Falling For A Friend


"Love - noun - Affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor." - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/love

I guess you can say Aiden and I are in love, even though we've known each other and been together for three weeks. We've been more open about our feelings since the whole bridge thing.

My life has been so great since I met him, not including the beatings by the 'populars' and being shoved into lockers and brutal tortures. But if you look on the bright side of it, I am happy with Aiden and I don't plan on us breaking up anytime soon.

Wait, we're going to be together forever. It's just that feeling. Like reading someone's body language and knowing their feelings before they do. When I look at Aiden, I see happiness and pride in his eyes. It's calming and nice to know that at least someone in this cruel world cares about you. Because I know my parents don't care about me and the kids at school try to kill me so obviously, they don't care about me. But Aiden, he cares about me. I can see it every time I see him. And I care about him too.

Today we really didn't do anything. We just went to school, came back to my place, did our homework so we don't get a detention and just hung out. I was bored so I asked him if he wanted to go to the park with me. He said sure and we left. While walking there, I felt his hand slip into mine. I just smiled and gripped his hand tighter. I love this boy.

~*~*~*~*Aiden's P.O.V.~*~*~*~*

Zane asked me if I wanted to go to the park with him. I said sure, knowing we'll get some alone time because we've been a little quiet since Zane opened his door one day to get a drink downstairs and came face to face with his eavesdropping mother. Weird, huh? I think she suspects something. I wonder if she knows Zane's gay. So with us going for a walk together makes us know we're alone without a stalker-ish mother by us.

Anyways, so we're walking and we haven't held hands in a while so I decided to just slip my hand into his to see what he'll do. I felt him tangle his fingers with mine so I knew he wanted to hold hands. Why has he been so shy lately? I wanted to start a conversation but I liked the silence. It was kind of romantic to me.

Once we got to the park, I ran to the swings knowing he'd like to swing. He got on a swing next to me and we both started swinging. The sun was setting so it was nice to swing up and see to golden drop in the sky mix with the pink and blue clouds, and then watch it disappear when you swing down. It was romantic. I knew it loosened Zane up a little because he started talking.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" He said. I smiled, knowing this was true. I didn't know what to say that wouldn't sound corny and make me look like a total idiot.

"Just like you." He finished. I tried to laugh silently but he heard and joined in.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"No, it's fine." I said. "I like it. It shows me you care a lot about me." He blushed and tried to hide it. I wanted to kiss him so bad but that last time we tried to kiss, Brian caught us and yelled something very uncalled for. He stopped his swing and motioned for me to follow him. I jumped off my swing and followed him to the jungle gym that led to a giant slide with a cover over it. I think I knew what he had planned. He crawled in and made room for me after he positioned himself to stay in his spot and not slide down with me behind him. I got in right up against him since it was such a tight place.

"I..." He paused. "I wanna know what you said under the bridge the first time we were there." Oh, my God. I can't tell him that! I don't think I'm ready. I don't think he's ready.

"I don't think we're ready for it." I forced out.

"Just tell me, Aiden." He paused again. "Pleeease, I'll be your best friend forever!" He giggled and I did too. I've never heard him say that before and it was so adorable.

"You're so adorable." I said. He smiled but then looked serious and brought his face to mine and whispered in my ear, brushing his lips against my face as he said each word.

"I love you." He whispered. I was shocked. He practically said it for me. I smiled.

"I love you too." I whispered. I guess this was our time to whisper but I like it. Then I whispered, "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"You said it for me." I said softly. "I love you. That's what I said under the bridge and I wasn't sure if we were ready to love yet or not. But I guess we are. I like it. Love. It's so mysterious but delightful. I love it...I love you." He smiled and kissed my lips so gently and I kissed back.

"You're my best friend." He said, smiling into the next kiss, which he broke. "And I love you for that." I smiled and leaned my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and soon we fell asleep...In a slide...In the park. But who cares, We're in love!

We woke up later on and slid down the slide into the frost of the night. Late September is so beautiful. We crawled out of the slide and Zane helped me up to wrap his arm around my waist.

The moonlight from the sky was shining down on the frosted grass, causing it to shimmer like a million stars were under our feet.

"It's so beautiful." Zane said.

I rested my head on his shoulder and we stood there for a while before he kissed me and took my hand and walked me to my house. Then walked back to his.

Tonight was the best night ever since we were under the bridge together. Do we really love each other? Is this what love feels like? It's so...unexplainable. My feelings. There are so many when I'm with him and I just...I want to be with him for the rest of my life because I've never felt this way before and I love this feeling. I love Zane. Zane loves me. I don't want this night to end. I don't want this feeling to end. I want to cherish this moment, keep it in my heart forever and always to remind me how much of an amazing guy he is.