Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...

I Miss My Boys

*Monday Morning*(Pensacola High School)

"Will you need a translator?" one of the office ladies ask me and Bree.

Today is our first day at our new school, Pensacola High School. This really sucks! I already feel sort of nauseous and pissy.

"No, as you can tell we both speak English well." i state.

She nods. "Britany Trujillio?"

Bree raises her hand, "Me."

She hands us our schdule. Our schdules are almost the same except for Homeroom and 1st period. It's 4th period right now, we were late because we had to register.

We grab our bags and follow the lady down the hallways and up the stairs to our class. She opens the door.

"Mr. Vega." she calls. A short man stops his teaching. Him and the rest of the students look at us. "New students." she smirks and leaves.

"Welcome." he walks up to us. "Names."

"Amber Spellman." i say dully, im still pissed because they made me take off my bandana.

"Spellman you can sit right at this table." he points to an empty table.

"I'm Britany Trujillio but you can call me Bree-Z or Bree." she smiles.

"Well." he does too, "You seem to have a better attitude than your friend here. Have a seat next to her." she does so and he returns to his teaching.

"I'm so bored." i whisper to Bree in German.

"Me too. The boy in the green keeps staring at me." she sinks into her seat a little.

"He probably thinks you're hot or something." i look at who she's talking about, he gives me the head nod. "He's cute."

"And i have a boyfriend."

"2 minutes." Mr. Vega calls and everyone starts to get their stuff. Bree and I never took anything out so we just sit there and keep talking.

"He's so skinny." i say as we scope out the boys in the room.

"Bill is skinny." she smirks.

"Oh shut up. Bill's skinniness is sexy, that boy over there is just sad." i laugh, "Someone give him a Big Mac or something!" i say loudly.

We everyone looks at us and we burst out laughing.

One of the boys come sit at the table with us. "What language is that?" he asks.

"German." Bree states simply.

"Did you like living there?" Mr. Vega asks. I notice the class has gotten very quiet.

"I want to go back." i mutter.

The bell rings and we make our way to 5th period.

"You need help finding your class." i look at the guy walking beside me.

"Mein gott." i whisper. He's f-ing tall. "Um ja-yes. We have Ms. Simpson."

"I have her too. Just follow me." he smiles.

I squeeze Bree's hand. "He's fucking hot and tall, oh my me!" i tell her in German.

"He is tall. He's scary looking too. He looks like a vampire, his skin is so pale!" she exclaims.

We get into the classroom and take the seats at the back. We resume our conversation but in english because no one is in here.

"You have a boyfriend, Amber. So no flirting with the vampire guy, okay?" she punches me in the arm.

"Bill is not my boyfriend-"

"Is that your real hair?" this chick asks me and Bree.

"Ja." we both say nodding, brows raised.

"Oh my god your hair so long girl!" she says in a speed i didnt think was possible. "What yo name is?" she points to me.

"Amber and this is Bree." i signal Bree she just waves her eyes big.

"My name is Gayshia." she waves and walks off.

Some more girls come in talking loudly. You know "Hey girl!" "Who did your hair?!". That kind of stuff. All of them look the same. Colorful weave, tight jeans and snow boots, jacket with the fur around the hood.

Living here sucks already and its just gonna get worse.

"I'm home!" i slam the door and throw my messenger bag on the floor. I run up stairs to sign on to talk to Bill.

Ambee says: Well im home from my frist day of hell.

Bill says: :( was it that bad?

Ambee says: YES! everyone look alike. same clothes, hair, everything!

Bill says: make any friends :D

Ambee says: Ja a few. they are cool and not gangsters or anything so..

Bill says: I miss you at lunch.

Ambee says: Miss u 2 *tear*

Bill says: *sobs*

Tomistdiesex says: GAY!

Tomistdiesex just changed his name to Bill is Gay

Bill says: TOM!

Bill is Gay says: *rolls on the floor laughing*

Ambee says: Tomi!

Bill is Gay just changed his name to Tom

Tom: Ams!

Ambee: miss you Tomi!

Tom: miss u too.

Bill: *roll eyes*

Tom: Gustav cried when he found out u werent coming back

Ambee: he did not! u prob did.

Tom: how is school?

Ambee: it sucks everyone is boring! if it wasnt for bree i would've killed myself today.

Bill says: nein no killing yourself.

Tom says: bill will die, then i would die, then all the girls would die because they cant live without their "Tomi-liebe"

Ambee says: *burst out laughing*

"Amber we going out to Golden for dinner so get ready!" my dad yells up the stairs.

Ambee: aw man. gtg.

Tom says: talk 2 u 2morrow!

Bill says: dont get dententions.

Ambee says: i'll try. love you guys!

Bill says: love u too

Tom says: luv u 2.

I sign out and start to get ready for dinner. I miss my boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
seriously everyone in Pensacola dresses the same, thats why i always get picked on for wearing Tripp pants. I dont give a damn, at least im not mistaken for someone else because i got on the same damn thing some other chick is wearing.

Comments are welcome. GOOD OR BAD.