Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...

Everybody's Changing

I enter my house after school and head straight for the living room, where i know my mom is.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at your dad's?" she asks as i throw my bag in the chair.

"I'm not going. I have plans." i sit next to her on the couch. What hell is she watching?

"Who with?" she asks still looking at the TV.

"Ty, Bree-Z, Georg, Luna, Gustav, Tom, and Bill." she looks at me and smiles "What?"

"Olyvia told me he was in your room last night."

Oh she would! So?


"Never mind. I'll call your dad and tell him you'll come next weekend. Is that okay?"

"Just fine!" i hop out of my seat and run upstairs to my room.

I haven't described my room to you yet have i. Well its pretty big. The walls are purple, boarding thingy are black and covered with posters and pictures. My carpet is black and shaggy. Queen size bed. Purple and black zebra striped blankets and black sheets. Walk in closet but its not the really big kind. Basically everything in my room is purple and black.

I go to my desk where my computer is and sign onto My Space and read the message i didn't get to read last night. It was from Tom. Comment actually. On a picture of me and Keiara at Water-ville. I had on some short shorts, pink and black bikini top that ties at the back and around the neck, and flops. While Miss Keiara had just her bikini on, and flops.

"I haven't seen dis 1. Whoo! How come i never seen DAT bikini before?"

I except the comment and sign off. I should take my shower and get ready to go.
*Bill POV*

"Bill hurry up!" Tom yelled at me from the other side of the bathroom door.

I put on my shirt, unlock the door, and walk out into the hallway to see my twin standing their shirtless only in pajama bottoms. I raise a brow at him.


I shake my head "You're gonna scare them away."

"Well i would have on a shirt if you wouldn't have taken so long. Its in there." he says walking into the bathroom. He takes a white wife beater off the towel thing on the door and put it on. "And i wouldn't scare them. Thank you very much, it would make their night better. Hell the rest of their weekend." he comes back with a cocky smile and i roll my eyes.

We grab a ton of blankets and pillows and throw them in the middle of the floor, and make our way to the kitchen to gather up snacks. Cakes, candy, popcorn of course.

"So you think he's gonna do it or chicken out?" Tom asks me while pouring chips into a bowl.

"Who?" i say looking at him.

"Gus. You think he's gonna ask her tonight or what?" he starts pouring another bag.

"Oh. Uh i don't know." I return to my pouring. Doritos, Nacho, Ambee's favorite.

"If he doesn't, are you?" i spill some of the chips, but quickly bend over to pick them up off the floor.

"What do you mean?" i ask putting the spilled chips in the trash.

"You know what i mean. You know you like her." he replies smirking "I don't blame you, she's grown up allot." he makes this groping motion with his hands likes he's grabbing breasts when he says 'alot'. Perve.

"What are you talking about? I only like her as a friend. The friend we've known for 16 years. Nothing more."

"Come on. We're twins. Plus i seen the way you look at her." he starts getting millions of bags of skittles.

"How do i look at her then?"

"At lunch you were staring at her just as hard as i was."

"I wasn't!" i throw a chip at him

The Doorbell rings.

"Okay. Whatever. You seen how excited she was about Gustav. She might say yes if he does ask her. You better try to beat him to it." he runs to open the door.

'I don't like her that way. Do i?...Nah."
*Amber POV*

I leave my house with my favorite pillow and Tinker bell backpack with tomorrow's clothes in it. In my pink and black Tinker bell sleeping shorts[really short] and a pink racer-back tank.
I make my may to the front door of the twin's house and knock. I can hear music going and laughing so i guess everyone has already made it. Some yells 'I'll get it', the door swings open and i see Tom standing a wife beater.

'No big shirt? Mussels!'

"When did you get mussels?" i asked raising my eyebrows teasingly.

"I've always had mussels. You know that." he smirks, hugs me, and pulls me inside.

'Damn he smells good!'

"Look who's finally here everyone!" he yells as we enter the living room. Yep everyone is there. Being retarded already and its only 7!

I sit next to Ty on the blanket covered floor who is watching Georg and Bree-Z wrestle.

"Okay how did this one start?" i ask pulling out one of my bandannas.
"He stole one her snack cakes." she answers rolling her eyes. "Whats up with them booty shorts?!" she slaps my thigh.
"I just wanted to be comfortable."
"Luna count it!" Bree-Z yells pending Georg to the ground.
Luna slams her hand down on the floor 3 times "Ding Ding Ding!!! Bree wins!!"
She jumps off Georg and starts happy dancing "Ha! In yo face!"

I laugh and look over at Bill and Tom. They are looking at me whispering something to each other. What the hell? I can read Bill's lips, he keeps saying 'Nein' and he seems to be getting pissed. Tom rolls his eyes and speaks aloud.

"Hey lets play truth or dare."

Everyone agrees and we form a circle sitting on the floor. Me sitting between Tom and Bill.

"Who goes first?" Bill asks nervously. What is he so nervous about? We've played like a million times before.
"I'll go first. Anyone ask." i said.
"Okay Truth or dare?" Georg asks with a mischievous smile. I'm kinda scared to answer now. But i do anyways.
"Uh. Truth."
"Thats smart. Really smart." Luna says smiling.

