Status: 10.22.09: Working On Next Chapter

Running Away...


*Amber POV*

The next morning i woke up to the smell of pancakes and laughter. Nothing much happened that day, same ol' same ol'. We talked, argued, went to the park, Ty ate to much candy and was bouncing off walls.

Then i remembered Tom had a date with Olyvia but he didn't go so i asked him about it.

"Didn't you have a date with my sis last night?" i asked sitting next to him on a park bench

"We're going out tonight instead. She forgot she already had a date for that night." he shrugs. "Plus i told her i wanted to hang with you guys." he smiles i couldn't help but smile too.

"Aw! You blew her off didn't you?"

"Maybe..." he says looking away

"Ty! He blew off ass just to hang with us last night!" i yelled running over to her.

After we left the park, i went to Luna and Gus' place to sleep over there like every Saturday. Gustav asked me out before we went to bed. I said i didn't want a date but I'd save him a dance, that seemed to make him happy so it was all good.

Now its Sunday, my mom came to pick me up from Luna's at about 8 this morning. Now I'm in my room, talking with Ty on the phone about what our Halloween costumes should be.

"How about something sexy-"

"Ty I'm not dressing like a prostitute." i interrupt and she giggles.

"Well, find out what the boys are going to be and call me back kay?"

"Yea i was just fixing to go over there" i say putting on socks and flops. Yes i do that. "Bye Ty."

"Bye Ams!" she hangs up.

I flip my phone down, shove it in my pocket, and put on a blue cropped jacket. I leave out my front door[my mom's at work], out my gate to the twin's house. As i get to their front door and ring the doorbell. I hear someone running down the stairs and Bill opens the door. He smiles when he sees its just me.

"Ambee!" He hugs me and pulls me inside.

"Hey what you up too?" i ask as i sit on the couch. He sits closely next to me.

"Listening to music in my room. Trying to drown out Tom's rap." he rolls his eyes and i laugh.

"Do you guys know what you're gonna dress up as for Halloween?"

"I'm not dressing up!" Tom flops on the couch next to me. Where the hell did he come from.

"Aw come on Tomi. You could be a Hippity Hop rapper-person." Bill says smiling. I burst out laughing.

"It's called Hip Hop." he says annoyed.

"Hey you could be a gangster rapper," i suggest "Just wear a red bandanna. At my cousin's
school, they cant wear red or blue bandanna cuz they think its 'gang color'."

"Maybe i will." he smirks. "What are you gonna be?"

"Stop thinking perverted thoughts, Tom." Bill punches him in the arm.

"Well i don't really know yet. I was thinking witch, but then..." i get an idea and smirk.

"What?" they both ask.

"Vampire. I already have an idea for an outfit. What about you Bill?"

"I was thinking the same thing."

"We can go shopping tomorrow after school, but i gotta go get money from my dad. Since he doesn't like you Tom..."

"What?" he asks nervously.

"Can you go with me, please? That way he wont ask me to stay longer, just give me 2 or 3 cards and I'm on my way."

"I don't know..."

I turn facing Tom since I'm in the middle. "Bitte?" i pout.

"Oh okay." he smiles. "When you want to go?"

"Now." i say standing up from the couch.

"You guys have fun. I have a song to finish." he smiles and makes his way upstairs.

Me and Tom leave and make our way to my dad's.

"Question?" Tom asks turning his head in my direction as we walk down the sidewalk.


"Why exactly doesn't your dad like me?"

"Um. The way you dress, your hair, he heard about the whole 'playa' thing." i answer rolling my eyes.

He sighs in relief "Is that all? Ha ha."

"Well...he thinks know." i can feel my face getting hot. Luckily black girls don't really blush.

"Why would he think that?" he asks nervously.

"He seen you slap my ass. He was wondering why i just laughed and didn't do anything like i would to the guys back in Florida when they would try something."

He wraps an arm around my waist. "Oh." he sighs again "I was beginning to think he found out."

I laugh. He looks at me like 'why are you laughing?'

"Tomi-liebe was scared?" i raise a brow. He just smirks and pulls me closer as we walk.

Just then i remember his date with Olyvia.

"So. How was your date with Olyvia?" i ask frowning a bit.

"We didn't have it." he replied. No disappointment or anything in his voice.

"What happened?"

"I went to pick her up at your dad's. He wasn't suppose to be there but he was. She couldn't go out." he shrugged.

"Oh thank god!" i shouted happily.

"Happy?" he asked smiling down at me.

"Duh!" i rolled my eyes.

We finally get to my dad's. We look at each other and he unwraps his arm from around me, we don't need no confusion while we're here. I ring the doorbell. We stand there for a few mins and still no one has came to the door. I ring it again and finally someone opens the door. It's Olyvia's mother, Cher.[WTF] She smiles at us and opens the door wide to let us in. We walk in.

"Hey!" she hugs me but i don't hug back. She gets it and releases me. "So. What brings you here? And with this boy?" she looks him up and down in disgust. I roll my eyes.

"Where is my dad?" i asks as we walk into the kitchen. Luckily he was in there sitting at the table, eating a sandwich. But stopped when he seen Tom and I enter.

"Hey." he smiles at me, but glares at Tom.

"I need some money to buy a costume for Halloween."

"Way to get to the point, huh?" He laughs. "But why did ya have to bring him?"

"Because Bill had something to do and i don't like walking by myself."

That part is true. I don't like walking places by myself. I need someone to keep me company or i start talking to myself.

"You know i don't like him- ay Tom you know i don't like you, right?" he says walking past me up to Tom. Here comes the drama!

"Yes sir i do know but i don't know why." he answers politely.

"You wanna know why i don't like ya, huh?" Tom nods. "Well for one, you smacked 'er on the ass like she one of yo hoes."

Oh my god. Why does he have to bring that up? It was just one time, we were kidding around, even Bill slapped my ass. Yea. Bill!

"Dad. Please just drop that okay. Now can you just give me some money so i can go." i say holding out my hand.

"Okay. But if i see anything like that again.." he went on with his threats while fishing his wallet out of his pocket. He pulls out 2 cards. One gold, one platinum. JACKPOT!

"Thank you daddy. I'll see you next weekend." i give him a kiss on the cheek and pull Tom away. We leave my dad's huge house and walk about 4 blocks in silence until i stop.

"What?" he asks turning to me.

"Sorry about my dad."

"Its fine." he says taking my hand and we continue walking.

I smile and say, "You know what smells really good? Axe. Smells so good."

He chuckles. "Random. No wait. You're talking about me?"

"Do you wanna come over to my place or what?" i say getting to the point.

Man i couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to kiss him right there.

He smirks and i take that as a yes.

"Now give me a piggy back ride!" i smile jumping up and down like a 5 year old clapping my hands.

"And what do i get if i give you a ride?" he asks still smirking, playing with his lip ring.

I bite my lip. He is too sexy for his own damn good. I grab his hand and place it on my waist first. Then i take it lower ass. He nods and quickly let me on his back. I get on and he starts running, since my house is only 3 more house to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh the thing about Amber's cuzin when i said they're not allowed to wear bandanas at school. IT TRUE! But its at my school. We cant wear hats either! Thats the only time anyone sees me without a hat or bandana on.