Someone Out There Loves You

Just friends

“Erin, wait up!” I yelled after the red and blue streaked head. She is probably the only person in the world who could win a marathon in heels. She sighed and suddenly stopped nearly causing me to have a mouthful of her colourful hair.

“I’m not even walking fast!” She moaned. “Maybe if you fastened your shoes up properly, you might be able to do more than hobble.” She bent down and started fiddling with the straps of the devil boots she lent me.

“But I’ll get blisters!” I whined stepping back and nearly losing the little balance I do have. She rolled her beautiful kohl rimmed eyes and stood up straight again.

“It’s only two minutes away. You can sit down once we get inside.” I groaned but nodded in agreement. I silently begged my feet to walk in a way that won’t snap my ankles before we even set foot inside the club. I wanted this night to be perfect and having my legs in a cast would certainly put a downer on the whole thing.

“What’s this band like?” I asked.

“There a local. Not very big yet. But there’s a free bar all night.”

“Cool,” I breathed. I hadn’t had a drink in so long.

“We’re here.” She paused in front of a grubby looking building. Outside there were people around our age talking on their phones or smoking cigarettes. “We need to get our stamp then we can go in. We can wait for the boys inside.” I followed her as she walked up to the security guard to have her bag checked and get her stamp. The guy gave me one as well. It was a light purple star with the initials of the club on it. Apparently it glowed in the dark. Wow.

Once inside, it became real. My stomach was bubbling with excitement at the thought of seeing Will again. I hadn’t seen him in over a week. Surely, this longing for him wasn’t normal.

My feet started sticking to the floor. Erin said this was because people pass out and die and all their body fluids leak onto the ground. Apparently they don’t get cleaned up and it really plays havoc with peoples shoes. I think she’s lying. The walls and ceiling were painted black but there were bulbs glowing giving the impression there were stars. In front of us stood the stage. It wasn’t big but there was still enough room for the drum set and three guitars. Smoke was coming out of vents on the floor and the lights were giving a magical feel to it. It was like anything could happen tonight.

“I’ll be back in a minute. I need to pee.” Erin shouted over the music before heading off into the crowds.

“Wait!” I yelled but she didn’t hear me. Okay, so what do I do now? I can’t just stand here looking like an idiot. I caught sight of the bar at the back of the room and I made my way towards it.

“Yeah?” The bartender yelled.

“Erm, can I have a vodka and coke please?” I asked.

“Do you have I.D?” He replied scanning my obviously young face. No, I didn’t. It was with Erin.

“I’ll get these,” an unmistakable voice said from behind me.

“Will!” I greeted happily throwing my arms around his soft waist. His familiar scent filled my lungs as I buried my face into his chest. It took a moment for him to respond but he finally put his hands into the small of my back, rubbing soothing circles into it.

“Hey,” He laughed. “Cute hair,” He said ruffling it. How can such a friendly gesture lead to a frenzy of butterflies going off in my stomach?

“Thanks, Erin did it.” I said running my fingers through my newly straightened locks. She had literally pinned me down to the bed to do it. “And she only burnt me once.” I said cheerily lifting my hair to reveal a pink mark on my neck. Will leant forward so I could feel his warm breath on my skin.

“Ouch.” He muttered touching it gently and causing me to shudder. “Is Erin here?”

“Yeah, she went... somewhere.” I trailed off as she suddenly appeared in our line of vision.

“Hey,” She grinned, kissing Wills cheek. A flash of jealousy shot through me but I covered it up with a bright smile. Erin raised her eyebrows making me second guess my acting skills.

“Where did you-“Will suddenly got cut off as he was dragged by a boy into the middle of the crowd. I didn’t even notice the band had come on. The lead singer had short blonde hair which looked like it hadn’t been washed in a fort night. He had his shirt off to flaunt his perfectly toned stomach and the girls were obviously enjoying the view. Even Erin had shut up which was a miracle in it self. The band introduced them and began to play the first song. It was a heavy number that had you unknowingly bouncing your head in time with the beat.

