Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...


The next morning i woke up to the music on my alarm clock blaring Ciara 'Oh'. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to my closet to find what I'm going to school. I finally decide on a pair of light blue low rise jeans, a plane black tank, and red Converses. I take my shower and all that get dressed. Makeup. Just a little black eyeliner and shadow. Next is my hair, yeah i always fool with that last. I straighten my hair and run a comb through it then tie my black bandanna on top.

I enter my room again and look at the clock, still got 15 mins left before the bus comes. I grab a red cropped hoodie, my black and white graffiti messenger bag with all my school crap in it, pocket my cell and wallet, and make my way downstairs to the living room. Great Olyvia is on time for once. My mom should be at work by now.

Why do people wear skirts, short skirts, when its cold outside?

"Uh, you do know its cold outside, right?"
"Yea. That shouldn't stop you from looking good."
"You look retarded. Its frickin October and you're wearing June clothes."
"So..." she continues surfing channels.
"Never mind. Gosh." i go into the kitchen a grab a cereal bar from the basket on the counter. Just as i was fixing to take a bite i hear someone knock on the back door. I already know who it is so i grab 2 more from the basket and make my way to open the door.
I open the door to see Tom and Bill standing there looking seriously tired. Tom in his usual baggy attire and Bill in his really tight pants. The come in. Bill sits on one of the stools at the island while Tom sits on the counter. I hand them each a cereal bar.

"Mr. Zombie. What time did you leave my bedroom last night?" i said taking a bite of my bar.
"Ooh what-ow!" he said while rubbing his arm.
"You just wake up being perverted don't you?" i stated glaring at him playfully.
I already knew what he was gonna say. He was gonna ask if me and Bill did anything. So i just went ahead and punch him in the arm.

"Like 1 this morning. Olyvia had came in there taking pictures of us with her phone."
"Is she in there?" Tom said nodding his head towards the living room with a nasty smirk, kinda like Olyvia's.
"Yea. Olyvia come on! The bus should be here in a minute!" i yelled to her.
"Okay I'm coming!"

She coming running in the kitchen, trying to fix her falling halter at the same time but stopped when she seen Tom. She got 'The Nasty Smirk' on her face and bit her lip.

"Morning Tom." she greeted him as she through her pack over her shoulder.
He looks her up and down, "Morning..."
"Okay...lets get to the bus stop, shall we?" Bill said pushing Tom out the door.

We all make our way onto the corner of our street where some other students are just as the bus is pulling up. We all get on and take our usual seats which is at the back, the last two seats. Me by Bill in the last and Tom sits across from us with Ty. Olyvia usually sits a couple of seats in front of us with her friend Pam.
The bus makes its way to the next stop and lets some more students on including Ty. She quickly makes her way to her seat and flops down. She punches Tom in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!" he whines while rubbing his arm.
"You're going on a date with a 14 year old?"
"I told you that last night."
"But i couldn't hit you since you told me over the phone. What's wrong with you?"
"He knows that she is easy. Just look at what shes wearing." i say pointing to Olyvia who is flirting with one of the seniors. "Now lets please get off that subject. Ew."
"SO...Ams. How was the date with Chris, really?" Ty asks with a smile.
"What do you mean 'really'? I told you he was boring. He kept talking about how he wants to be a rapper and he even started rapping during the movie." i said with an annoyed look on my face.
"Ah aha really? Was he any good?" Bill laughed
"He was corny as hell! Rhyming everything but stopped cuz i was about to punch him in his shit cause he mentioned something about my boobs."

All 3 of them burst out laughing. Then i did too when i noticed what i had just said. I had brought some of Florida back with me. He he.

"Did i really just say 'punch him in his shit'? God Keiara! This is her fault." I stated laughing.

We Finally get to school and make our way to our lockers. Which is ALL the way on the 3 floor! The boys are on the 1st[lucky!] But they walked us to our locker.

"You have a date for the dance?" Ty asked while putting on chap stick. All 3 look at me curiously.
I close and lean against my locker. "What do you think? No! The only guy that asked me out was Chris and i sure as hell anit going with him. I'll just go stag. That way i can dance with anyone i want."

The bell rings. We say our good byes and make our way to first period. Nothing interesting goes on in there. Just Mr. Carrol going on about fractions or something. I already knew what to do since i took this class last year, yep i failed.

I go to a bunch of other classes, then its time for lunch. The best part of the day because i get to see everyone! I get a soda and go outside to find everyone at our usual spot, in the grass under the tree.

