Someone Out There Loves You

There is a light

Will said just as friend’s right? So why was I totally freaking out over the whole thing. I half wanted to tell Will I couldn’t make it after all but I didn’t have a phone and I guess walking over to his house just to tell him I couldn’t go to his house wouldn’t work out so well. I finally told myself to get a grip, pulled on my best jeans and marched my self to his street.

His home looked different this time. Sort of intimidating. I took a deep breath and pressed his door bell. I waited precisely four seconds before the door swung open revealing a pink faced out of breath Will. “Hi,” I muttered letting my dark hair shield my face.

“Hey,” Will replied. “Come in! Luke just left.” He insisted, taking my coat off my shoulders and hanging it up. I liked seeing it beside his faded leather jacket. “And without clearing away either. I only washed up an hour ago. That boy has serious problems.” He muttered to himself picking up a cloth and wiping away excess crumbs off the side.

I giggled and Will turned his attention to me smiling. He seemed generally happy to see me. I glanced around his kitchen. It was cleaner than before and all the windows were open letting the smell of summer fill the room. It seemed Will had made a special effort to make his place seem tidy. He rushed about the kitchen asking if I would like a drink, something to eat, how about some toast, whilst I just stood their like a complete idiot shaking my head at every one of his suggestions.

“So, how have you been?” He asked obviously referring to the previous night where I passed out for no apparent reason.

“I’m okay...” I lied reluctantly. “Can we just not talk about it? I’m kinder embarrassed actually.”

Will opened his mouth to say more but then frowned as if he thought better of it. “Okay...” He trailed off uncertainly.

“So are we gonna listen to music or what? You don’t listen to stuff like Dolly Parton do you?” I asked wrinkling my nose.

Will chuckled and replied. “You’re so cute when you’re trying to make fun of me.” To which I replied by sticking my tongue out at him. “To set the record straight I think Dolly Parton is pretty damn cool but no, that’s not what we’re listening to. Also we’re going to have to go to my room because that’s were the record player is. I can’t have it in the living room because Luke breaks everything he touches then does this face that makes it impossible for me to yell at him. I hate being a big brother.” He laughed.

“Tell me about it. I was perfectly fine being an only child but then my Father’s fiancée had to bring her son home and ruin everything.” I sighed closing my eyes. I reopened them when I felt Wills warm hand on my shoulder.

“Do you miss him?” He asked softly.

“No,” I replied stubbornly. “I don’t miss anyone.” Apart from her. “Are we going to your room then? I want to see your impressive C.D collection.” Anything to distract my self away from my head.

“Sure. You don’t mind then?” I did mind. It was the first time I had been into a boy’s room. I mean a proper boys room that I might have the biggest crush on. Edward didn’t count.

“So what are we listening to?” I asked following him to his bedroom. I let out a silent sigh of relief once I was inside. It didn’t unlock any mysteries of the male form. It was just a dark red room which was covered in tacky movie posters. There were a pile of books on the desk and some C.D’s spread out on his untidily made up bed. I thanked God that there were no mouldy plates or cups. It would have spoilt the whole scene.

“You can decide or I can. I’m not fussed.” Will answered contemplating with his self whether to open his curtains or not. I preferred them closed. The sun shining through the maroon curtains gave it a dark glow.

“You can choose. I trust you.” He smiled at my last sentence then studied his collection for a moment before picking a case up.

“How about The Smiths?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I answered dismissively and sat on the edge of his single bed. Talk about awkward. I watched as Will fiddled around with his C.D player for a moment then let the music fill the room. “Are these your favourite band then?”

“Yeah, I think Morrissey is a lyrical genius.” He gushed.

“Aw, I think someone has a crush.” I teased causing him to laugh. What I didn’t expect was him to dive on me. I lay down giggling hysterically pleading with him to stop whilst his hands roamed around my stomach, tickling my sensitive spots. It didn’t help that he was straddling me which made it harder to push him off. Not that I wasn’t enjoying the physical contact.