“What are they doing? Are they fighting?” I watched a group of people run around and push each other into the circle that had now formed. Will stood out; hair flying and face pink. He flung his head back laughing as his friend fell over although he picked him up before he was trampled to death by a team of dirty converses.

“No, it’s a mosh pit.” Erin giggled finally taking her eyes of the blonde beauty. “It’s hard to explain but its fun. I’m just gonna get a drink. These lights are making me hot.” I nodded and carried on watching the “mosh pit.” It was like dancing in a way; aggressive dancing. It had me mesmerised.

“Gabrielle.” A voice said beside me. I turned so I was stood in front of the smirking Gerry.

“Gabriella.” I corrected him. I turned back to watch the circle and smiled as I caught sight of Will.

“Do you fancy him or something?” Gerry probed stepping closer to me.

“That’s none of your business.” I replied not taking my eyes off Will.

“Tell me,” Gerry continued. “What does he have that I don’t?” Well, let me see; everything. Of course I didn’t say that. In fact I remained silent. The loud music from the band and the flashing lights were making me dizzy. “I don’t understand why you would go after him when I’m available.”

“Shut up,” I moaned clutching my head. How can the singer move that fast? Didn’t it hurt his head? It was hurting mine.

“Are you pregnant with his baby or something?” He asked ignoring my request.

“I don’t feel so good.” The floor was spinning from under me. People were standing too close.

“No, that can’t be it. Will would have said if he laid you. I would ask if you’re after his money but he’s not exactly rich.” Gerry glanced at me to see if I was getting wind up by his comments but then did a double take. “What’s wrong? You’ve gone all white.”

“I think I’m gonna throw up.” I admitted crouching down on the floor.

“Gabriella?” Now Will was back. This was just perfect.

“I’ll be alright in a minute. Go and have fun.” I muttered even though he couldn’t hear me over the music.

“Come on,” He said lifting me up off the floor. He was hot and sweaty but still I clutched to him like a baby clutches her mother.

I tried to protest, I really did but I guess somewhere along the line I passed out as I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Will was sat next to me reading some pamphlet on breast feeding. “Where am I?” I mumbled rubbing my aching temples. The unmistakable smell of disinfectant hit my nostrils. “Am I in hospital?” This wasn’t good.

Will jumped up in surprised and turned his head so he was facing me. “You’re in the clubs medical room. You passed out.” He answered handing me a glass of water. I took greedy gulps of the iced liquid, spilling some onto the dress Erin lent me. “The nurse told me to ask you... er... when were the last time you ate? Dizziness and fainting can often be caused by lack of food.”

“I ate?” A wave of panic washed over me and I could feel my face heating up. “This morning.” I lied. Will frowned obviously not believing a word I said.

“So,” I said suddenly changing the subject. I wanted to get out of bed but I hadn’t quite mastered the art of not showing your underwear yet. “What did you think of the band?” Will wrinkled his nose and his face split into a half hearted smile. He was obviously thinking about whether to call me up on my lies.

“I thought they sucked.”

“You really didn’t like them?” I questioned interested. They sounded okay to me.

“It’s not the sort of music I listen to.” He laughed cringing as the lead singers screaming became louder when the nurse walked in. She smiled at me and muttered something about filling out a form before I go. Behind her stood a shaven head boy holding an ice pack to his nose. She grabbed a handful of paper towels before leading him back out the room.

“What music do you listen to?” I asked. I wanted to know everything about Will. I wanted to know the songs he listened to when he was mad; when he was upset; when he was happy; the soundtrack to his life. I wanted to know if there was a song he listened to which made him think of me.

“I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you come over to my house tomorrow? Luke’s going out with friends so we won’t be disturbed.” Will’s face lit up bright red as if he realised what he was hinting at. “I mean, we will just listen to c.ds. Just as friends.” He suggested. There was a slight desperation to his voice.

“Sure, just as friends.”

“Then it’s a date!”