Someone Out There Loves You

Please Stay

It took me about, say ooh, four minutes before I realised I had gone completely insane. What sort of idiot takes a knife to their own arm? I stared down in horror at the mess I had just made before splashing away the blood with water. I took out my bandages for the second time that day and bandaged the cut.

I would need to start buying them weekly soon. I glanced at the dusty clock hanging off the kitchen wall. It wasn’t even three yet. I could spend the rest of my day getting drunk off cheap wine.

I found my bottle and was just about to pull the cork out when my doorbell rang. Who the hell could that be?

My first thoughts flew to my father maybe asking me to come home then I realised I had already done something stupid today.

Maybe it’s someone from the estate ready to welcome me with open arms? I sighed and unlocked the door. I don’t even know why I lock it. It would only take one shove from a crack head determined to steal something to fund his habit and the door would be off its hinges anyway.

Who stood outside shocked me. It was the boy from the cafe. Not the cocky one; it was his friend.

“Er...hi!” He said enthusiastically. He looked like he was glad he had found the right flat. Well the triumphant grin he held was a big give away.

“Hi?” I replied questioningly. What was he doing at my door? Speaking of doors, I kept mine covering my butchered arm. I didn’t want any questions being asked.

“You’re Gabriella Hart right?” God, his eyes were even more beautiful close up. I nodded. “Good, well you were in the cafe earlier and you left this. It looked important. Don’t worry I only looked on the first page to get your address. It was on this letter thing.” He produced my note book from behind his back. I didn’t even realise I had left it. I suddenly had this over whelming feeling of gratitude.

“Thanks!” I exclaimed taking it off him and hugging it to my chest. Well as close to hug you can get with one arm. I then blushed at how stupid I sounded, getting sentimental over a note book for Christ’s sake.

“No problem. Oh, and sorry about my friend earlier. He doesn’t know the meaning of privacy.” He told me with an apologetic smile.

“Don’t worry about it.” I mumbled. He nodded again and we were left in a moment of awkward silence. Great.

“So, I better be going.” He muttered after a minute.

“Thanks again.” I said. I realised I didn’t want him to leave which was ridiculous as I had only just met him. He turned around to leave and before I could stop my self I had shouted “wait!”

He looked at me with a surprised expression on his face and raised his eyebrow in question.

“What’s your name?” Why am I such a dork? But he was smiling again and took a step closer.

“I’m Will.” He answered holding his hand out. I took it with my good hand and quickly shook it before releasing it. Will looked a little confused.

“Well it nice to meet you Will.” I mumbled embarrassed. Have I mentioned I have never had a boyfriend? So that means I have never had much male attention.

“Same to you Gabriella. See you around?” He asked hopefully. Hang on, did this boy actually like me. Usually people can’t wait to get out of my company.

“Maybe.” I smiled before blushing again. “Erm... bye?” It was more of a question then a statement.

“Yeah, bye.” He smiled at one last time and then he was gone. And I was alone again.
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Thanks for reading. Thoughts?

Much love

Lucy x