“You’re crazy.” Will grinned. Of course I am. It runs in the family.

Things once again became awkward as he noticed the position we were in. If Luke had walked in there would be a lot of “It’s not what it looks like.” Will rolled off me and placed his head beside mine on the pillow. We didn’t speak after that. I don’t know how long I laid in silence just staring at the ceiling and listening to the sweet music. Will hummed along to the music and occasionally sung the lyrics under his breath. Whenever I glanced at him he had his eyes closed; he looked so peaceful. It took all of my will power not to reach over and plant a kiss on those perfect pretty lips. Every so often he would open one eye and smile at me. He didn’t seem to notice that I was moving closer to him so that I nearly had my head resting on his chest. I wanted to listen to his heartbeat.

“You’ll like this song.” Will said startling me. “It’s my favourite.”

“Why?” I whispered.

“Just listen.” He told me. I nodded and felt myself getting pulled towards him so he could wrap an arm around my shoulder.

“Will?” I asked worriedly.

“Sorry,” He mumbled releasing me.

“No; it’s okay.” I reassured him. I didn’t know how I felt. Did Will like me as more then a friend?

The music started and I closed my eyes trying to lose myself to the sound. It was if everything instantly became blurry and I and Will were in sharp focus. I became immune to everything but Will’s touch left an army of goose bumps on my skin. Every other noise disappeared except the music and sound of mine and Will’s soft breathing. It was just me and him and the music.

“Take me out tonight, where there’s music and there’s people and they’re young and alive.” Morrissey sang. I couldn’t hear Will properly but I knew he was singing because of the way his chest vibrated against my ear. I couldn’t stop thinking that he was maybe singing to me.

“Driving in your car, I never, never want to go home because I haven’t got one anymore.” He continued.

“Take me out tonight because I want to see people and I want to see life.” I jumped a little as Will began stroking my hair. His other hand was still on top of mine, sending butterflies hysterical in my stomach.

“Driving in your car, oh, please don’t drop me home. Because it’s not my home, it’s their home, and I’m welcome no more.” I believe there is a song for everybody; for every moment in their life. One that they will play at their wedding, one that will remind them of their children, one for the good times and bad times. This song reminded me of my old life.

“And if a double-decker bus crashes into us. To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.” Will voice rose at this lyric.

“And if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us. To die by your side well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine.” I was being stupid. I knew I was. I was convincing myself that this song actually meant something.

“Take me out tonight. Take me anywhere, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care. And in the darkened underpass I thought oh god, my chance has come at last. But then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn’t ask.”

“Take me out tonight Oh, take me anywhere, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care. Driving in your car, I never, never want to go home. Because I haven’t got one, Oh, I haven’t got one.” It suddenly got too much. My eyes filled with emotion because it was too perfect. I was lying in the arms of a boy who my feelings for get stronger with each passing second whilst he was singing what could possibly be the most beautiful morbid love song I have ever heard. But there was something wrong with me. There was badness deep inside and Will couldn’t see it. It was fooling him to thinking I was this wonderful person when really I couldn’t be more evil. I was going to hurt him and I didn’t want to.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Will whispered wiping a tear that was slipping down my face ready to dissolve into his bed quilt.

“I’m scared.” I admitted looking him in the eye.

“We’re all scared.” He told me bringing his face close to mine.

“What are you scared of?” I asked ignoring the fact that his lips were inches from mine.

He smiled sadly and shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.” I tried to talk again; honestly I did. However I was battling with my eyelids to stay open. I smiled once more before I closed them and let the power of the music and sleep carry me off into a new world where the past didn’t matter and a beautiful boy called William Chester was in love with a girl called Gabriella Hart.

“There is a light and it never goes out.”
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The song is There is a light that never goes out by The Smiths. It's one of my favourites. Thanks for reading.