Leb Die Sekunde

A secret or two

My dinner with Cameron had me more excited than ever. It has been a long time since I've been on a date, and I didn't want to screw up. After getting off the phone with him I smiled and ran to my closet to raid it for some decent clothes.

I soon became frustrated not being able to find anything and realized that there was a white thrift shop bag in the corner of my room. I walked to it slowly and opened it, revealing my yellow sundress, capris, a red top...and Hayden's clothes I had bought her.

I pulled out the little pink sundress that matched my yellow one for her and stared at it. The material was soft and beautiful and had little flowers embroidered on the bottom.

How long has it been since I had gone in her room?

I got up and pulled out some more clothes I had for her and walked to her room. I stopped outside of the door and twisted the white plastic knob and stepped in slowly. I flicked on the Cinderella night light and the room was the same as she left it.


I almost smiled and turned to her drawers. As I sat on the floor, I began to put away her clothes and pull off the tags as I went.

After completing my task, I stared at the picture of me and her going down a slide, taken by Paul, on top of her shelf by her teddy bears.

When I had realized I had less than thirty minutes to get ready, I jumped up and ran out of her room and into my own. I pulled on the red top and capris with black flats and put on some lip gloss and then curled the bottom of my hair.

By the time I had finished, the door bell rang and I got up to go answer it. My smile had vanished when I had found Tom at the door way instead of Cameron.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how you were doing, you wouldn't answer the door or anyone's calls. I can see you do now......where are you going?" he said after noticing that I was all dressed up.

"I'm going out with Katie."

"That is a lie, I just talked to her." he said, peeved that I was not telling the truth.

"What? Are you stalking everything I do now Tom?" I snapped. Just as we about to respond, Cameron walked up behind him with some flowers.

"Is there a problem here? " he asked. Tom whirled around and narrowed his eyes at Cameron and then the flowers.

"No, there isn't. I can see you two are doing something, so I'll leave but watch it bro, she may have a secret or two." Tom said and glared at us before walking away.

"Was that Tom Kaulitz? What did he mean by secret or two?" Cameron said to me after watching Tom storm off.

"Yes that was, oh are those for me?" I asked referring to the roses.

"Yes, they are." he smiled and handed them to me. I took them and smiled at them. They weren't just plain red roses, but there were blue and yellow ones.

"Wow, these are so beautiful. Thank you, please come in." I said and stepped aside for him to walk in.

"Nice place, It seems cozy."

"It really is, I'm going to go put these in some water." I said and walked into the kitchen to find a vase.

"It's dark in here." Cameron laughed from the hallway, making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh, I just like to save power, so I usually shut everything off before I leave...is that weird?" I said after finding a nice beige vase with sparrows decorated on it.

"No it isn't, but you left a light on though."

"Oh, please turn it off for me."

"No problem."

"Thanks." I said while filling the vase up with and placing the roses in it, then setting it on the counter.

"Emily, what...what is this?" he asked. I followed his voice into the hall into the lighted room and stopped in the door way.

Cameron was standing in the middle of Hayden's room and the light that was left on was the Cinderella lamp.

"I-it's umm, oh shit." I sighed and sat on the little bed ad put my head in my hands.

"Cameron, I was going to tell you later on but since you already can tell....I have a daughter."

"You have a daughter? Is that what Tom meant?"

"Yes, I do."

"Wait...that little girl on tv? She's Tom's daughter. Is that your daughter to?" he asked, confused.

"Yes..oh I hope that's not a problem, is it?"

"No, not all. You can tell me more about her and you over dinner. Come on we have reservations at that new restraunt by the beach." he smiled and took my hand and shut off the light and leading me out of the room.

After Dinner, Cameron and I were walking along the beach. I had his jacket wrapped over my shoulders and was telling him more about Hayden, on his insistence, without crying for once.

"That sucks, I hope you find out who did." he said after I told him from the beginning of when I had told tom was pregnant to the very last of Mrs. Poche coming over and feeding me information. We were now sitting in the sand watching the waves glow in the night.

"I know, I just hope I have her soon." I sighed and

"I would never leave you if I were Tom, I love children." he said softly. I looked up and blushed a little.

"Aw, that's sweet. Thank you."

"You're welcome, we should get going now." he said as the breeze picked up. He stood up and reached a hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. Instead of letting go, he held my hand and smiled at me.

We walked to his black volvo and he opened the door for me. I climbed in and buckled myself in as he closed the door and ran to the drivers side.

He walked me to my apartment slowly and I wished the night would never end. But unfortunately, it had to when we reached my door.

"This night was amazing, thank you so much for dinner." I said, smiling.

"Not a problem at all, it'd be nice to see you again." he said fiddling with his fingers.

"I'd like that." I smiled, he look up and smiled too.

"Great, I'll call you. Goodnight." he said and reached down and kissed me.

"Goodnight." I smiled as he pulled away. It has been so long since I've kissed someone. It was like my second first kiss, the only other person I've ever kissed was... well you guess. He smiled and walked away with a wave and I opened the door and screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tom is a bitch.
So am I.
So you know now him and emily are not getting back together......or are they?!
Um, I bet youre still wondering who called?
Well, you aren't finding out yet.