, "Oh my god, James!"

Olyvia go over to the window, everybody is gone except some of the boys that live out here and Big D. I see him run this way.

"They shot J.J." Keiara says on the verge of tears.

A couple of minutes later we here a knock on the door, Ashley looks out the peep hole then opens the door. It's Rene and D.

"Yo we gotta get to the hospital quick. They shot J and Jazmine!" Rene shouts grabbing the car keys.

They mom?

We've been here for hours and still not a word about my mom or James. Both of them were rushed into surgery.

"Is anyone gonna tell me what happened?" my aunt Diana asks sitting down next to Keiara.

"James had got into it with an A Street boy at the skate rink last week because the dude's girl was talking to him. It turned into a big fight, which James won. So I guess they got mad." Keiara answers. I remember that fight I was there.

"J wasn’t even paying attention to dat girl." Big D says, "He was talking to Amber the whole time."

I nod. He followed me the whole time. He wouldn’t skate but he danced with me.

My dad shakes his head. "What is wrong with kids today? They are so violent."

I roll my eyes. I hear he was the same way when he was younger, but worse. He grew up in Pensacola Village, the hardest of them all.

"All over a girl that he wasn’t even trying to get at." Rene shakes her head.

"Spellman?" the doctor asks approaching us.

"That's us." my aunt steps forward, "What's up?"

"We tried everything but we couldn’t stop the hemorrhaging."

"What?" I ask, my heart is pounding in my chest.

"I'm sorry but we lost her." he gives me sympathetic look and walks away.

All I can hear is my own heart beating and other people crying. I don’t even realize that my dad is hugging me and that’s its not just them’s me too.

*3 Weeks Later*

My Thanksgiving was spent sitting in my room at my dad's house crying. I haven’t talked to anyone. I just got home from the funeral; my mom had a very nice one I made sure of that. She better had with a rich ex-husband and all.

I flop on the couch with a rag in hand and wipe the mud off my boot. "Scheiße!"

"Let me guess what that means..." James says sitting down next to me, "Shit?"

"Correct!" I throw the rag at Olyvia passing by.

"Ew!" she throws it back but misses, "Bitch." she goes upstairs.

"How's the arm?" I ask smoothing out my skirt.

"It's good, this cast just itches." he puts his good arm around me, "How are you?"

"I'm better." I cross my legs, "A little."

"If you need somebody to talk to, call me. You got my number, right?"

I nod. "Thank you."

"Yo shortie!" Big D yells.

"I'm right here, boy. You don’t have to yell." I mean he's right in the kitchen, which is the next room.

He comes in the living room with the cordless phone in hand, "Pariz said it's some nigga name Bill for you."

"Aye what I told you about that word." I stand and take that phone, "Bill?"

"Is everything okay? Your cousin or whatever just told me you just came from a funeral. There is a 'For Sale' sign on the lawn at your house. I haven’t talked you in weeks because you wont answer your phones." he says all in one breath, "What’s going on?"

"3 weeks...." I leave the living room and go outside on the porch, " mom got shot 3 weeks ago." I sigh.

"Mein gott, Ambee. I'm so sorry."

"I don’t wanna talk about that." I sit on the bench and watch my dad as he fool around Cher. "You said there’s a 'For Sale' sign where now?"

"Your house. You're not moving are you?" he asks quietly.

What?! "Call me back." I hang up the phone and shove it in my pocket. "Dad!" I yell.

He turns around, "What's up?"

I walk up to him, "You know anything about this 'For Sale' sign at my house?"

He nods, "We're moving here."

My mouth falls open, "WHAT?!" I yell and everyone turns to look at me, "Why?!"

"The only reason why I moved there was because your mom didn’t want to move you back here." he answers, his arm still around Cher.

"I don’t want to move here! My whole life is in Leipzig. I don’t want to be here. I probably would've liked the thought before those fucking wanna-be gangster...."

"Hey watch yo mouth!" he interrupts angrily.

I roll my eyes, "I bet even Olyvia agrees with me and she hardly speaks the language."

"Well it’s not Olyvia's decision. It's mine. We are staying here." he turns back around with his slut.

I let out an agitated scream and pull out my phone as I stomp as loud as a person wearing combat boots can. I slam the door. "Olyvia!" I yell.

She comes running down the stairs some minutes later, her hair looks kind of messed up. Ew. "What?"

"Dad is making us move here...forever!" I shout.

Her smile fades, "But-but why? I don’t want to stay here. I wanna go back to Germany with all the cute boys that try to speak English to me."

"Tell dad that...well not that. That we don’t want to leave our best friends. You have Pam and I have..." Bill. "I really don’t want to move here."

"I'll try." she slips on her jacket and goes outside.

"Baby girl, come here." James says standing from his spot. I walk over to his open arm and let him hug me. We just stand there for a while until Olyvia comes back.

"I tried everything. 'Florida Boys Made Me a Slut' speech and all." she shakes her head, "Nothing."

"Mmhm." I nod separating from James, "I gotta go call the boys and Bree." I go upstairs into my room and sit on the bed, phone in hand.

"Damn." I dial his number; it rings 3 times and goes to voice mail.

"Bill its Amber. When you get this message, please call my cell. Tell Tom, Gustav, Georg and Bree to call me too. It's important. Bye." I hang up the phone and lay back on my bed.

This anit fair!
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that actually happened(well someone's mom didnt die but when i first moved in 'The Projects' there was a fight between two 'sets'. People ended up shooting. Thank god we dont live out there no more.

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