Someone Out There Loves You

The rest of my life.

“Gabriella, wake up, honey. We’re home. Are you okay?”

“What...” I groaned, squinting. Wills face was dangerously close to mine and I nearly put my arm out to push him away.

“We’re back. Do you need help getting up?” He asked undoing my seat belt for me.

“No, I think I’m fine.” I answered yawning. I run my hand through my tangled hair and attempted to stand up. I hissed in pain as the grazes and cuts I received felt like someone had poured acid over them.

“Are you okay?” He fussed. I nodded and waited for a moment for the stinging to subside. I hobbled out of the car and she shut the doors before locking up. It was absolutely freezing outside and my teeth began to chatter. I noticed that the lights in the front room where still on. I inwardly cringed at the argument that was sure to happen when we stepped through the front door. “Are you ready?”

“I think so.” I muttered. Without thinking I linked my fingers with his and he squeezed my hand in reassurance. “Will?”


“I just want to say, before we go in there, that I really am sorry for what I did tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He whispered. We didn’t get a chance to walk through the door because stood there was Gerry glaring at us and Luke behind him with worry lines etched onto his head.

“Where the hell did you go?!” Gerry half yelled shooting daggers at me.

“Be quiet, it’s late.” Will warned him pushing past with me closely behind him.

“I don’t care. You’ve been gone for hours and you didn’t think to call or tell someone where you were going.” He spat. “Luke nearly phoned the police.”

I waited for him to tell him what I did, what I put him through but he never. “Look, we’re sorry but it’s late and we’re tired and we’ll discuss this in the morning.” Will replied calmly.

“Don’t ever do something like that again!” Luke breathed before grinning. “I’m glad you’re okay though.” He said softly hugging his brother. He turned to me. “You too Gabriella.” Then he enveloped me into a hug. No! I didn’t deserve this. I was bad.

“Come on Gabriella, let’s go to bed.” Will suggested holding his hand out. I took it and he led me past a sleeping Seth into his room. “You can sleep in yours if you want. I don’t know why...”

“Will, its fine. I’m that tired you could pin me up on a washing line and I’d still be able to fall asleep.” I smiled. He blushed and turned away so he could take his top off. I didn’t bother changing clothes; I just crawled under the covers fully dressed. I faintly remember his warm body lying next to mine but I was too far gone to notice anything.

The sun shining brightly through the curtains was the main thing that woke me the next morning. I turned to face Will and a slight smile appeared on my lips when I realised he was still snuffling lightly in his sleep. His pink lips where gently parted as he breathed in and out. I moved closer and placed a small kiss on his cheek. His eyelashes fluttered open in surprise.

“Hey,” He croaked before clearing his voice. “Morning.”

“Good morning. I was up before you today,” I grinned teasing him.

“Yeah, for the first time ever.” He argued back. “I’m always up before you.”

“And you probably will be for a long time.” I answered back.

He looked puzzled for a moment then his face broke out in a startling grin. “Does this mean you’re staying?” He whispered hopefully.

“Yes, that is, if you want me.”

“Of course I want you! Oh, oh that sounded wrong...” I giggled at his face and he held out his arms for a hug. I felt my self obliging and his warm arm wrapped around my fully clothed body.

“What are you going to tell the others?” I asked staring up at the ceiling. Will shrugged and placed his lips against my neck.

“What do you want me to tell them?” He mumbled. I shut my eyes and his mouth moved to my collar bone. A queasy feeling appeared in my stomach and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

“Will...” I warned but it didn’t sound very convincing. He pulled away and I glanced down noticing faint pink marks just above my chest.

“Oops.” He grinned before turning serious. “We don’t have to tell them anything, you know.”
“Okay, so what do we say when they asked where we went for eight hours? A moonlit stroll?” I replied sarcastically. My whole body felt sore from last night. I looked under the covers and saw my jeans were completely wrecked.

“No, but we can say it was personal and you don’t want to discuss it. It’s nobodies business except yours, Gabriella. We can tell them we got abducted by aliens?” He suggested. I gave him a sharp look and his smile was instantly wiped off his face. “Or not?”

I sighed. “I not so bothered about Luke knowing the basics. I don’t think I’m quite ready for Gerry and Seth to know though.”

“Seth won’t care at all. He doesn’t seem bothered about that type of stuff. I need to have a few words with Gerry anyway.” He said sitting up and leaning his back against the bed rest.

“About me?” I questioned copying his actions.

“Kinder. I’m going to tell him to be nicer if you’re going to stay with us. You know, the reason he’s such a jerk is because he thinks you’re cute.” He smirked.

“He doesn’t!” I gasped throwing a pillow at his head. He laughed and tossed it back to me.

“Why do you think he tried chatting you up in the cafe that one time? He’s super jealous that for some strange reason you prefer me over him. Just think if it wasn’t for Gerry and his hormones I never would have met you.”

“Yeah, Gerry’s a real hero.” I huffed. “You make it sound like it’s some sort of competition. You could have picked a better prize.”

He shook his head and looked at me in wonder. “You really don’t know how amazing you are do you? And if it was a competition I’ve won the jackpot. I meant what I said last night. I do love you.” He bit his lip and blushed.

“You mean it wasn’t some thing you said just because you thought it was the right thing to say?” I thought aloud. He shook his head.

“Nope. What about you?”

“No, I meant it too.” I suddenly laughed and dived under the covers to escape the awkwardness that was sure to follow. Will chuckled; vibrating the whole bed and moved so he was under with me. I faced him and he cupped my cheek with the hand he wasn’t laying on.

“Right, so shall we get this clear? We both are in love each other and we have made love to each other...”

“Ah, stop!” I begged. “This is so embarrassing! How are you not embarrassed?”

“Well unlike some people, I am a very responsible, mature, young adult.” He replied smugly.

“Well, alright Mr Mature, what’s next? Where do we go from here?”

“Well, first I think we need to agree on having no more secrets.” He suggested.

“Fine, no more secrets. I can handle that. What’s next?”

“Then we wait until my parents get back and I introduce you as... What are you? Are we together now or what? Nothing has been made official yet.” He stated.

“Do you want us to be together; like boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked quietly.

“I’d like that very much.” He answered seriously. I smiled.

“Okay, so you introduce me to your parents as your girlfriend, then what? I’ve already moved in. What’s the next part of the story?”

Will looked at me for a moment before leaning in to kiss me. It wasn’t anything special; just a simple peck on the lips. “Then...” He breathed with his eyes still shut. I closed my eyes and reached out to touch his face to tell him to continue. “Then,” He started again. “Will Chester and Gabriella Hart live happily ever after.”

“That has to be the cheesiest thing ever.” I said opening my eyes and smirking. Will laughed and his own eyes fluttered open.

“Come here!” He ordered before attacking my lips with his own. I smiled into the kisses and for the first time in my life, I felt like every thing was going to turn out alright.
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Next chapter is last chapter. This one and next one is based off Rest of my life by Less than Jake. It's a amazing song and you all should listen to it.