Someone Out There Loves You

You're perfect

I noticed three things when I woke up; it was still dark, Will had his arm draped around my waist and we weren’t wearing any clothes. The curtains were still wide open and the moon was shining through the windows making every thing glow and high lighting things silver. I was trying very hard not to freak out.

I could feel Wills breath hot against the back of my neck and his hair was tickling my face. Every so often he would nuzzle into me. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

I slowly tried to lift his arm off my small body without waking him. But of course nothing ever goes my way. He stirred a little and I froze. Then I knew he was awake because his breathing became softer and lighter. Damn me and my lack of-

“Gabriella?” He mumbled kissing that sensitive spot between my shoulder blades. I shivered noticeably.

“Hmm?” I replied.

“Are you awake?” He asked stupidly.


He laughed. “Sorry, stupid question.” He stretched out beside me and I turned to face him. Did I mention that we fell asleep on the couch? The only thing covering us up was the blankets he had prepared earlier. His eyes were bright from the moonlight. “What time is it?” He whispered.

I shrugged even though he couldn’t see me. “I don’t know; early... or late.” We were silent for a few minutes. “Will... did we..?” I paused not knowing how to finish the question. I felt him freeze beside me.

“You mean you don’t remember?” He whispered upset. “You didn’t drink last night did you?” I could hear him getting more worried by the second. I smiled lightly.

“No, I didn’t drink last night.” I assured him. “I just want to make sure we actually did it and it wasn’t a dream.”

“Well, we woke up next to each other with nothing on. I think it’s safe to say that, yes, we did “do it”.” If it was a different situation, I would have found it funny the way we were tip toeing around the fact that we had sex. Sex; it seems such a dirty word for what we did. It felt a lot deeper than that.

“W-was it okay?” He asked nervously. I thought for a second.

“Yeah.” I finally answered because it was true. It was okay. Words can’t explain what it felt like. Well, the emotional stuff anyway.

I thought back to only a few hours before. My hands shakily unbuttoned his shirt and he stopped me. “Are you sure?” He asked seriously, concern in his beautiful green eyes. I nodded and I kissed him softly. I didn’t stop kissing him.

I kissed every single freckle on his back. I traced my lips from his stomach to his chin. I licked his neck so I would have the taste of him on my tongue forever.

I remember watching our distorted images in the TV screen. I couldn’t tell where I ended and where Will began; who’s legs where who’s, whose arms where who’s. It was like we were one person.

We whispered things to each other; things so secret that they could never be repeated under any circumstance. They could have been true or they could have been lies. It didn’t matter.

I remember when I was back in school and girls would tell you all about there first time. About how they did it in the back seat of a boys car and they didn’t have protection and it lasted the whole of two minutes. They said the first time hurt. I’m not going to say it didn’t hurt for me but the vast feelings of love and want managed to ease the pain a little.

“It was my first time.” I blurted out. I couldn’t see him but I knew he turned white.

“W-What?” He stuttered. “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” I questioned confused.

“Because, well, your first time had to be with me.” He mumbled. “I’m fat and ugly and disgusting...”

“Will!” I snapped him out of his self loathing. It was really getting old. He sighed and started stroking little circles on my bare stomach. I was beginning to feel a little queasy.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t have much luck with girls. I mean, I’ve only had a couple of girlfriends before but each time both of them have cheated on me so it’s got to be down to the way I act or the way I look. Gerry treats girls like absolute crap but they flock around him like he’s going out of fashion. So, it must be the way I look right?”

“Wrong!” I replied with so much force I thought I was going to fall off the couch. “Those girls were probably idiots. And by the way, I think you’re ten times better than Gerry.” I softened up, snuggling into his neck. “And you’re not fat. Stop saying that!”


“No,” I said again.

“Do... Do you regret last night?” He asked nervously. I thought for a moment.

“No.” I moved closer to him and accidently laid on the remote, switching the TV on. The room suddenly became brighter and I could see Wills face clearly. “Do you?”

“Never,” He told me firmly turning a light shade of pink. “I think you’re intelligent and beautiful and... And perfect.” Now it was my turn to blush.

“Will, I’m far from perfect.”

“Aren’t we all? I really think we should maybe move because when Luke comes home, he will get the shock of his life.” He grinned. I smiled back.

“Good idea.” He sat up and I noticed some pink marks on his neck. Did I do that? I averted my gaze as the blankets fell down and he reached for his boxers. I watched as he began to gather the food from last night and take it into the kitchen. When he left the room, I took the opportunity to change back into the clothes I wore last night. So much had happened since then.

I wrapped the blankets around my small frame and waited for Will to re-enter the room. His hair was sticking up; sex hair? I tried to hold back a giggle.

“What are you smiling at?” He asked picking up his discarded shirt and pants.

“Nothing,” I replied standing up.

“So...Um... Goodnight?” He said shuffling towards me. He suddenly leant down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I don’t think I would ever get use to the rush of sparks that shoot through my body every time he does that.

“Yeah... Goodnight.” I replied kinder dazed.

I headed towards my bedroom whilst Will did the same. “Um, Gabriella?” I stopped and turned to face him. He looked down at his feet and smiled shyly. “Do you want to sleep in my room tonight because we, well... And...”

“Will.” I stopped him mid ramble. “Sure.”

He grinned and we both entered his room and once again I found myself falling asleep in his arms.
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I absolutely hate this chapter. It's so boring and cheesy. Anyway I might post another update later because I've got two more that are already written...