Status: Complete

Risk It All

All Hallow's Eve

Dozens of children ran through the streets dressed up in all sorts of costumes fully prepared to consume their body weight in sugar, confirming Halloween had definitely arrived in all its glory. When the day had ended Kira had practically dragged Nolee from the shop to her apartment to get ready for the party.

"I can't believe you were about to tell him and you wussed out." Kira scolded once more receiving an eye roll from the other brunette.

"You're really going to hang this over my head aren't you? I told you I tried to tell him, I couldn't get the words out." Nolee replied in frustration feeling as if the conversation had been a broken record at this point. She knew once she told Kira what happened with Murphy and how she almost confessed to him, she'd never hear the end of it.

"Well you better figure out something, like now."

"Maybe you can tell him?" Nolee suggested thoughtfully as the taller girl squinted her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You have no problem being up front and bitchy if the situation calls for it." Nolee explained holding her hands out.

"Is that a compliment or...?" Kira replied confused.

"Definitely a compliment, you aren't afraid to be honest."

"Well thank you, but unfortunately that isn't my place to tell him babe, that's one hundred percent your issue."

"Thanks for your support." Nolee grumbled as Kira only smirked while they walked the rest of the way to Kira's apartment.

"Who knows, maybe he won't even care." Kira spoke up when they reached her front door.

"Somehow I really doubt that."

"Well let's just focus on getting ready first alright? Come on, this is going to be fun!"

"Tell me again why I'm letting you dress me up as if I'm your own personal Barbie doll?" Nolee sighed heavily questioning her decision making these past few weeks, they didn't seem to take her very far.

"Cause you are, so get used to it. Now hurry up and get your prego ass inside." Kira demanded opening her door and stepping aside to let Nolee in first.

"Alright fine sheesh." Nolee retorted begrudgingly and walked inside the apartment. She scanned her new surroundings and was surprised to find Kira's apartment surprisingly neat and tidy, having never been inside before. She had to admit she was half expecting party girl decor to be everywhere or at least wine bottles scattered about.

"Your place is nice."

"Thanks, most of the stuff is from my parents though." Kira replied in what seemed to imply disinterest. Nolee shifted awkwardly on her feet and tried to block the thoughts popping up in her head.

'At least you have parents.'

She followed Kira into her bedroom and waited on what to do next. Kira took several steps forward to her stereo and turned it on. Soon the sound of "Crush" by Jennifer Paige had filled the room, Kira excitedly started to dance as Nolee only looked on uncomfortably.

"This is gonna be so fun! Now sit here." Kira told her pointing to the small vanity table. Nolee hesitantly sat down as Kira studied her fiercely.

" what shall you be tonight?" she pondered aloud as Nolee shrugged her shoulders. Kira turned her eyes to her closet for a brief moment, a loud gasp escaping her mouth when she finished.

"I got it!" she smirked as Nolee prepared for the worst. "You can be the Virgin Mary!" Kira shouted which resulted in her hunching over and howling in laughter. Nolee narrowed her eyes as she watched her in the mirror less than amused.

"Are you finished?"

"Okay I'm done now, I'm sorry." Kira sighed wiping a tear from her eye. "For real this time, I have an idea."


"Out of all the ideas that kept running through your head, you really decided to dress me up as Betty Boop? Am I a joke to you?" Nolee questioned as she observed herself in the mirror, horror etched into her eyes. Kira had taken what seemed an eternity on her and makeup, just to end up in this?

"Oh come on! You're petite just like her and have curly hair! It's so perfect." Kira countered. Nolee squirmed uncomfortably in the mini red strapless dress.

"I feel like I'm gonna burst at the seams." Nolee complained as she grabbed at the red dress. "Of course you'd think it was a good idea to put me in a tight dress."

"You can't even see your bump so don't start to freak out. Besides, you look amazing! The dress suits you way better than it does me. You have some rocking curves girl, I mean look at that ass!"

"Please stop." Nolee begged at the intensity Kira was radiating.

"Murphy's so going to drool when he sees you, might even pop a stiffy."

