Falling For A Friend

Desperate for Drama

So after school, Aiden and I walked back to my house. I was still thinking about homecoming but I didn't know if I should ask him or if I should wait for him to ask me. Oh, well. I couldn't wait any longer.

"Aiden," I said.


"Homecoming's next week."


"Do you want to go with me?"

"People are going to make fun of us." He said.


"I don't want to deal with it." He said and I didn't say anything back. I was too busy thinking, Oh, my God. I got blew off by my boyfriend. Boyfriend...Mom...

"We have to go to the park." I said.

"Why?" He asked. "I want to go to your place."

"We can't." I said. "This morning it kinda slipped that we were dating. Well, more like I screamed it in her face."


"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I kinda wanted to go to the park instead." He said and I slid my hand into his. We smiled at each other and kept walking to the park.

We started swinging on swings, then sliding down the slides, then Aiden started a game of tag. I love it how he can be so mature and handle so many things and the next, he's got me playing games with him I used to play when I was five. He' just so...amazing, I guess. Maybe that's why I love him so much.

At five, we stopped playing and I walked him home. We walked up to his doorstep and I gave him a small kiss goodbye like the ones we give each other in school. I turned to walk away but Aiden pulled me back and gave me a real kiss. Not those little pecks that 12-year-old lovers do but a real kiss that told me with no words that he loved me.

I kissed him back and we got a little out of hand. Aiden opened his eyes to see the neighbor across the street getting his mail in his robe, looking up to see his neighbor making out with his boyfriend. Weird. For him, but I felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, I'm going to go now. My mom's going to be pretty angry once she finds out I've been out with you for three hours."

"Good night, sweetheart." I looked at him and he was smiling.

"I love you." I said and gave him another kiss. I pulled away. "But, it's not night time, yet."


"I don't have to go home now." I said. Obviously, he didn't get what I meant. Mom gone at work, dad in jail, no siblings...hint, hint.

"No." He said. "I won't do that to my mom."

"But she's at work. She won't know. She doesn't have to know." I was now talking him into saying yes because I guess I was pretty desperate. Aiden smiled, probably thinking of a plan to tease the hell out of me.

"Okay. Hurry. I don't know when she'll be home."

I practically threw him into the door and was right against him, making out better and harder than ever. I found my hand to the doorknob and opened the door, slamming it shut behind us. I was pulling my clothes off fast, nearly tearing them but I didn't care. I was alone with my boyfriend.

Aiden was going slow. He slowly let his back pack fall to the floor. He slowly slid his shirt over his head and off. And there I was, taking my converse off so I can take my jeans off. Aiden slowly untangled his shoe laces and sliding his shoes off.

"So, how did your day go, Zane?" He asked.

"Good." I said, getting my other shoes off and pulling my jeans off. I stood up, only in my boxers, and Aiden was still unlacing his other shoe.

"Need help?" I asked. Why can't he go faster? I screamed in my head.

"Nope." He said, sliding his other shoe off and un buttoning his jeans.

He slid them off so slowly and then it hit me. What if he's not ready? Is that why he's taking his time? But that thought blew away when he kissed me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him as well and kissed him back.

"Couch? Bed? Bathroom floor?" I asked, giggling at the random last part. Aiden giggled as well.

"I think the couch will be fine." He said smiling. He loved me. He was ready. I could see it. We laid down on the couch and continued where we left off. He pulled at the elastic of my boxers and started to slide them down, running his hand down my thy as he did. I moaned and he giggled.

"I love you." He said and kissed me again, running his fingers through my hair.

"I love you more." I said.

"Nope. You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because. I win and I love you more."

"So that makes me a loser?"

"A very sexy loser that I love." We giggled and kissed again.

"I have no clue what I'm doing!" I laughed.

"Neither do I. Don't worry. Roll over."

"Will it hurt?"

"Of course it will." He said. "But I'm here to make it not hurt." I smiled and rolled over.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Go." I said and he was so close. I could nearly feel him starting in but the door opened.

"Aiden Matthew Rogers! What the fuck is going on?" Aiden's mom walked through the door.

"Mom!" He screamed and pulled a blanket over us.

"Oh, my God!" She yelled. "You're fucking!" She dropped her bags and threw her hands to her face and burst into tears and ran off into the kitchen.

My heart fell into my stomach. I was so hurt, embarrassed, and done for. If my mom found out about this, she'd definitely call my dad and tell him no matter what business meeting he's in. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! Was all I could think.
I pulled up my boxers and Aiden pulled his on. I got my jeans on faster than ever.

"You faggot!" She screamed and ran after me with a butcher knife from the kitchen. So, it wasn't my mom but it was my boyfriend's.

"Mom! No!" Aiden screamed and got up to stop her. She just pushed him out of her way while I picked up my shoes and shirt and ran out the door. I ran outside in just my unbuttoned and unzipped jeans and socks, carrying my shirt and shoes, running away from his psycho mom. I finally lost her and put on my shirt, still running. I finally took a break and sat on a curb to get my shoes on.

"Shit." I said to myself. I had forgotten my messenger bag. Sex sucks! Next time, Aiden's taking... If there'll even be a next time. I got up and walked home. I opened the door to see my mom sitting on the couch balling her eyes out.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked. I was concerned, even though she pissed me off earlier.

"I am so sorry!" She cried and got up and walked to me. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my shoulder. I rubbed her back.

"Why?" I asked.

"I should've told you when you were nine." She pulled away and wiped away tears from her face.

"Told me what?"

"Your dad was on a plane to New York City for a meeting and...the plane landed wrong and he was the only one who died." She started crying again. I was pretty much in shock. Is this going to be a Montel moment where we spill all our secrets? Well it is now.

"Mom," I said.


"I'm gay." I said. "I'm in love Aiden and today I went to his house and we..." I didn't know what to say. Fucked? Had sex? Well, it was interrupted but it was pretty close. "I almost lost my virginity." I looked down,feeling like a disgrace to her. "I'm sorry." She lifted my head and looked at me with her red, puffy eyes.

"Zane, you are my son. There's nothing to be sorry for. You are you and nobody can change that. If you like boys, that's fine. Whatever makes you happy makes me happy. I love you." I smiled and started getting tears in my eyes. I gave her a giant hug.

"I love you, too, mom." I said and let go. "His mom's pretty pissed at me because she caught us. He was almost in-" I cut myself off. Would she want to hear this?

"I understand." She said. "Do you want me to go talk to her?"

"Uhhmmm..." I didn't know what to say.

"I'll go talk to her. Come on, let's get in the car." I followed her out to the car and we left. I showed her Aiden's house and we got out. We walked up to the door and she knocked on it. Aiden answered it. He was full of cuts and bruises and he was balling his eyes out.

"Help me." He cried quietly and let out more tears.

"Aiden, get away from that door, you son of a-" His mom ran to the door and saw us. She pushed Aiden away. "Your disgusting son was trying to rape my little boy!" She blamed it on me.

"No!" I defended myself. "I was taking! And we're in love."

"Zane, honey. Let me handle this." My mom said and Aiden's mom threw a punch at my mom.

"What the fuck?" I said and pushed her into the door. "You don't touch my mom!" I screamed. "You'd know and understand that your son is gay if you ever noticed or paid any attention to him!"

"I notice my son! And don't tell me how to raise my child!" She yelled. She wasn't making any sense but I understood why when I got a whiff of vodka on her breath.

"You need to beat him so you notice the cuts and bruises on him? What kind of sick mother are you?"

"I gotta beat the fag otta him." She giggled.

"Wow." I said and pushed her into the house.