Status: happy holidays (◕‿◕✿)

Hayne 25


HAYNE IS SOMETHING else during December. It has the ability to imitate the image and atmosphere like any other city in the world. It is something else.

People are sipping on glasses full of lattes, most likely filled with Hayne’s specialty spice, mistletoe, almost twice a day. With scarves and jackets keeping everyone warm, people are still asking for iced lattes. It is something else.

People begin playing outdoors when the first sight of snow is spotted. Snow is as light as foam and if at the right temperature, 25°F, it will not melt at the touch of our fingertips. But as it touches our palms, we can feel as if the snow melts into our skin, becoming a little part of us. Kids and adults alike are tossing the snow around like it’s ice bubbles. It is something else.

On the 24th of December, if at the perfect location, comets will fill the night sky. It'll illuminate a glowing orange light against the snow while it falls on the tips of our noses. As the comets ignite our skies, everyone, as if it’s planned, senses the change in the atmosphere. Calming–as so everyone describes the first hit of the year. It is something else.

Trees begin to sway at the sight of the snow. Moving slowly as if they are ribbons against the wind, the leaves against each other becomes a melody to our ears. It’s relaxing, in some odd way. It is something else.

On the 25th of December, all people of Hayne gathers together at the center of town, watching as the colors of the sky changes from a gray cast to a light blue blanket covering the city. It’s as if our world recognizes that it’s finally time for some light. It is something else.

I’m about 98% convinced and can attest to my facts that Hayne is unquestionably breathtaking during the holidays. It is truly something else.
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I ENDED UP CREATING THIS W/ A DIFF APPROACH THAN WHAT I HAD IN MIND LOL I thought writing about the holidays with a sci-fi touch was coolio! ANYWAY, HERE IT IS. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!