"Kira I swear to god." Nolee warned.

"It's a good thing you're already pregnant cause..."

"Oh my god, stop!" Nolee screamed as she cupped her hands over her ears. Kira giggled while rolling her eyes.

"I'm kidding jesus, chill out."

"Well it's not funny." Nolee retorted. "And it's not fair you look way better than me." she whined as she looked at Kira in envy who decided to be dead Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice. Kira huffed in frustration and grabbed the smaller girl by her shoulders.

"I said you look amazing damn it and I'm always right. So stop critiquing yourself all the time, you're gorgeous. So just the take frigging compliment okay?!" Kira shouted as Nolee could only stare at her with wide eyes frozen in place, never seeing Kira angry before. The seriousness in her eyes had made Nolee slightly emotional.Whether it was the hormones or the fact that it had been so long for her to remember what it was to have a best friend, tears pricked the corner of her eyes but she blinked them away. Now was not the time to make the mood depressing.

"Thank you Kira." she whispered sincerely. Kira smiled back at her genuinely before letting her shoulders go.

"Of course. Now let's go, we're already late!"


"My god, did you have to pin my hair up so tight though?" Nolee whined as she picked at the pin curls Kira had made to resemble Betty Boop hair, which bugged her the whole way over. Not to mention the whistles they had gotten by random men as well. Kira immediately smacked the small girl's hand away.

"Don't touch! You need them to stay put, don't want them coming undone."

"I still can't believe you made me Betty Boop! What if they laugh at me in there?" Nolee feared as they the door to McGinty's. She could already feel her social anxiety sky rocket at how many people were inside.`

"Umm...there's a guy right there dressed as a maxi pad. I think you'll be just fine." Kira reassured her as she pulled her by the hand inside the bar. The noise intensity immediately increasing as both girls merged through the crowd. Nolee curiously looked at all the costumes people were wearing ranging from Batman to slutty cheetah, it was an interesting scene to say the least. Nolee had involuntarily begun to scan the crowd for Murphy but was unable to spot him.

"Wow what a turn out right? Come with me to get a drink?" Kira beamed turning to Nolee who nodded her head. They made their way to the bar where several men had been standing, all of course turning their attention to Kira as she approached them giving a sweet smile. Putting on the full charm no doubt to get one to buy her a drink, and what do you know it worked. One of the men switched their sights to Nolee and smiled.

"What about ye sweetheart? Can I buy ye a drink?" he offered kindly donning an Irish accent, there was slight disappointment that it wasn't Murphy.

"I'm good thanks." she politely declined letting them go back to fawning over Kira. They spent a good portion of their time at the bar with the guys who continued to spoil Kira with drinks. Nolee had gathered quickly the men were the real Irish locals that came here practically every night. A little rough around the edges, but they were actually pretty funny. Nolee felt a bit more at ease for once being at a bar, it made up for the last time she had came.

"Is that a smile? Are you actually enjoying yourself?" Kira asked shocked as she realized Nolee hadn't complained once since they walked in.

"Maybe..." Nolee shrugged casually as Kira gasped.

"You're finally coming out that depressing turtle shell of yours, I'm so proud of you." Kira whispered wiping away fake tears.

"Gee thanks." Nolee responded turning her eyes back to the large crowd and frowning. Where was he?

"You're searching for him aren't you?" Kira noted raising her eyebrow at the smaller girl who quickly looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she replied defensively. "Anyways I gotta pee." Nolee added standing up from her seat and Kira nodded. She awkwardly maneuvered her way through the increasingly rowdy dancing crowd and barely made it to the bathroom before her bladder burst.

"Oh thank god." she whispered in sweet relief before exiting the stall and washing her hands. She winced as she adjusted the bobby pins in hair, it was going to be a pain in the ass to take them out when she got home. Rolling her eyes Nolee quickly dried her hands and exited the bathroom back into the madness. She could no longer see Kira through the people and became anxious.

"Hey Betty Boop, wanna dance with me?" a voice called out to her as she turned in its direction. A young slender man was staring at her with anticipation that immediately made her nervous.

