Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...

Mommy Can I Have A Brownie?

*4 Years Later*

"Amber hurry up i'm gonna be late for school!" Via yells from downstairs.

"Can i put on shoes?! Damn!" i run down the stairs, boots in hand. I slip them on quickly and zip them up. "Now we can go."

We get in the car and begin our ride to EHS.

"It's your damn fault you missed the bus. It shouldnt take you that long to get ready for school, you hardly wear any clothes."

"Oh shut up it takes time to look this good!" she flips her straight dark brown hair, "What are you doing today?"

"Chillin with Gayshia, Bunny and Bree. Walking around the mall and stuff until its time to pick up Shyia from school."

"Your boyfriend anit going?" she smirks.

"Yeah we riding with him and Big D but when we get there we going seperate ways." i pull into the school lot. "Get out!"

"Okay!" she gets out and pulls her skirt down a bit. "Bye."

"Bye whore." i drive off. The next road over is road my boyfriend lives on. I pull up in his driveway. He's sitting on the porch with Big D.

I get out of the car and walk up to them. "Morning Big D." i say nicely as i can.

"What up Shorty." he states nodding his head.

I go sit on my boyfriend's lap. He pecks me on the lips. "You ate anything, Baby Girl?" James asks.

I shake my head. "Nope." I sigh heavly. "I didnt have time because i had to get Shyia up and dressed then Via missed the bus..."

"What you want to eat?" he asks.

I smile. "Waffle House."

"Then we going to Waffle House." he grins and picks me up as he stands.

"Yay! You drive." i tell him. "I'm still tired."
*Waffle House*

"Your dad left this morning?" he asks stuffing his face.

"Yep. I'm very happy and ready to party."

"I wont be able to come, i gotta work." He always has to work but i shouldnt complain. At least he has a job, a real job and not a burgers and fries job. "You dont think im working to much?"

"No! Not at all. As long as we have enough time to spend together, its cool." i sip my coffee. "Who's audition is tonight?"

James works for my dad. My dad has a rap label and has been looking for new talent but it hasnt been going so well so he decided to have a mixed label. Rap, Pop, Alternative Rock, and more.

"Some band called Lakefront. Four boys, one girl. I dont really like rock music but i heard them play and they straight."

I smile, "Maybe i can listen to the music i wanna listen to in the car now."

He shakes his head. "I dont think so. It gives me a headache." he grabs my hand. "When are you gonna move in?" Random.

I shrugg. Right now Bree-Z and I have an apartment together and i kinda like it that way. Plus my dad already comes over to make sure im not fooling around with James so if im living with James he's going to be over twice as much.

He sighs, "We've been together 6 months and known each other for years..."

"It's not that it... I dont know, let me think about it okay." i continue eatting my pancakes.
*Next Day(Mall)*

I told my dad i'd help him out, looking for new artists and stuff. So Bree, Keiara, Gayshia, Bunny, Via and I are standing here at our little spot we rented for the weekend with a microphone and sign up sheet for anyone that thinks they have talent. Basically its like American Idol. But we're having a shopping problem.

"No! I'm not going in there!" Gayshia yells as we try to pull her into Spencers. "I anit going in there!"

"You said you wanted the John Cena gloves, they're in there." Keiara pushes from behind.

"That Chuckie doll is also in there!"

"Forget this!" i let go of one of her arms, "If you want the damn gloves, you'll go in there and get them. I got to get back to work." I go back to the table where Via is. "How many people we have so far?"

"Only 5 solo, 2 bands." she gives me a thumbs up.

"Okay i'll be handing out more fliers. Call my cell if ya need me."

Bree-z and I go down to the far end of the mall, Bunny and Gayshia on the other, Via and Keiara doing sign ups.

(AN:When Bree and Amber conversate alone they always speak German)

"This is fun." Bree hands a flier to a guy. "I like doing this. I'm making more money than i make working at McDonald's."

I chuckle. My dad is paying us well. Believe me if he wasnt i would not be here with this hang over i have. "Yeah." i adjust my shades.

"How you and James doing?" she asks as she tapes a flier to the pole by Hot Topic. "No more arguing?"

I shake my head. "No. Not really. We only argue when Big D come over there. He keeps trying to drag James back into that life, talking about how he can make some fast money."

"Big D hatin on James because he was smart enough to do his work in school, graduate and get a job. He still wit that childish shit, 'Sets' and stuff."

"I know! I mean get a new hobby, that shit's played out, man." After James got shot, that was it for him. He said he'd move out of the projects after he graduated...and he did!

"Excuse me." i turn around and a guy a little taller than me is holding one of the fliers. "Looking for bands?"

"Ja-Yes." damn,switching back and forward between english and german is hard. "Yes. Sorry."

"It's fine." he nods.

"Are you in a band?" Bree joins. She probrably thinks he's hot or something.

"One of four. I play bass."


"Tell him to take off his glasses. I wanna see his face." she tells me in german. He takes off his shades. O-okay? Wait he looks oddly familar.

