Leb Die Sekunde

Persistent Knockers Come With Great Surprises...

How long has it been since I've been cooped up in my room? Days? Weeks? I wasn't quite sure. Ever since I had snapped I kind of just shut down no other words would explain it. I wouldn't answer my phone or let anyone in the door.

Once again, my phone was ringing non-stop. Who would be calling me? I groaned and stood in bed, my eyes stung from tears that had been shed earlier today, I had had Hayden on my mind again.
Who knew something, no, someone, so unexpected had had such and impact on my life? Of course she would, she was my own blood and I needed her.

There was rapid knocking on my door, I chose to ignore it and after a while it had stopped, but then continued a minute or two later. The knocking turned into loud bangs and thuds. What the hell? Ugh.

"Who is it!" I screamed from my room, I highly doubted they heard me. There was no response. I sighed and threw myself in the pillow and screamed into it as the knocking began to ascend once more.

Finally, I had gotten up and slowly walked into the living room and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm coming! Scheiße!" I grumbled and opened the deadbolt and then the top chain and yanked the door open.

"What do you want?" I snapped before looking to see who it was.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" I glanced up and found Mrs. Poche standing right in front of me. For a little women, she was a persistent knocker!

"Oh my, Mrs. Poche. I'm terribly sorry, please come in!" I said kindly and straightened my self out a bit. The elderly woman stepped into my apartment and took a seat at the couch.

"I'm sorry dear, to burst in like this, your sister had given me your address."

"Katie did? Why?"

"Well darling, I have some interesting news for you, please sit. Is Tom around?" she asked kindly, my blood boiled at the mention of him.

"No, he isn't. What is the news? Could I get you anything?"

"Would you happen to have tea?"

"Of course." I said and got up and headed to the kitchen and boiled a pot and brought out two cups after.

"Emily, you look like such a mess."

"I know," I sighed and took a sip of my tea, "What is your news? When did you talk to Katie?"

"Well, honey I was walking around the gala a day or two ago and I had run into Katie there, my lord has she gotten big! Well, she had explained to me your situation with Hayden and Tom. She had told me Tom and the others have said you wouldn't leave your house or answer any calls for the past few days. Being the concerned woman I was, I had to check on you, so Katie had given me your address. And later that day, I happened to have met up with my niece Carmen, who worked for CPS and she just so happened to be one of the people working on your case-"

"She knows who made these terrible accusations on me?"

"Yes dear, and being the kind sneaky girl she is, she is attempting to sneak your file and let us know who had made the reports."

"Oh my goodness, you're lying!"

"I do not lie."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said and got up to hug the tenderly woman.

"Its not a problem at all honey, you are like a daughter to me."

"And you are like a mother to me." I said. My actual mother was not with us, she had died giving birth to Katie. A year later, my dad had met a woman named Victoria, who was at first like a mother to me, so Katie and I took the liberty of calling her 'Mom'. But then I had noticed she had taken a better interest of ignoring Katie and I no sooner after she married my dad, whom was to blinded with love -and still is- to see had not wanted to do anything with us at all. Which brought our lovely neighbor Mrs. Poche to have fun and play house and make cookies with, whom we had hung out with everyday after school and etc, all the things you would do with a true mother.

"Now Emily, I want you to get yourself and this place cleaned up and try to have a little fun tonight. With whoever you desire, maybe some boy you meet in a restraunt...." she winked and got up and grabbed her purse.

"Katie," I laughed and helped her out the door. "I'll see what I can do, come by anytime you'd like. I'll be here." I smiled and waved as she left. Who knew that this little old woman could make my day so much better than ever.

After she had left, I immediately began to clean up and took a nice long shower. Just as I got out, my phone began to ring. This time, instead of ignoring it, I ran to it, clad in a towel, and answered it immediately.


"Emily? Hi, it's Cameron, I've been trying to reach you for the past few days....."

"Oh hello Cameron! I'm sorry! I've just been.....busy. What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd be free for dinner tonight?"

"Of course I am, that'd be wonderful."

"Great, how about I pick you up in an hour?"

"Perfect, I'll see you then." I hung up and smiled.

It's time I'd reinvent myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe, im watching my kitty's wrestle.

Who do you think called in on Emily?
How do you think her date will go?

Commenters get to play with Bill's mane.

Click here to add Emily on myspace! and check out her blogs and posts for hints of what goes on in the next updates, exclusive photos of her and Hayden and be sure to check out her Roleplay Blog!