Status: Complete

Risk It All


The remainder of the night was spent searching for her necklace but to no avail. Nolee felt defeated and hopeless as she retraced her steps back to McGinty's. Kira had tried her best to keep calm for the both of them realizing how serious the situation had been given Nolee's desperation, but didn't fully understand why the necklace was so important, Nolee was in no mood to explain.

Finally giving up her search she called it quits and Kira had once again walked Nolee back to her apartment before they parted ways. Kira was unsure if she should leave her alone, but figured it was best to give her space, after all she had been the one to drag her out in the first place. Nolee slammed her door shut in frustration and slowly slid down the door until she landed on her bottom.

Why did this have to happen to her now? All she tried to do was be normal for once, but it felt like a slap in the face instead. Her fingers caressed the bare skin of neck with one last shred of hope it'd magically appear on her neck again. This time the tears had spilled freely as a mix of guilt and anger flooded her heart and mind. Every few last memories she only had left to cherish, gone just like that. The small quiet apartment had now echoed with sobs, exhausted she buried her head in her hands.

"I'm sorry mom..."


It was blatantly obvious the next morning little had changed with her mood. Nolee had forgotten at which in the point she managed to cry herself to sleep. Her alarm having been a cruel reminder that even if it was a new day, it still sucked.

The walk to work had been boring as ever as she freely wallowed in her misery still upset at herself ignoring the rest of the world around her. She managed to tone it down as she walked into Cosmo's, Kira stood behind the counter with guilty eyes waiting to bestow a million apologies. It helped very little but Nolee knew deep down she couldn't blame Kira for what happened.

"It's okay Kira." she'd say after each apology.

"But I still feel really bad, please don't hate me," Kira pleaded.

"I don't hate you,"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Like sure-sure?"

"Yes, but if you don't stop bugging me now I will start to."


She did her best to distract herself with the duties Cosmo had given her for the day including creating new product posters for the store. The feel and colorful streak of calligraphy pens had been the only thing to cheer her up. The swirl and sleekness it created as it stained the paper was somehow therapeutic to her. Kira had been busy with the food preparations which was her regular duty. Cosmo hadn't really bugged the two of them either except for his 'smile more' speech he repeated every day, but the girls ignored it like usual. Time had passed reasonably at least, the few customers that were in the store had sat in the corner talking amongst themselves. Just as she hung the last poster on the wall, the little alarm sounded off indicating someone had entered the store. Nolee sighed to herself.

Please don't be an asshole customer, please don't be an asshole customer. I just might actually vomit on them this time.

"Hello, welcome to Cosmo's. We encourage you to try our new Cinnamon Dolce Surprise today."

"Aye, did Spicy Taco finally run its course?" a voice questioned casually. Nolee turned her head towards the voice and shook her head.

"You really don't know when to give up do you?" Nolee replied in amazement. Murphy only shrugged in response and Nolee thought she almost saw him blush. The usual smirk he carried was nowhere to be found.

"I just wanted ta' umm...apologize about last night. I didn't mean ta act like an asshole." he explained slightly embarrassed while rubbing the back of his head.

"You didn't mean ta make inappropriate assumptions about someone you don't know?"

"I was already a bit drunk ta' be honest. I know it's no excuse, but I'm sorry. I don't know why I said t'at."

"They say you're the most honest when you're drunk, so surely you must think that somewhat?" Nolee challenged taking the piss out of him.

"I assure ye I don't lass." Murphy answered in a serious tone.

"Well, apology accepted. Is that all?"

"I also came to bring ye back t'is." Murphy explained as he reached into his pocket and held up Nolee's necklace. Her eyes widen as she gasped loudly.

"My necklace," she whispered in shock.

"I found it when I left ta bar on the floor. T'ot it looked familiar." Murphy added as he walked closer to where she stood and gently placed it in her hand. Nolee stared at it as relief washed over her. She also noticed that the chain had been fixed, and it was almost like it had never broke at all. The animosity she felt towards him moments ago had temporarily faded.

"I...thank you." she whispered sincerely. "I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem honest."

"I thought it'd be lost forever." she sighed to herself as she clasped it around her neck.

"I figured it obviously means a lot to ye?" Murphy inquired softly as she nodded.

"It belonged to my mother." Nolee explained opting to give the short version, but she was still surprised she told him that. She could instantly feel herself start to retreat.

"I see." Murphy nodded in response but left it alone noting her expression. "I uhh...t'ot it would be best if we maybe start over. My name is Murphy." he introduced himself and extended a hand. Nolee stared at it for a brief second in hesitation but ultimately accepted the handshake.

"I'm Nolee." she replied kindly deciding to be nice somewhat since he did after all save her some heartache.

"Nice to meet you Nolee." Murphy grinned in return.

"Nice to meet you Murphy." she echoed staring right into his blue eyes. He awkwardly shuffled on his feet before sliding his hands in coat pockets.

"I've got ta get meet me brudder now, but I don't know, maybe we could...hang out sometime?" he asked in a hopeful tone.

"Maybe." was all Nolee could get herself to say giving a nod.

"Cool...I'll umm see ye around t'en." Murphy smiled one more time and gave a wave of goodbye before turning on his heels and leaving. Nolee exhaled a deep breath as she tried to comprehend what just happened and the unexplained feeling she suddenly felt.

"Okay...that was ridiculously sweet." Kira popped her head over the counter as Nolee rolled her eyes as she looked behind her shoulder. Of course she had been standing there watching like a creep.

"I thought you were changing out the bagels?"

"I did." Kira shrugged innocently. "So are you gonna tell me what that was all about?"

"What is there to know?" Nolee replied confused.

"Umm hello, clearly that guy is interested in you." Kira exclaimed as she dramatically waved her hands.

"I highly doubt it, he just returned my necklace."

"Okay, so if that's the case then what did he mean by he's 'sorry about last night?' Kira demanded using bunny quotes. "When did you see him at the bar?"

"It was when I had stepped outside to get some air, he happened to come out and smoke a cigarette."

" convenient."

"You're reading too much ino this already, besides the moment was ruined when he said stuff that was inappropriate while buzzed."

"Like how inappropriate?"

"Just assumptions about my life pretty much."

" least he came and apologized? I mean that has to count for something?"

"So? I still don't know anything about him Kira."

"Then get to know him, he obviously wants to get to know you."

"What if he is secretly some sick murderer, you ever think of that?"

"You're seriously a drama queen Nolee."

"Not every guy you come across is a nice guy Kira." Nolee lamented as she turned on her feet and walked behind the counter and looked down.

"That may be true, but that doesn't mean you have to be negative all the time when it comes to relationships."

"I have my reasons okay?" Nolee retorted in defense but immediately composed herself. "I just... speak from experience trust me."

"Well...I guess I understand..." Kira shrugged as she eyed the shorter girl suspiciously. There was more than what Nolee was saying, but she'd leave it alone...for now. "I just think maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Maybe I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt too much, but what it could hurt getting to know him? I don't know he seems...decent." Kira simply explained with another shrug before walking off towards the back leaving Nolee alone in her thoughts.

She sighed as she hastily wiped down the front counter, what did Kira know anyways? She'd never be able to put herself in Nolee's shoes if she really knew the truth. Trust...was just another five letter word she had forgotten long ago. Nice or not, there was no room for relationships and that was just the way it was.

And Nolee intended to keep it that way.