Georg will make you do the most embarrassing things. But it always seemed to have something to do with nudity.

"Me or Tom? Who would you rather do?"
"What?!" me and Bree-Z say at the same time.

"How that hell am i suppose to answer that?"

"Um. Pass?"
"No passes. You have to answer!" Tom says. I think he really wants to know.
"Uh. I guess...ah do i have to?!" i whine.
"Yep. Who would you do and Why?" Georg replies with a smirk.
"Oh thats not fair. Thats two questions!"

The whole time this is going on Bill and Gustav are quiet.

"Oh whatever I'll answer."

Everyone gets quiet.

"So..." Ty and Bree-Z press.
"Tom..." i answer totally embarrassed. Tom's smiling goofy-like. Georg is looking like 'seriously?'. Everyone else is totally shocked.
"Why? I really don't wanna answer. Next person."
"Bill truth or dare?" Ty asks as i laugh, she kinda caught him off guard.
"Uh. Dare."
"Ooh brave one" i say smiling.
"Well i dare you to kiss Amber, Mr. Braveness-ness."

Everyone freezes. Bill blushes. I freak!

"Why do guys insist on embarrassing me?" i ask baring my head in my hands.
"You don't have to do it in front of us." Ty says with a wink. What is she up to?
"Really?" Bill asks.
"Küche, Wandschrank, Schlafzimmer? Tom says smirking.
"We'll go in the kitchen, thank you!" I say and Bill pulls me up.
"We will know if you kissed or not!" Georg says.
"How exactly?" Bill asks when we reach the kitchen door.
"You'll be blushing if she did kiss you" Tom answers.
"Whatever." i pull Bill into the kitchen. " are we gonna do this?"
"Cheek?" he asks looking at the ground.
"Doesn't count. Lips." i respond.
He looks up and i realize that he's blushing. I mean seriously blushing and nervous.
"Why are you so nervous?" i ask smiling a little.
"I don't know."
"Come on. It isn't like we haven't kissed before."

We have kissed before. Twice actually. 1st time we were little so that didn't count, we only wanted to see what the big deal was. Last time was 2 years ago, um...spin the bottle.

"It's just like spin the bottle, but everyone isn't watching us so it should be a little easier." i say looking up at him. He's starting to relax now.

"Okay." he smiles "Ready?"


There was noise going outside before that, now everything seems quiet.

Our faces get closer. Me on my toes since he's taller than me. Him leaning down, closes his eyes and i suddenly start getting nervous. Finally our lips touch. 'Hm. This anit bad' i think as i close my eyes. He presses a little and wraps his arms around my waist, mine around his neck. We are basically making out in his kitchen. Open mouth and all.

'We're getting too into it!' I pull away slowly.

"Uh." is all i can say while looking at the floor. He does the same scratching his head.


"We should.." he point in the direction of the living.

"Yeah." i agree and we go back into the living room.

"Aw he's blushing!" Georg yells.

Everyone whoops! Tom and Ty more than everyone else. Gustav looks jealous/disappointed. Bill sits back in his seat but i stay standing.

"Ty. I wanna talk to you." i walk over far so others wont hear. She gets up and follows.

"Planten du und Tom dieses?"

She smiles "Ja."

"Was?! Warum?" i ask confused

"Brunnen. Tom hatte ein Gespräch mit Bill früh und er denkt Bill wie du!"

I raise my brow, still confused. Bill cant like me, not in the way they're thinking. Well it would explain why he was so nervous about kissing me. And why he kissed me like he did. Oh shit.

"Und. Ich weiß, dass du ihn, auch magst. Gerade ein wenig." she says with a wink.

"Nein. Kein tue ich nicht!"

"Du Kerle erhältst näher. Du gibst dich Blicke manchmal."

"Whatever. If i like Bill, you like Tom." i say laughing. She looks at her feet.

"Du magst Tom?" i ask and her looks up quickly.

"Nein! Just think he's hot..." she rolls her eyes. "Do you like Bill? You can tell me."

"I know. No i don't like him."

"Could you girls stop whispering and get over here." Luna calls.

We laugh and return back to our seats. I look at Bill. He smiles at me and i smile back.

We are just friends. Nothing more.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Was?"= What?

"Küche, Wandschrank, Schlafzimmer?"= Kitchen, closet, bedroom?

"Planten du und Tom dieses?"= Did you and Tom plan this?

"Ja"= Yes

"Was?! Warum?"= What?! Why?!

"Brunnen. Tom hatte ein Gespräch mit Bill früh und er denkt Bill wie du!"= Well. Tom talked to Bill earlier and he thinks Bill like you!

"Und. Ich weiß, dass du ihn, auch magst. Gerade ein wenig."= And. I know you like him. Just a little.

"Nein. Kein tue ich nicht!"= No. No i do not![kinda]

"Du Kerle erhältst näher. Du gibst dich Blicke manchmal."= You guys are closer. You gives each other looks[or something like that]

"Du magst Tom?"= You like Tom?

If any of that is wrong feel free to let me know.