Falling For A Friend


Today was the first day of October. Only a week left until homecoming. I'm still waiting for Aiden to ask me to go. Or should I ask him? I got a headache so I got up and took a shower. I got dressed in a green 3 Days Grace t-shirt and black tight jeans with my original black and white converse high tops. I grabbed a hoodie out of my laundry basket, picked up my messenger bag and walked out. I walked downstairs and brought my hand to the doorknob.

"Zane," My mom called from the den where she was reading a book.

"What?" I yelled.

"I have to talk to you."

"But I'll be late for school and I won't be able to walk with Aiden."

"That's why I want to talk to you." She put down her book and made room for me to sit next to her on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I watched the news this morning and Aiden's dad was arrested last night for possession of heroin, hash, cocaine, and other illegal drugs." I hated it when she talked like Mary Poppins or something, like I was a baby.

"Okay." I said.

"If you get caught in the middle of it or he ever offers you drugs or forces them and the cops find you with them, Zane, I'd be such a nervous wreck!"

"I'm not as stupid as you think, mom. And if you're trying to separate me from Aiden, then you'll have to try harder than that because we are happily together."

"You're gay?" She asked. I could tell by her voice that she wanted me to say no that I was kidding and everything will be okay. But it's not and she has to realize that.

"How could you not notice, mom? Look at me! I wear eyeliner, tight jeans, I come home from school with bloody noses and black and blue eyes from getting beaten up at school! Do you ever notice me? Or are you too busy wondering when your scumbag husband will come home?" With that, I picked up my messenger bag, opened the door, walked out, and slammed it shut behind me. I ran off the sidewalk into the street and just kept running.

'I fucked up. Big time' was all I could think of. I was actually surprised my mom didn't chase after me with a butcher knife from the way I talked about her husband, my dad. I know it was disrespectful but I didn't care at the time.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Aiden sitting on the sidewalk in just a t-shirt, shivering and listening to his ipod, around the corner. I walked over to him and pulled the earphones out of his ears.

"I heard what happened." I said. He smiled.

"Everything's so much easier and quieter." He gave me a hug.

"How did the cops find out?" I asked.

"I called them and told them my dad was shooting up in the living room. They came over almost instantly and arrested him. I was so happy."

"Wow. You are my little punk. My little 'I don't take no one's shit' punk. And that's why I love you." I took off my hoodie and gave it to him to put it on. He took it and put it on fast.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem. I saw you shivering and I didn't like it." We started walking to school and I had my arm around him while he kept himself warm.

Once we got to school, Ms. Link opened the main door for us, thank god since she was the nicest hall monitor in the school.

"Why are you boys so late?" She asked.

"I had to help my friend out with some problems so we talked it out so he doesn't cry during school and get beaten up." I said. Ms. Link looked around. Nobody.

"All right. As long as nobody knows I let you in without a tardy slip. Now you boys go to your lockers and straight to your classes. I'll call your teachers to tell them you're here." She said.

"Thanks, Ms. Link." We said and ran to our lockers and got the stuff we needed as fast as we could. We gave each other a quick 'see you later' kiss and went to our classes. Am I in love?
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