Status: Complete

Risk It All


*The morning after*

Both brothers had woke up simultaneously to the sun beaming through the small cell window. Looking around the rundown musty room both brothers had swiftly put their shirts back on. Connor let out a cough feeling his throat get tight. There was a part of him questioning if last night had been real or just a dream. But as Murphy focused his gaze on the spiky haired male Connor inhaled a deep breath feeling shivers go up his spine.

'All this crime bullshit happenin' needs ta end.' Murphy whispered allowing Connor to hear him telepathically.

'We must put a stop ta it.' Connor concurred at the realization.

'We need ta rid ta evil...deliver justice. For us, for Nolee, for Boston.'

'And t'at is exactly what we shall do brudder.' A pact had been inevitably between the twins who gave each other one final nod before the sound of beeping could be heard.

"Ta fuck is that?" Connor questioned out loud as Murphy reached for the small device that ended up in the bed somehow.

"It's that fuckin' Russian's pager." Murphy concluded as they grabbed their coats and made their way out of the holding cell back to the main floor of the officers. Upon entering the area a cheer from the officers had erupted when they noticed the brothers' presence. A chorus of "good morning" had been heard.

"Have ye got a pen?" Connor asked an officer as he shook his hand before the officer handed him one. "I'll be right back." he added to Murphy before walking off, Murphy had turned his attention back to the enthusiastic officers.

"Morning son, how are ya? We'd be honored if you joined us." one had smirked whilst handing Murphy a cup of coffee. "See this?" the officer added holding up a newspaper as Murphy took it in his hands curiously. The irishman's eyebrow had lifted when his eyes scanned the headliner.

'The Saints of South Boston. Brothers' case discovered to be self defense.'



Nolee had finished making herself breakfast while Ruby was thankfully occupied in her bouncer so she could wash her dishes. Finishing just in time to hear the door jingle, immediately her body had turned as she crossed her arms under chest tapping her foot. Connor and Murphy soon appeared in the doorway both giving her a smile complete with nervous laughter.

"You both are something else you know that?" she scolded but was relieved to see them back in the apartment.

"We're sorry lass." both brothers had apologized as they walked to where she stood and each placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Last thing we expected ta happen on St. Patty's Day was this." Connor explained with sincerity.

"Well, I'm just happy you both aren't being charged with anything. Now we can move on from this." Nolee reasoned calmly as the twins looked at each other nervously, making her brown eyes shift between them. "Right...?" she questioned lifting an eyebrow.

"Nolee...we need ta talk ta ye about somethin.' Murphy answered carefully scratching the side of his neck.

"What?" she asked nervously eyeing them both closely as Murphy had only placed the newspaper in her hand. Her brown eyes had scanned the front page causing her lip to twitch when she also read the headliner.

"Saints of South Boston?" she said aloud. "What does that mean?"

"The media seems ta think we're heroes for what happened with ta russians." Murphy explained.

"That's why we stayed ta night at ta station." Connor added in clarification.

"Is this supposed to be a bad thing?" she asked not following along.

" about you sit down lass." Connor suggested as Nolee followed him to the couch while Murphy walked over to Ruby's bouncer and kissed her on the head as she remained content in the contraption.

"Connor, Murphy what is going on? I want answers, now." she demanded pointing a finger at the both of them. The brothers had then explained to her what occurred last night at the station about their sudden vision. A mix of shock and confusion had slowly spread over the girl's face unsure of what to say, and whether she had actually heard them correctly.

"Y-You're both really telling me...that you had a vision...that God gave you both a calling to become vigilantes against bad people?" Nolee replied slowly.

"Precisely yes." Murphy shrugged nodding his head at the same time.

" much did you both drink last night exactly? Besides the typical Irish amount?" she questioned as both brothers scoffed.

"We're not tryin' ta cod ye Nolee."

"We're being totally serious lass." Connor assured while only a small gasp had left her lips.

"Are you both crazy?! You seriously want to be vigilantes, do you know how dangerous that is?! How could you two even think up something like this?"

"I know it sounds insane, but just please hear us out."

"Oh, I'd love for you to enlighten me Murphy." Nolee retorted anxiously.

"Look you and I both know t'at ta crimes bein' committed around Boston are at an all time high. Ta mafiosos are ruling ta streets and shuttin' all kinds of businesses down, forcing good people ta lose their livelihood. I'm ashamed ta say we've been turnin' a blind eye ta it, but it can't be ignored anymore. Somethin' needs ta be done, someone needs ta teach these motherfuckers how ta act. People like Doc who've worked their asses off all their life don't deserve ta have their business taken away from some pompous assholes wouldn't ye agree?" Murphy questioned as Nolee pondered the idea.

"Well yes, but..."

"But nothin' lass. If someone doesn't step up ta plate, they will continue ta harm innocent lives." Connor reasoned.

"We've been given t'at opportunity love, ta finally help ta city. Deliver justice and truth." Murphy added as she attempted to soak in their words. Part of her had somehow understood their logic but the sensible part was on high alert.

"You guys I understand where you're coming from I suppose, I just don't think this is a good idea. I mean you're talking about killing..."

"Let me ask ye somethin' else then Nolee." Murphy replied gently scooting closer to where she sat. "After everythin' ye gone through with Tristan and Foster, ye know better than anyone else t'at no one deserves t'at type of life. Now imagine all ta other helpless girls out t'ere who are dealin' with ta same pain, innocent children havin' ta suffer too. If ye were given ta opportunity ta help them, wouldn't ye?" Murphy hypothesized as the question threw her off balance.