"Umm I can't sorry, I'm looking for someone-"

"Aww don't be like that honey." he persisted grabbing her by the waist as she gasped. She cringed when she realized his breath reeked of alcohol.

"Let me go." she demanded as he only laughed.

"Don't be that way baby, just dance with me. You look so hot." he replied forcing her to sway with him as she squirmed under his grasp.

"Let me go!" she shouted feeling the familiar panic and nausea spread throughout her body. The way he was aggressive and the way he was like he was...

"Ta girl said let her go." a deep familiar voice chimed in and both Nolee and the man turned their eyes to the voice. The look in his eyes had frightened the man enough to where he let go of Nolee's waist.

"Sorry man." he apologized fearfully before walking away. Nolee felt frozen for a moment before she could move her feet.

"Connor." she whispered in surprise. "T-thank you." she told him gratefully. Connor only stared at her carefully before his face suddenly turned to annoyance.

"Maybe ye oughta be a little more careful ye?" he scolded her before turning on his heels and walking away. Nolee stood frozen in shock at the cold reaction from him, did she do something to him? A lump built up in her throat as she blinked away tears, damn hormones at it again. Feeling overwhelmed she pushed her way through the crowd and back to the bar. Further feeling crappy when she realized Kira had disappeared.

"Great." she sighed as she walked a couple steps closer to the counter.

"What can I get ye little lass?" an elderly man with thick glasses and white hair asked kindly.

"Can I just have a water?"

"Sure ye can. Fuck! Ass!" he suddenly yelled as she stared him completely speechless.

"He's not talkin' to you personally sweetheart. That's Doc, he's got Tourettes." the man sitting next to her explained amused at her shocked reaction. She turned her head to a large man with shaggy dark hair and a full grown beard.

"Oh." she was all could say.

"Hey, are you Betty Boop? I love Betty Boop! Very classy lady." the shaggy haired man exclaimed with a smile. Nolee involuntarily laughed, there was nothing alarming about him that registered with her. He seemed pretty innocent enough.

"I am, yes."

"Now that is impressive. Much cooler than all the girls dressed as cats I keep seeing." he replied rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Well thank you, I appreciate that." Nolee giggled.

"I'm Rocco by the way, nice to meet you."

"I'm Nolee." she responded kindly before the bells went off in her mind. "Rocco!" she repeated at the familiarity and smiled at the coincidence. "I've heard about you."

"Wait what have you heard?" Rocco questioned with eyes widening in paranoia. "And who did you hear it from? Was it Pappa Joe?"


"Oh okay good, then uhh forget I said anything." Rocco laughed nervously before concentrating on his beer.

"Okay..." Nolee mumbled confused and shook her head as she drank her water. Why was it when she finally started to feel decent, things suddenly decided to go wrong?

"Nolee?" another voice appeared from behind her. Nolee instantly recognized it and turned around nervously.

"Murphy." she replied surprised. "I didn't think you were coming after all."

"Aye, well better late t'an never ye?" he joked with a smile. His eyes had then scanned her outfit and she could see his eyes widen a bit before looking back at her.

"Betty Boop? Wow..." was all Murphy remarked. Suddenly feeling self conscious she wrapped an arm around her waist.

"I know, I look ridiculous don't I?

"No..." Murphy gasped shaking his head. "Quite ta opposite actually lass."

"Oh." she blushing. "Well thank you." she added awkwardly. Almost as if he could read her mind, he approached her closer.

"You seem flustered, want ta go outside for a bit?" he whispered knowingly as she looked at him and nodded. He smiled before lightly taking her by the hand and guiding her through the crowd keeping her close to him until they got outside. Nolee gratefully inhaled the fresh cold air.

"Things gettin' a little crazy in t'ere or what?" Murphy teased.

"Just a little bit." she nodded.

"Are ye okay?" his voice was now filled with concern.

"I am now thank you." Nolee replied gently.

"Of course."

"I ended up losing Kira, I'm not sure where she went."

"She's probably still inside, maybe saw a friend. I wouldn't worry yet." he reasoned.