"Georg?!" Bree yells. Everyone stops what there doing to look at us.

"Um....she hasnt taken her meds." They look at us like we're crazy but go back to what they were doing.

"Ams look." Bree says excitedly. It is him.

We all give hugs. "What are you doing here in Pensacola of all places?" Who in there right mind would come here?

"We were on our way to Miami and heard the Foo Fighters are playing at the...Civic Center is it?" he tells walking with us. I nod. "We've been here for a week."

"Cool-Wait we?" i look around. "Who is we?"

"Me, Gustav, Tom and Bill." he states simply..

Bree gives me her 'Ooh' look.

"Aye yo Bree, Ams!" Bunny yells from the other end. Oh my god. "We're done down here! I'm fucking hungry-" Keiara grabs her from behind and covers her mouth, which starts a slap boxing match. Oh my god...

"Bree, give him our address. I'll go try to break them up." i run over to the girls leaving Bree with Georg.

When i get over there i punch Bunny in the arm.


"What is wrong with you?! You gonna get us kicked out!"

She makes a face in pain rubbing her arm, "Sorry. I called you once but you was hugging that boy. Who is that anyway?" she throws me a suspious look.

I roll my eyes. "One of my best friend from way back. Way back."

"He's German?" she eyes get this lusty look. Ew. I can see why her and Via are best friends.

"Him and Bree used to date. Off limits." she pouts, "Now lets go get something to eat." I look back at Bree and Georg. Her face is all red. Ha!

Alot of sign ups and alot of shopping bags. Well i had alot of shopping bags and most of it is stuff i dont need. I mean, i have a ton of clothes already i bought half of Hot Topic, Kat Man Dew, Journey's, and Victoria Secret's stuff. I got Shyia some clothes and stuff too.

"Are you okay?" Bree asks as i shove everything into my closet.

"Yes i'm..." i cant get all these underwear into my drawer. "Im fine." They say a girl cant have too many panties but in my case you can.

"You only shop alot when you're pisses at your dad or nervous, extremely nervous, about something." She comes over and takes a couple of pairs. "I'll take some."

"I'm straight." i lie. Something is bothering me and its been bothering me since we seen Georg in the mall.

"The boys will be over in a few."

That nervous feeling again. I whine as i set all my make up and hair sprays on the dresser thingie. Then theres a ring at the door. I whine even louder.

"Does this have anything to do with who's at that door?" Bree says pulling me into the living room.

I roll my eyes. "Just open the door."

Bree opens the door and...Hot damn those are some tall boys. Or shall i say men now.

"Wow..." me and Bree both say.

"Come in!" i shout pulling them all inside. "Wow you boys are tall." i laugh looking up at Tom.

"And you're still short!" Tom laughs hugging me.

Everyone looks the same except Bill whom i hug next.

Everyone gets quiet. When we pull apart i notice they're all staring at us.

Bill rolls his eyes and turns back to me. "Wow you look great! Both of you."

"Thanks. So do..." i look at the clock on the wall. "" It's almost time for Via to bring Shyia home! "Come sit." i say and my voice trembles a bit, guiding them to the living room.

Bill and Gustav sits on either side of me on the couch. Tom in the lazyboy, Bree and Georg on the loveseat.

We all just sit and talk about old times and whats been going on now.

They still doing the band thing. Thats what their going to Miami for. After i left i sort of lost contact with them after a couple of months but i have a reason for that.

"Can i please talk to you alone?" Bill whispers to me. Everyone else is too busy playing Wii.

"Uh yea. Come on." We leave the room and i lead him to the kitchen we sit at the table.

Awkward silence...well kind of because we can still hear Tom and Bree yelling at each other. Someone's cheating.

I decide to break the silence. I already know what he's going to say. "I'm sorry i stopped calling, answering you emails. It's just..." i sigh. How do i put this? "I couldnt talk to you, i didnt like lying to you everyday-"

He cuts me off. "Lying to me? About what?"

I look at the clock. "I didnt want to ruin your life, Bill."

"What? What are you talking about? You're the best thing thats ever happened to me." he says intensely.

I put my elbows on the table and my head in my hands groaning. Why did he have to say that? I notice the living room has gotten kind of quiet. Via enters the kitchen.

"Shyia wants a snack cake and she keeps crying about it." she looks annoyed. She looks at Bill and smiles. "Hey Bill!"

He smiles back. "Hey."

"What kind is it?" i ask.

"One of those brownies."

I roll my eyes. "I told you she can eat those, they're not too sweet."

Shyia runs into the room, her brown eyes wide with excitment. "Can you do my hair like that?!" she exclaims. Uh-oh her new fascination.

I laugh its so cute. "Like what?"

"That- that man has snake hair!" she grins and bounces up and down. Oh god she wants dreads.

Bill laughs. "Shes so cute. What's you're name?"

She stands in front of him. "Shyia Spellman. Whats you're name?"

"My name is Bill Kaulitz." he smiles.

She turns to me. "Mommy can i have a brownie?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Mommy?! Hmmm....

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