Her eyes flickered slightly thinking the question over. Murphy had been correct that the type of abuse she was subjected to, no one deserved. No one deserved to be forced into a painful situation and feel as there was no hope for freedom. He was also correct about the crime rates going up recently in Boston. There was many reports she'd hear about on the radio at work especially involving the mafias. Even though she was disgusted by what she heard, she too was guilty of turning a blind eye. It hadn't occurred to her until now just how many people possibly were still enduring what she fought so hard to be free from.

"I would..." she whispered to them after a moment of silence.

"We've been called ta help those other women and children, keep 'em safe from ta pieces of shit clogging up Boston with their scare tactics. All t'at evil, we could end it." Connor added.

"But what if you get in trouble with the law? What if you...get hurt?" she whispered once more in fear while Murphy had squeezed her hand.

"We'd be careful with every move we make love. We know we'd have ta be smart about it and remain under ta radar."

"But technically you're implying you'd take their lives first, how does make things any better? There's still lives being lost."

"It would send a message." Connor reasoned as her gaze turned back to him. "It would wake ta bastards ta fuck up and hopefully encourage them ta make change. If someone we're ta give 'em a taste of their own medicine, maybe just maybe they'd cut their shit out." he added firmly. Nolee still felt uneasy at the idea but as it began to sink more and more, she began to think that somehow they were right. Perhaps it wasn't so bad they would take it upon themselves to help other people. Nolee never expected to see the day her moral compass would be tested this extreme. After was for a good cause...wasn't it? It would indirectly help save innocent people from the mafiosos taking over Boston. Connor and Murphy would be the good guys regardless, even if their methods were unconventional.

Maybe she was crazy to consider standing by them...but they were her Irishmen. They'd helped her when she needed it most and despite all that transpired between them, she'd never turn her back on them, especially now. Their proposal was unfathomable yes, but she couldn't find the urge to say no.

"I-I'll go along with it. I may not fully understand it, but I'll support you both." she ultimately decided. A mix of relief and gratefulness seemed to wash over them both as they went into to hug her.

"We knew you wouldn't let us down lass." Connor replied with a small smile.

"We're gettin' justice for ye too, remember t'at." Murphy whispered into her ear making her bite her lip but nod.

"What about Ruby and I, I want to know we'll be safe."

"We will never let ye get caught up in this, we will make sure ye stay out of it." Murphy assured.

"So if you both plan on really doing this, what would I have to do?" she questioned curiously.

"Just keep lovin' us ta way ye do." Murphy answered lightly kissing her jaw. "And if anyone were ta ask ye questions, ye don't answer them."

"Okay." she nodded once more in understanding. "Just promise me you both won't end up hurt, that you'll both come home to Ruby and I. If things get too stop it okay? Sweart to me." she demanded with a shaky voice. Connor and Murphy had looked at each other briefly before nodding.

"We swear Nolee, we swear."

The rest of the night had made Nolee uneasy but allowed the brothers to carry on with their planning. Her life seemed to want to take as many sharp turns as possible. As she stared at them both watching TV simultaneously playing with Ruby, her stomach churned slightly. It was hard to picture the annoying yet lovable twin brothers would soon be vigilantes. A part of her had almost laughed at the irony of it all seeming like some a bad comic book. But crazily enough this was not was indeed real life.

Nolee had put Ruby to bed while Connor and Murphy continued their conversation in the living room. Needing a moment to breathe Nolee had focused on Ruby sleeping in her crib. It wasn't long before she felt familiar hands wrap around her waist.

"Ye know I wouldn't consider this unless I knew it could work." Murphy whispered into her ear.

"As long as you come to home me every night...I'll adjust to it."

"Now t'ats not a problem me beautiful girl."

"What about Kira? What do I tell her?" she questioned curiously unsure if she could keep something this major from her best friend.

"Perhaps ye should wait for Connor and her ta have t'at conversation first."

"Fine. And Rocco?"

"Definitely don't think it's wise ta inform Rocco, given ta people he works for are ta people we're seekin' out." Murphy reasoned awkwardly.

"Okay..." was all she could respond with. "What's your next move then?"

"I don't know..." Murphy admitted quietly. "I need ta talk with Con first." he added turning her around to face him. "But I promise every move we make will be carefully thought out, we're not just goin in ta this blindly."

"Please just be safe. I don't want anything to happen to you, I...I couldn't handle it Murphy." she whispered feeling tears build in the corner of her eyes feeling him squeeze her tighter.

"I'll never leave ye side me love. But if I can make ta world a better place for ye and t'at precious little girl, I won't think twice about it. Ye both deserve ta moon and ta stars." Murphy smiled sweetly as she only wrapped her arms around him tightly burying her face into the crook of his neck.

"We don't need the moon and stars, we just need you."


When Nolee had fallen asleep Murphy quietly undid her arms from his shoulders and let her hands gently fall onto the bedspread. Carefully planting a kiss on her cheek Murphy snuck out of the bed and placed his feet on the floor. The bed had dipped despite his best efforts not to and he quickly looked back to make sure the girl was not disturbed. When she made no sound Murphy quietly walked out of the room back into the living room. Finding Connor watching his western movies, his attention immediately shifted to his twin.

"She okay?" Connor asked with genuine concern.

"It'll take some time ta adjust, she'll be okay though." Murphy assured. "What's our plan?" he asked curiously making Connor shut off the TV.

"I called ta number on Ivan's beeper. There's a Russian crime syndicate being planned at ta Copley Plaza Hotel at 9 pm. Room 701." Connor informed recalling his phone call at the police station earlier this morning.

"Good, we'll intercept it then."

"But first...we're gonna need some weapons."