Someone Out There Loves You

These wounds are self inflicted.

“What’s got into you?” Will whispered. I don’t know how long I had been driving in silence. I had worked out how to work the car properly now. I didn’t exactly know where I was driving to. I knew where it was though. I could never forget that.

“Why don’t you ask Gerry? He seems to know.” I answered bitterly.

“What are-“

“So, tell me Will. What is it like humping a bag of bones?” I questioned smiling. I turned to look at him and to my great pleasure he had gone white.

“Keep focused on the road!” He hissed. I rolled my eyes but turned forwards again. I only just dodged an oncoming BMW. Oops.

“Well? I’m waiting...” I sang.

“You were listening?” He stated lamely.

“Yes. My ears were burning.” I giggled. I started following the signs out of the main town. I needed to be on the motor way and into the country side.

“Gerry... Gerry’s a jerk.” He told me. Hello, already knew that.

“And tonight it was proven that you are too.” I finished. “So what did last night mean to you because you seemed to be having a good laugh about it earlier?”

“It wasn’t like that.” He muttered embarrassed.

“Wasn’t it? It sure sounded like it.” I snarled. The sun would be setting soon.

“For God’s Sake Gabriella!” He suddenly yelled placing his head in his hands. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry the guys found out. I’m sorry for what Gerry said. I’m sorry...”

“Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?” I sang the annoying song from that boy band. I then sniggered. “Why were you laughing?”

“I know you’re not going to believe me but I was laughing because I was happy.” He said.
“Bull shit.” I spat. It was cold, sharp and harsh. I don’t usually swear.

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me.” He sighed. He seemed upset. He’s a good actor. “You probably won’t believe this either but I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend.” My heart skipped a beat. No, don’t! He’s lying.

“Was?” I repeated quickly glancing at him.

“Well, there’s no point in asking now.” He mumbled.

“Why? Have you decided I’m not worth the hassle? Too much baggage? You’ve had your sex now you want out?” I snapped at him. He opened his mouth to reply but I shook my head. “No, it doesn’t matter now. I’m leaving.”

“You’re leaving?” It came out quietly. There didn’t seem to be any relief evident in his voice though.

“Yes. After I’ve done this I’m going. I’ll be out of your life for good then.” I told him.

“Where would you go?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Maybe I’ll go back to my Fathers then he’ll send me away to another part of the country.”

“You don’t have to leave, you know.” He whispered sadly.

“I do. I messed you and Luke up enough.” We were close now. I could feel it. I only lived a couple of towns away before I moved in with my Dad. I put my foot down to go faster. The faster we go, the faster I’ll be there.

“Gabriella, slow down!” Will told me, gripping the side of his seat. His bony knuckles where showing through his papery, pale skin. He let go with one hand and fished his phone out. He pressed a few buttons before throwing to the back of his car. “I can’t even get a reception!” He wailed.

“That’s a shame.” I said quietly. There were hardly any cars about. People will just assume I’m a drunk driver and stay clear anyway.

“Gabriella, please slow down. You’re scaring me.” I put my foot down. I quickly looked at Will again. His big green eyes were full of fear. Why is he scared? Doesn’t he feel the adrenaline pumping through his body? It’s like flying. I felt protected in Will’s car. It was like a metal cocoon covering us.

“Where nearly there. Only about half an hour away.” I said brightly.

“Where are we going anyway!?” He screeched desperately. “Pull over now! You’re scaring me. You could end up killing us both.”

I looked at him and smiled. “Don’t tease. Anyway, nothing’s making you stay here. You could throw yourself out of the car if you wanted to.” I replied. I knew he wouldn’t though. I don’t know what would happen if he did. I still had feelings for him although I resented him at this moment. He sighed and sat back closing his eyes. Maybe he had car sickness. I didn’t. I loved every moment being on the road.

Most of the car trip was in silence. He didn’t want to speak to me so I wasn’t going to speak to him. He leant back in his chair and I saw that there was worry lines embedded into his forehead. “I only came back to get my wallet. The others will be worried, you know. They will probably phone the police. Did you tell anyone where you were going? Did you tell Luke?”

“No. I didn’t plan on taking anyone with me...” I trailed off as I saw the familiar path. I quickly turned the car and started driving down the narrow bend ignoring Wills screeches that I was going the wrong way. I was there.
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The song mentioned is by a band called Mcfly. I can't remember the name of the song but I actually like it *blushes*. The title is from Self Inflicted by the lovely Miss Katy Perry who I might have fallen in love with :P