Leb Die Sekunde


I sat in silence, it was cold outside, a bit breezy, but I never minded that when I was deep in thought. I was sitting at the edge of my balcony outside of my room.

I was in a content mood, thinking about random things to keep my mind clear off of 2 different things. Looking down at the quiet Germany streets. My next door neighbor , who is like the mother I never had, Ms. Poche was outside watering hr garden with her cat Sedra, who was laying down lazily at her feet. My other neighbor, Mr. Forks, was mowing his lawn. He glanced up and gave me a quick wave and went back to work. I inhaled the sweet pine scent from the breeze and sighed softly. The wind picked up so I wrapped my thermal around me warmly and decided to head back inside with my friends. As I walked in, Bill looked up and smiled.

“Sind Sie getan Denken?” he asked, and the rest of them looked up and smiled at me. They really never seemed to mind when I left to think or clear my head.

“Ja im gehend zu gehen erhalten Sie Tee” I mumbled and walked into the kitchen, where my father was sitting down drinking a cup of coffee I assumed. He looked up and smiled.

“Hey Emily.”

“Hi dad, where‘s Katie” I mumbled and poured some tea from the stove into a mug and leaned on the counter, fidgeting with my sweater. Katie was my younger sister of one year.

“At her friends.”

“Oh.” I said and stood quiet for a while.

“Judging by your silence Emily, I assume you haven’t told the boys yet, haven’t you?” he asked getting up and placing his cup in the sink and looking at me.

“Nein, they are my best friends daddy, I don’t want this affect us all.” I frowned sadly and took a sip of my tea. He sighed and shook his head,

“Emily, you better tell them soon, they are bound to find out and you know it honey.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Emily Marie, I pray you do, if they find out themselves they’d be upset with you for not telling them. Mostly Tom. ” he said softly and with that, he walked out. I sighed and put my cup in the sink and turned to enter the living room. The scene before me was just to funny to bare, Gustav and Bill were on the floor wrestling and Georg and Tom were bickering about some unknown subject, and whatever Tom said to Georg, he was on the floor within 2 seconds. I laughed and clapped my hands together.

“Seien Sie miteinander nett!” I shouted and sat in the love seat. They laughed and got up from the floor and Tom took a seat next to me and kissed my cheek.

“What movie are we watching Emily?” Gustav asked going through my DVD rack next to the flat screen.

“Strayed!” I nearly yelled and they all shook their heads with laughter.

“Oh mein gott, Sie und Gaspard Ulliel!” Tom groaned smugly.

“Someone’s jealous!” Bill teased Tom as Gustav put the movie in the DVD player. He stood up and narrowed his eyes at Tom and I.

“I wanted to sit in the love seat!” he whined. I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at him and Tom laughed.

“Too bad, we were here first get over it.” I laughed. Gustav knitted his eyebrows together and he smirked in a evil way and sat on me. He was really heavy compared to me and I panicked.

“Get off!” I screamed, he shifted a little and smiled.

“You’re very comfortable.”

“bitte! erhalten Sie weg!” I begged nearly in tears and struggled to push him off me, he leaned on me and I finally pushed him off and scampered into my room and out to the balcony again, only this time crying. I breathed in and out softly and in the silence the door clicked and immediately two arms wrapped around me, and I knew who it was.

“Tomi,” I cried and turned around and buried my face into his chest. He hushed me and rocked us back and forward for a while until I calmed down.

“Im hier, was war dass ganz über Liebe?” he asked softly and kissed my forehead. I sighed and pulled away from him and sat on the balcony.

“He was just to heavy, I just freaked out.” I said and looked over the streets again. He came and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Emily, there’s more to that. I know you too much.” he said softly. I felt a wave of sadness and other unknown feelings wash over me for no reason. It was silent for a while until he sighed and asked me to to say something.

“I don’t know if you want to know Tom.”

“I do, I cant stand to see you like this.”

“Tom, flippte ich nur heraus aus, als Gustav, der auf mir gesessen wurde, weil… Tom war, im, ein Kind tragend, Ihr Kind.” I sighed, I never wanted him to no but I would never be ale to hide it for so long. It was silent for a few minutes until I spoke up again.


“sind Sie sicher?”

“Ja Tom”

“Mein Gott, we' Reso junger Emily, 14! Halten Sie es?” he asked, eyes wide in shock. I nodded and felt tears well up in my eyes.

“I need time to think.” he muttered and got up and stretched his arms and headed to the door. I got up too and followed him out to the living room.

“Tom, please don’t leave.” I begged, tears spilling over. Bill, Georg, and Gustav were staring at us, unaware of what the situation exactly was .

“I' ll Anruf Sie, wenn mein Kopf freier Emily ist.” he said. Without looking at me, he picked up his hoodie and walked out the door. I began to cry more and my dad came in and hugged me, making it obvious that he heard everything, and asked the boys to leave. I waited days for Tom to call, the days turned into weeks and soon weeks turned to months. Every time I called his cell, he did’t pick up and eventually and my dad moved Katie and I to another part of town.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest prologue ever right? Well i hope I have some comments and subscribers, I'm putting it out for this story (no in that way nasty trashy hoes, n.n) I wont be putting a lot of German like i did now in the rest of the stories, if you are craving more TH i recommend you read Ready Set Go and Schrei So Laut Du Kannst *shameless plugging* Muahah :D


Sind Sie getan Denken? = Are you done thinking?
Ja im gehend zu gehen erhalten Sie Tee=Yes, im going to go get tea.
“Oh mein gott, Sie und Gaspard ulliel!” -= oh my god you and gaspard ulliel!
bitte! erhalten Sie weg!= please! get off!
Im hier, was war dass ganz über Liebe?= im here, what was that about love?
Tom, flippte ich nur heraus aus, als Gustav, der auf mir gesessen wurde, weil… Tom war, im, ein Kind tragend, Ihr Kind=
Tom the reason why i freaked when Gustav sat on me was because...Tom im carrying a child, your child.
sind Sie sicher?=are you sure?
Ja Tom= Yes, Tom
Mein Gott, we' Reso junger Emily, 14! Halten Sie es= My god were so young emily, 14! Are you keeping it?
I' ll Anruf Sie, wenn mein Kopf freier Emily ist.= Ill call you when my head is clear emily.