"Ams!" Bree-Z waved me over and patted a seat between her and Bill who was focused on his gummy worms. Ha!

I sit down "Hey guys. How has everyone's day been so far?"
"Well i got detention." Georg answered
"What did you do now?" Bree-Z asked rolling her eyes
"The ball flew out of my hands in PE and hit Bill. It was a mistake i swear!" he says hold up his hands in defense.
"Yea right. Its always mistake." Bill replies sarcastically.
"How would you like me to throw a ball at your head, Geo? Oh your head is so hard you'd probably barely feel it" Bree-Z says and everyone bursts out laughing.

Tom comes running over and sits in front of me. He stares at me with a smile on his face.

"Someone wants to ask you to the dance but is too shy." he says still smiling "Can you guess who?"
"Ooh. Can i help guess?" Ty asks with a smirk.
"Yeah. Uh..does his name start with an 'A'? i ask.
Ty rubs her chin in thought then asks "Is he tall? She likes em tall!"

Which is true i love tall guys. 6'2 is a dream come true.

"Nope" he replies. "He's kinda short."
"He's not shorter than Ambee is he?" Bill asks with a smile.
"No. Bill he told us this morning remember?" Tom says.
Everyone goes silent and they do this twin thing. And finally Bill goes "Ohhh.." and smirks.

"Okay just tell me already I'm getting impatient!"
"Hell i am too!" Bree-Z and Ty says at the same time.
"Gustav..." Tom finally tells us and my mouth is wide open. I know a fly has probably flown in and out of it already.
"Seriously?" i finally ask. "You're kidding right?" i smile.

Gustav is really cute. Blond hair, brown eyes, he doesn't smile allot but when he does he gets some hotness points. He really shy. Allot of girls like him but most of them are too shy themselves to ask him out. And he wants to go with me to the Halloween dance? What the hell?!

"Ooh Ams." Bree-Z says nudging me in the side smirking.
"When is he planning on asking me?" i ask Tom
"Next time you come over he said."
"Which is tomorrow!" Ty squeals "What are you going to say?"
"Uh i dunno."

"You're going to your dad's tonight?" Bill asks changing the subject.
"Suppose to but i really don't wanna go. I really don't like Olyvia's mother. I'll make up an excuse and say I'm hanging out with you guys or something." I say looking at Bree-Z and Ty. "What are you guys doing tonight?"
"I have no idea." Ty answers tying her hair back in a scrunchy. "Why does it get hot in the middle of the day like this and its suppose to be cold?!"
"Man i know!" i say taking off my cropped hoodie which was a bad idea. Guess where Tom's eyes went. "Control yourself please." he looks back at my face.
"I cant help it, they're right there." Bill shoves him playfully.
"How about you guys come over to our place tonight? Our mom and Gordon are going away for the weekend. We could pop some corn, watch a movie..."
"Sounds great! Everyone come in jammies! Whoop!" Bree-Z says waving her hands in the air. "Ams I'll see you in Drama and I'll see the rest of you tonight. You try not to get anymore detentions." She says the last part pointing at Georg. She smiles and leaves.

Bill still eating on his gummies. "Give me one?" i ask
"Nein. Mine." he says holding on to the bag tightly.
"Please?" i say pouting. He looks at me and smile and gives me the bag. "Danke!" i take one and give him back the bag.

"Ah. You guys are so cute." Georg says smiling at us.
I roll my eyes and the bell rings for next period. We all hug and make our way to 7th period. We have lunch really late.

When i get in the room i notice the only people in the room are Bree-Z and Gustav. Oh damn. Bree-z is in my seat so i have to sit in the middle damn!
I take my seat and put my messenger bag on the floor.

"Hey." Gustav greets me with a small smile, blushing just a little.
"Gustav is coming to the jammie party. Of course Luna is too."

Luna is Gustav's sister. Shes our age.

"Oh more fun!" I say smiling at Gus who is blushing even more now.

Finally the room fills up with more people and the drama teacher comes in with a smile on her face as usual ans starts the lesson. Gustav keeps staring at me. I hope he doesn't stare at me the whole night.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know. its just a fill-kinda.
but it should start getting interesting.
The little whore name Olyvia is actually my sister. She read it and laughed at how different they are. Heres Olyvia.... she was pissed cause her mom mad her wear a Hannah Montana shirt. lol