Someone Out There Loves You

Hang over

I was awoken by a dull throbbing in my brain. I gently opened one eye only for it to be attacked by little beams of sunlight that were managing to escape through my curtains. It was way too bright. I groaned deeply before pulling my pillow on top of my head. Now, I could barely breathe never mind see.

A gentle tap on the door made me groan harder. I heard the quiet squeak of the door handle being turned and the gentle click of it opening. “Gabriella?” Will whispered before coming the whole way into my room.

I threw my pillow on to the floor clearly annoyed and tried to use my hand as a shield against those pesky light particles. “It’s too early.” I moaned.

“It’s nearly one in the afternoon,” He explained softly before chuckling. It sounded like he had an amp attached to his throat so everything he said came out ten times louder and vibrated through my small room.

“Stop yelling at me.” I begged attempting to sit up. He smiled fondly at me and shook his head before producing a tray which held a cup of tea and some pancakes.

“I made you breakfast.” He explained unnecessarily. I smiled at him half heartedly.

“Will, it looks real nice and all, but I really think if I eat something it’s just going to make a reappearance again shortly.”

“Your hangover that bad?” He grinned.

“Yes. And I can see you’re getting some sort of sadistic pleasure my pain. Now, if you don’t mind would you please take the food out of my room because I really think I’m gonna throw.” I begged. He stuck his tongue out at me but exited the room. He reappeared moments later with a glass of water and some pain killers. I swallowed two gratefully.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” He asked with a teasing smirk on his face. Oh, no. We’ve had this conversation before.

“What did I do this time?” I sighed tugging at the curtains to dim the room a little. He simply shrugged and sat cross legged at the end of my bed.

“Nothing... I just didn’t know you were so flirty.”

“Flirty? Who was I flirting with? Please don’t say Gerry.”

He coughed slightly and I noticed some blood had rushed to his cheeks. “No actually, it was me.”

Oh, God. “Um...” It all came rushing back. I suddenly felt very embarrassed. Will had rejected me and it left a bitter taste in my mouth. I glanced at him to see he was smiling awkwardly at his feet. Well, the best thing to do in these kinds of situations is to pretend you don’t remember a single second of it.

“It’s okay. You were pretty intoxicated.” He explained gently.

“Oh.” I paused for a moment. “I feel dirty. My hair is all greasy. Do you mind if I take a shower?”

He shrugged. “You live here now. You don’t have to ask.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, I forgot.” I grinned. He smiled and hopped off my bed before leaving the room. I sighed and grabbed my toiletries before heading to the bathroom.

I wasn’t scared to look at myself in the mirror anymore. I was still a little under weight but I looked way more healthy than I did two weeks ago. My cheeks didn’t look gaunt; they looked round. My bones didn’t stick out of my skin quite so much. I had this terrible urge to drive my fist through the glass.

Of course Will didn’t want me. I wasn’t anything special. I was just me; Gabriella. My nose didn’t do anything cute when I laughed. I didn’t have an adorable sprinkle of freckles across my skin. I wasn’t super funny or witty. We didn’t have that much in common.

Ripping my clothes off furiously, I leaped into the shower and yelped when the cold water hit my body. I grabbed my apple shampoo which was placed next to Will’s and massaged it into my head trying to rub away my head ache which still hadn’t subsided.

Half an hour later I was in my room, dressed with my wet hair dripping into my shirt leaving puddles of darkness on the fabric. I walked into the living room and found Will hovering over the coffee table with a bin bag in his hand. I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning.

“Do you need any help?” I asked resisting the urge to tell him he would make a very good house wife.

He jumped startled. “Er, no thanks. I think I’ve got it from here.”

“Okay. Where’s Luke?” I hadn’t seen the younger brother since last night. He seemed to be having a mini argument with his girlfriend or date or whatever she was.

“He’s still asleep.” He mumbled in reply, grabbing two empty beer bottles and blowing into them to make some weird noise.

“You mean he didn’t get the privilege of being woken up this morning?” I giggled.

He glared at me in return. “No, I woke him up but he threw a book at me.” He huffed.

“Well, that’s one way of turning off the human alarm clock.” I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

“Well excuse me for not wanting to sleep my life away.” He moaned sounding very much like a teenage girl. I chose to ignore his last comment because I had a very good excuse for sleeping late. I was hung over!

“I’m never drinking again!” I groaned flopping down on the couch.

“You always say that.” He teased in reply. I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled.


“Yeah?” He answered bending down to scoop up a huge pile of empty food packets. I tried very hard not to stare at his back side. Whoa, hormones alert.

“You know the day I agreed to move in?” I questioned. Oh course he remembered. It wasn’t that long ago.


“I asked you why you were being nice to me.”

“Yeah.” He said again.

“You didn’t finish answering the question. We got interrupted.” I reminded him. I watched fascinated as his cheeks slowly changed colour.

“Didn’t I?”

“You know you didn’t. What were you going to say?” I pressed on.

“Is it really that important?” He sounded a little desperate.

“I’m curious.”

He sighed as looked up at me. He was breath taking.

“I was going to say that I- I really care about you.” He whispered averting his gaze.

“Oh,” I didn’t know what he was going to say. I was kinder hoping he would claim his undying love for me but maybe that was thinking a bit ahead. “Erm...” I bit my lip trying to think of something to say to him. “I’m just going to straighten my hair because if I don’t it will go all frizzy and...”

“Oh, no! Not frizzy!” He mocked smiling. I ruffled his hair and headed towards my room. Never again would I laugh at those letters in teen magazines about girls who want boys they can’t have. I knew what unrequited love felt like and I didn’t like it one bit.
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There should be another update soon. I think you will like it *wiggles eyebrows* :)