Summer Camp

Wonderfulness Of Kayaking .

“You know this is pretty relaxing.” Nick said while he laid back and ‘relaxed.’

“Yeah, that’s because I’m the one doing all the rowing.” I said as I continued to row slowly.

“And you’re doing an amazing job!” He clapped his hands.

“Shut up.” I laughed and I splashed some water on him.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be huh?” He took his paddle and started splashing me.

“Oh it’s on!” I started splashing him more and more, until he was pretty much soaked.

“Ha, I’m less wet than you!” I bragged.

“Oh, not for long…” He started shaking the kayak.

“No, Nick stop it!” I warned. “I’m going to get you badly after-“

I couldn’t finish my sentence because he had been successful at his task, to get me into the water. Of course he fell out of the boat too, causing himself to also be completely soaked.

“This isn’t over Nick.”

“Oh well.” He shrugged and swam over to the flipped kayak.

“A little help?” He asked as he still tried to flip it over.

“I don’t know, after what you did to me I don’t think I can trust you.” I gave him a stare while I swam in place.

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.

“Wait, what was that?”

“I’m sorry.” He said a little louder.

“I can’t hear you.”

“I’m sorry!” He exclaimed.

“Okay, okay gosh don’t need to be so mean.” I said as I swam over to the boat and helped push it over to the right side.

“Finally!” I exclaimed as the boat tipped back to its right side.

“How are we going to get in?” Nick suddenly asked.

“Uh, climb?”

“But what if it tips over again?” He was being difficult.

“Then we stay out in this lake and die!”


“Ladies first.” I said as I prepared myself to jump back into the kayak.

I successfully made it in without tipping it back over.

“You’re turn Nick.”

He climbed onto the boat without a problem.

“See, was that so hard?” I asked.


“Good, now you’re rowing us back to camp.” I grinned and laid back like he was previously doing.

♠ ♠ ♠
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please (:
i know this is such a filler chapter,
and so is half this story .
haha but i promise drama soon .