"Yeah." she replied persuading herself to agree with him to keep from getting worried. "So how come you're so late?" she joked attempting to change the subject.

"Just had some ta stuff ta deal with is all." he answered simply leaning back against the brick wall and as typical he reached for his pack of cigarettes in his jeans. Nolee felt curiosity in her burn not fully believing him but let it go, it wasn't her business to pry anyways.

"You know I don't think your brother likes me very much." she added recalling the encounter with Connor she just had.

"Ye, well Connor doesn't like a lot of people. Don't take it personal tho' lass. But just curious, why do ye t'ink t'at?" he inquired lighting his cigarette.

"I just...ran into him inside and when he saw me he sort of brushed me off." she lied not wanting to talk about Connor actually saving her from some drunk pervert.

"Aye, he can get in a bit of a mood sometimes. Especially after havin' a call with our Ma, she tends ta get emotional every now and t'en. It's been hard for her since our Da left." he explained taking a slow drag.

"That's got to be hard. I'm sorry." Nolee whispered unsure as to what to say back.

"It's okay." he answered shrugging his shoulders. "Just how life is. She still managed somehow ta raise us bastards." he added with a smirk making her half smile. There was yet another comfortable silence between them as Murphy continued to smoke his cigarette, Nolee was glad for the slight breeze that pushed the smoke in the opposite direction from her.

"Ye know, I wasn't kiddin' when I said ye look good." he spoke.

"Are you flirting me with Murphy?" Nolee accused.

"If I said yes, are ye goin' ta hurt me?"

"On any other given day most likely. But since it's Halloween, I'll let it slide."

"Thank ye lass, but I promise I'm not tryin' ta perv. Just speakin' ta truth." Murphy justified finishing his cigarette and putting it out.

"Well thank you Murphy." she whispered shyly. Somehow his words hadn't seem to be off putting like it normally would coming from any other guy. Hearing it from Murphy, it almost made her feel good. Maybe it was pleasing to hear after the night going awry, or maybe she was just tired.

"No thanks necessary."

"Hey, you're not dressed up. That's not fair." she realized noticing he was still in his jeans and black long sleeved shirt.

"I don't really do costumes lass." Murphy explained lifting his hands up in disinterest.

"Why not?"

"When ye already naturally impressive, t'eres not really a point is t'ere? How many bad ass Irish men do ye know?" he teased.

"Mm, and let me guess the ladies just go instantly crazy over you when you arrive right?" Nolee shot back with sass.

"I don't know a pretty girl is talkin' to me now, guess I'm doin' good so far." Murphy countered. Nolee blushed in response at the unintentional flirting that seemed to be taking place. She knew she was treading dangerous territory at this point.

"I umm I better go find Kira." she told him as she made a move in attempt to go back inside. Unaware of the large brick that was in front of her right foot, she gasped loudly as she tripped over it and braced herself for the impact that was about to come.

"Christ lass," Murphy called out as he swiftly caught her in time before she could fall. Nolee felt his warm arms wrap around her waist and hold onto her tightly. She breathed heavily when she realized her face was only inches from hers. She shivered at noticing how intense the color of his eyes could be, as if he could gaze into her soul. Her attention shifted to the small mole just above the left side of his lip, not noticing it before. The smell of mint and cigarettes had seemed to radiate off of him.

She waited for Murphy for to pull her back up but he only held onto her. The same curiosity seemed to been inside him as well.

What am I doing? she questioned upon realizing that it had felt rather comfortable in his arms.

What the hell am I doing?

"Murphy..." she whispered carefully to him, alarmed that the more he looked at her the more his rosy lips looked inviting. As if he had read her mind once again, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Her eyes widened at the action but she couldn't find the will to pull away. Her eyes quickly closed concentrating on how his lips were soft and glided along hers smoothly enough to make her not care about the mint cigarette laced taste. When he finally pulled away, there was split second of her being disappointed that he did. When her eyes opened she realized what she had just done. Panic filled her eyes as she could feel the word vomit rising rapidly in her throat as she looked up at him.

"Murphy, I'm pregnant."