Someone Out There Loves You


It was dark. I knew that much. It was also very cold. But he was there. Will. He took small steps towards me. I couldn’t see the floor so his feet just sort of disappeared into the darkness. He smiled at me and opened his mouth to speak but no sound came out. I tried to take a step towards him but I couldn’t move. Instead I reached out, trying to pull him over to me but I couldn’t quite reach. He was out of my grasp. He smiled again and walked closer towards me. I was near enough to touch him now but when ever I tried it was like there was an invisible barrier between us. Will shook his head sadly and attempted to brush some of my hair out my face. I stood perfectly still as he cupped my chin with his hand. Well, he tried but his skin didn’t actually touch mine.

He sighed and shook his head but still didn’t give up on his mission. He brought his face closer to mine and I could feel his warm breath dancing against my lips. I closed my eyes and awaited the warmth that would soon flow through my body but a flash of light made me suddenly open them again. I felt the ground shake from under me and watched the dark floor split into two. I looked up to see Will was moving away from me. He was on the other side of the giant crack that was forming.

I tried shouting his name; I tried moving but it was impossible. A horrible smell filled my nostrils. It smelt like burning flesh. I then looked down and there she was. Her burnt, black hands reached over the cliff to pull herself up. He face was unrecognisable. “Gabriella,” She smiled, her blistered lips stretching into a curve. “Gabriella, come help Mummy.” She lifted her hand to take a swipe at my feet but failed. She then caught sight of Will.

The smirk that bounced of her features made my stomach crawl. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that this would end soon but it didn’t. Suddenly the air was penetrated with a terrible scream. It was Will’s. “Gabriella!” He begged in pain. I tried to reopen my eyes but it was like they where glued shut. Open God dammit! I tried to move again. Move anything. I wanted to help him but I couldn’t. It was my fault. “Gabriella!” It was my entire fault.

“Gabriella,” I felt a pair of warm hands on my shoulders and when I opened my eyes I saw Will there, concern in his eyes. “You okay, sweetheart? It sounded like you were having a nightmare.”

“I have to go.” I said pushing him away.

“Wait! Gabriella?” He replied reaching for my arm. The sky was dark outside. I wonder how long I’ve been asleep.

“No Will. Don’t you get it? This is all wrong. I’m all wrong. I’m going to end up hurting you or worse. I don’t think I can live with that. I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” I told him shakily heading for the door and ignoring his crumpled face although it broke my heart into tiny pieces.

I half ran out of his room and down the hallway. I quickly grabbed my jacket, rushing to push my arms through the sleeves before I destroy anymore of Wills life. I was in such a frenzy I didn’t hear the front door open.

“Hey Gabriella,” Luke greeted before taking a double take at my face. “Oh, what’s wrong? Lover’s tiff? You and Will will make it up soon I’m sure.”

I didn’t say anything. In fact I pushed straight past him, not wanting to contaminate him with my badness.



Will was the last voice I heard before I slammed the door shut. It was colder than it had been earlier in the afternoon and it just reminded me of my dream. A few silent tears slipped out as I hugged myself tighter.

I wanted to run all the way home but something wasn’t letting me. I found it harder to breath and it felt like a big weight had been hung around my heart. I barely registered the weird looks people were giving me. I guess falling asleep in Wills arms had given me “sex hair” and made me look like number one whore. But I was too wound up to notice. What do I care what these people thought of me? I don’t know them. They don’t know me.

And neither did Will. It was better in the long run. So why did I sprint the rest of the way home thinking that I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.